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Watch free LeetCode video ▶ solutions on the problem page itself.
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Description from store
I have completely updated the extension to work with the NEW UI of LeetCode, including the dynamic UI layout.
This has been long time coming and has been requested so many times by you guys. Thanks for supporting the extension so much and yeah, keep LeetCoding! (Stay tuned for more new exciting features)
With LeetCode Video Solutions extension, you can watch helpful video solutions of a problem without leaving the problem page!
Now you don't have to be distracted by watching cat videos on YouTube when you should be solving a LeetCode problem!
When using the extension, you can see the solution videos' duration, upload date, views, channel and other information.
The solutions are sourced from all over the internet and they are in different programming languages and cover different solving techniques and algorithms.
Using Firefox?:
Report any bugs/ suggest features to the developer: Soumya (@geekysrm) on Twitter 🐜
Don't forget to give a review on the Reviews tab if this extension helped you! :) ⭐
Buy Me a Coffee if you really love this and want to support me: ☕
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-04) 1160 - BCS4B -Swaraat Chatterjee: IN NEW UI NOT ABLE TO FIND THE OPTION OF THE VIDEO SOLN
- (2023-10-04) Shubham Sharma: Now , in the new Leetcode UI where I can find the video solution section? Can you please help me and others who those struggling with this same problem? Maybe you can add a video as you uploaded for older version.
- (2023-09-24) Георгий Кораблёв: Doesn't work with new UI. Error in console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'innerText') at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (app.js:73:9) at Object.callCallbacks (arrive.min.js:48:45) at arrive.min.js:204:17 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at MutationObserver.t (arrive.min.js:195:13) at MutationObserver.<anonymous> (arrive.min.js:132:19)
- (2023-09-10) Somyansh: good video solutions.......................must add
- (2023-06-17) Illia T: it does not work and its not open-sourced so that we can contribute to release the new version faster
- (2023-05-14) Likheet Shetty: Can u make a button to not show the "Wait! Switch to Old UI" popup anymore? I like the new UI and if I dont get the answer I switch to the old one to see the solution.
- (2023-02-07) Swayam Pattanaik: appreciate the idea, but it doesnt seems to work anymore, as shown in the tutorial video. Please look into the matter.
- (2023-01-09) Suleman Khan: Its really helpful extension but this extension doesnt on leetcode new ui Please update extension for new ui also thanks
- (2022-11-30) ViveK Panchal: i really like the extension also hoping you would make it work with new Ui of leetcode
- (2022-11-15) Mukul Upadhyay: It was very good but after the latest updates it is not working on the old UI as well.
- (2022-11-10) Stephan Branczyk: Thank you! Clicking on my profile picture and selecting "Revert to old design" in the menu worked for me!
- (2022-10-20) Rahul K: Hi. I am not able to use this extension now. I don't see the option 'Revert to old UI'
- (2022-10-04) Ankush Sheoran: This is not working now. Please do the changes or check for error whatever possible.
- (2022-10-02) Albin Davis: I was using this extension from last few months but now leetcode has been updated there website so its not working for that. This was very useful to me, so could you please update for new changes.
- (2022-09-19) Vinay Bhamre: Hey, Extension is awesome and I have been using it for some time but today it just stopped working, can you please check what's the issue?
- (2022-09-07) Kunal Chand: Amazing extension. Exactly what I was looking for. One question, how does your extension identify the solution videos? Does the API search for the videos with respect to the keyword of the problem?
- (2022-08-20) Preetham Sai: working well
- (2022-08-02) Aarush Agarwal: Doesn't work for me anymore unfortunately
- (2022-06-26) Md Rohit: i just loved it.
- (2022-06-24) JASWANTH M: It's superb. Is there a safari extension for the same
- (2022-06-23) GARVISH PANCHAL: what an awesome extension, thanks!!!
- (2022-06-06) Sidhant Khamankar: Can you provide a hyperlink to title video solution with youtube search link parameterized with problem name
- (2022-06-04) dipesh joshi: hello ,for me it cant work can u solve this .for my lots of friend sits working if u could solve then please tell me
- (2022-05-31) Shrihari Kulkarni: The extension has stopped working from today, not sure why
- (2022-03-02) Dev P: Good plugin! But suddenly stopped working. The problem is when I click on the `Video Solutions` tab, nothing happens. I am on Chrome version `Version 98.0.4758.109 (Official Build) (x86_64)`.
- (2022-02-23) Ayush: Not working, plz fix it.
- (2022-02-01) Daniel Tatarkin: This extension is super helpful for quickly finding solution videos, I didn't understand its value until it stopped working for a bit. 2/1/2022 - works now! Thanks 1/27/2022 - stopped working
- (2022-01-09) V K: It is a great extension but somehow it stopped working now. I tried reinstalling but it remain the same. plz let me know how to make it work.
- (2021-12-03) Sourav Narayan: Thank you, It was really helpful developer
- (2021-09-19) Chidinma Afamefuna: I really love this extension but it seems to have stopped working for me. Any ideas whats wrong please?
- (2021-08-28) pulkit sood: sometimes it stops working . i dont know why. but apart from that it is the best extension i have . and this makes leet coding amazing . as leet code has video solutions only for 50/2000 problems . this extension is just like the leet code premium version .
- (2021-08-01) Divyanshu Chaudhari: Just saving one copy paste operation..Not that big a deal
- (2021-07-08) shubhajit sarkar: The app is good But Recently it is not working. I have tried to reinstall it but same results. Please fix this asap.
- (2021-06-01) Rittik Kumar: Could you tell me how to resolve this problem?? ,sometime it suddenly stop working after click on video solution it is not working at moment. otherwise this extension very helpful.
- (2021-04-08) Stanislav Modrák: Awesome! Slight rendering glitches present at times but that's okay. I wonder what the order of the videos the're presented in is based on however.
- (2021-02-12) athul jyothis: 5 star just for existence.
- (2021-01-04) Kalyana Srinivas: Awesome application. Keep up the great work! I've shared this application among my friends.
- (2020-12-20) Dhwaj Sharma: Not working!
- (2020-12-19) Anirban Gorai: Love the extension! Great work! :)
- (2020-12-15) ankita dash: Very helpful extension.
- (2020-12-14) Maya Kataria: its really good extension available for leetcode. It has saved a lot of time while looking for explaination of solution
- (2020-12-14) Suresh Mangs: Really liked it. Keep up the good work.
- (2020-12-14) Tanuj M: Solutions in all languages would be great
- (2020-12-14) Sarmistha Mohanty: It is really helpful !
- (2020-12-13) Sanjay Santhanam: Very useful. Helps alot.
4.4444 (72 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-21 / 5.0.3
Listing languages