Description from extension meta
Auto save transcripts and Live AI assistance
Image from store
Description from store
Key Features:
Microsoft OATH2, No need signup
Enhanced Live Captions:
1. Seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Teams to provide enhanced live captions
2. Automatically save meeting transcripts as VTT (WebVTT) files to your local storage
3. Separated VTT for yourself
AI Assistance
1. Offer real-time AI-powered assistance
2. Shortcut action to AI for summary, QnA, actions, issues, meeting minutes
3. Customizable shortcuts
Default shortcuts for Assistance:
1. Sum: Summarize the meeting.
2. Respond: Request suggestions on what to respond to at the moment.
3. Answer: Receive a suggested answer for the last question.
4. Actions: Highlight action items arising from the meeting.
5. Issues: Identify main challenges or issues discussed.
6. *Minutes: Generate meeting minutes for documentation purposes.
Automatically run actions with '*' at beginning, and save chat history