Description from extension meta
Das Sicherheitstool schützt Sie vor Web3-Betrügereien, indem es Transaktionen überprüft und Phishing-Websites erkennt
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Description from store
Web3 Antivirus (W3A) bietet eine entscheidende zusätzliche Sicherheitsebene, wenn Sie Ihre Krypto-Wallet anschließen oder Websites im Web3 besuchen. Durch Transaktionssimulation und proaktive Phishing-Erkennung warnt W3A Sie vor möglichen Risiken bevor Sie Ihre Wallet verbinden oder etwas signieren.
Im Web3 kann eine einzige falsche Signatur Sie all Ihre Kryptoassets kosten. W3A zeigt Ihnen genau, was Sie unterzeichnen, und hebt die möglichen Konsequenzen verdächtiger Transaktionen hervor.
So schützt es Sie
🛡️ Transaktionsanalyse
* Schützt Sie vor über 60 Arten von Betrug: Honeypots, Wallet Drainers, schädliche Transaktionen, gefälschte Tokens, Poisoning-Angriffe und mehr.
* Simuliert Transaktionen, um das mögliche Ergebnis zu zeigen, und markiert riskante Vorgänge.
🛡️ Schutz vor Krypto-Phishing
* Phishing und Identitätsbetrug zählen zu den häufigsten Betrugsmaschen im Web3.
* W3A warnt Sie sofort, wenn Sie eine Phishing-Website aufrufen, und schützt damit Ihre Wallet und Tokens.
🛡️ Riskante Token-Freigaben & Wallet-Gesundheits-Dashboard
* Widerrufen Sie hochriskante Token-Freigaben.
* Überprüfen Sie Ihre Web3-Aktivitäten und häufig genutzte dApps.
* Bewerten Sie jede Wallet-Adresse, bevor Sie interagieren – alles in einem praktischen Dashboard
🔐 Privacidad
Web3 Antivirus fragt niemals nach Ihrer Seed-Phrase oder persönlichen Daten und hat keinen Zugriff auf Ihre Wallet oder Assets.
🔍 Transparencia
Dieses Open-Source-Tool für Wallet-Sicherheit lädt die Community dazu ein, den Code auf GitHub zu prüfen und beizutragen:
🧩 Esta herramienta de seguridad Web3 actualmente soporta Ethereum y protege Metamask, Coinbase Wallet y BitKe
Versionshinweise v0.17
* Neuer Rug Pull-Detektor
* Integration mit DeBank
* Einstellungen für Integrationen
* Design- und Leistungsverbesserungen
Versionshinweise v0.16
* Bedeutende Verbesserungen der Betrugserkennung
* Leichte und geek (degen) Modi
* Berichtsergebnisse teilen
* UI/UX-Verbesserungen
Versionshinweise v0.15
* Abonnieren Sie Echtzeitwarnungen und Benachrichtigungen direkt vom Dashboard.
* Verbesserte Algorithmen für eine bessere Erkennung bösartiger Signaturen.
* Erweiterte Bedrohungserkennungsfähigkeiten mit zusätzlichen Sicherheitsdetektoren.
* Verschiedene Fehler behoben und Systemleistung verbessert.
Versionshinweise v0.14
* Design and performance improvements
Versionshinweise v0.13
* Enhanced WalletConnect transaction analysis.
* Detection of website-injected malicious smart contract code.
* Transaction analysis now 3x faster.
* Improved gas price evaluation algorithms.
* Expanded contract insights, highlighting attributes and risks.
* New activity charts for contract, token, and collection trades.
* Advanced analysis for proxy contracts and wash trading.
* Quicker balance calculations in the Dashboard.
* Upgraded design and notifications for an improved user experience.
Versionshinweise v0.12
* Major extension redesign
* Refined risk display layout
* Detection of new risks: No DEX pair, Volatile token liquidity, and Token-draining transaction
* Enhanced risk detection & transaction simulations
* Fine-tuned calculation mechanism in Portfolio value and Value at risk widgets
Versionshinweise v0.11
* View potential DEX token pairs
* Calculate buy/sell commissions
* Improved detection for contracts' custom white/blacklists
* Identification of new honeypot scams
* Spanish/English language switch
* Enhanced design and performance
* Real-time push notifications
Versionshinweise v0.10
* New detects: direct transfer, phishing website, phishing contract, and phishing swap.
* Upgraded honeypot scam detection featuring details of different honeypot types.
* Identification of suspicious activities within addresses linked to the contract a user interacts with.
* Wallet Health feature showing the percentage of users with lower health scores.
* Quick tweet generation to share your Wallet Health score on Twitter.
* W3A Dashboard Help section clarifying all its features and available metrics.
* Whitelist improvements.
* Fine-tuning of detection mechanisms for better accuracy.
* UI/UX enhancements for more comfortable user experience and smooth navigation.
Versionshinweise v0.9
* Introducing a new referral program that enables users to invite friends, climb the leaderboard, and win awards.
* Update to the Wallet health score that evaluates three key parameters: granted approvals for assets, exposure to poisoning attacks, and assets associated with wash trading.
* Improved detection of potential scams involving addresses that mimic a 0x0..00 address.
* Alerts for detected poisoning attacks on a user's wallet.
* Enhancements to detection mechanisms to achieve greater precision and accuracy.
* UI/UX improvements to make the extension more intuitive and user-friendly.
Versionshinweise v0.8
* Extension redesign for more intuitive and engaging user experience
* Detection of scam tokens exploiting the original token’s address in their names
* Detection of a risk associated with the ability of contract owner to grant approvals to user’s tokens
* Report on contract’s involvement in suspicious activities, such as contract exploit or theft
* Possibility to revoke token approvals to dApps
* Upgraded list of project audit companies
* Bug fixes and enhanced extension performance
Versionshinweise v0.7
* Highly detailed wallet dashboard where you can search for any wallet address to check its portfolio value, value of compromised assets, activity, and more
* Overview of your activity: last transactions analysis, frequently used dApps, and phishing alert history
* Token approvals section where you can check which dApps have access to your assets
* Comprehensive history of transactions analysis featuring all the vital details such as tokens sent and received and transaction risk score
* Regularly updated alert history with risks elimination recommendations
* Gas overpayment estimation
* Fixed bugs and improved extension performance
Versionshinweise v0.6
* Fair NFT price estimates on Rarible, LooksRare, Golom, Foundation
* Fair bid estimates on Rarible, Foundation auctions
* OpenSea transaction details for NFT listings
* Fiat equivalent for token prices
* Enhanced blocklists & allowlists for site verification
Versionshinweise v0.5
* Honeypots and slippage detection
* Display of wash trading risks for tokens
* Alerts for requests to sign a message
* Trading cooldown warning
* Price breakdown for NFTs that one is about to grant access to
* Warning for contract’s ability to be paused, preventing users from making transactions
* Detection of contract’s ability to block transaction approval, preventing users from selling tokens
* Detection of a method that allows the contract owner to transfer user’s tokens
* Detection of a method that allows the contract owner to burn user’s tokens
* Support for Edge browser
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-30) Lucas Nguyen: Ứng dụng rất dễ sử dụng, giao diện thân thiện với người dùng
- (2023-10-24) Dương Đặng: good app
- (2023-09-20) lotika sharma: Dark Mode plz.
- (2023-09-14) VIKRANT NARANG: Good one, just need dark mode.
- (2023-06-08) Anthony Rix: Not bad. Reports suspicious sites when connecting a wallet
- (2023-04-21) Родион: An excellent and useful extension for web3. Helps not to run into scammers
- (2023-03-27) NoBasAllowed: Fake reviews on this product, but it works as it should. Well done
- (2023-03-08) Ivan Kormoš: good
- (2023-03-06) Фрейзи ツ: good
- (2023-03-05) Николай Кульков: Все супер!
- (2023-03-02) Линар Сагитов: cool extension for the computer
- (2023-02-28) Kabir Mia: helpful app.Excellent virus protection .
- (2023-02-28) rahf omer: Самый лучший аддон который я скачал, всем советую попробовать
- (2023-02-25) oleg main: Дуже корисне розширення
- (2023-02-22) Александра Пиво: Great and easy-to-use!
- (2023-02-20) chulbd4 4: this antivirus malware scan extension works fine for me
- (2023-02-19) Awara mughal: Very good extension
- (2023-02-12) Kira: muy buena extenciom
- (2023-02-08) Чел ты: Приложение хорошое мне лично оно понравилось
- (2023-02-07) Burdilo Anisia: Good
- (2023-02-04) Юсуф Атажанов: приложение то что нужно) спасибо
- (2023-02-04) Floki: Отличное приложение. Спасибо разработчику.
- (2023-02-04) smsohel ranakhokon: helpful app.
- (2023-02-04) Ashraful Islam: Good App
- (2023-02-04) Семен Боков: Классное и удобное приложение, с удовольствием пользуюсь.
- (2023-02-04) Joan Tello: this web3 antivirus very is very amazing
- (2023-02-04) GameLegend: It's great to use
- (2023-02-03) oriana altamiranda: It is a great extension, very useful. Thank you very much for creating it, it is great and it has helped me a lot!
- (2023-02-03) татьяна ситникова: отличное расширение
- (2023-02-03) svi avi: Отличная защита от вирусов, хороший дружественный интерфейс.