Description from extension meta
Youtube に設定された字幕のうち、指定された言語の字幕があった場合に、それを発話させる事で耳から聞くことができるようにします。
Image from store
Description from store
CaptionSpeaker は youtube に設定された字幕のうち、指定された言語の字幕があった場合に、それを発話させる事で耳から聞くことができるようにする chrome extension です。
# 使い方
1. CaptionSpeaker のアイコンを右クリックして設定(オプション)を開き、話者設定を適切に設定してsaveする(標準設定では発話に失敗する場合があるので必ず行って下さい)
2. Youtube で字幕を発話させたい動画を開く
3. CaptionSpeaker のアイコンをクリックして字幕の発話を有効にする(緑色のアイコンになっていればONになっています)
4. 動画の再生を開始する(字幕が表示されるタイミングで発話が開始されます)
字幕の発話を停止したい場合は CaptionSpeaker のアイコンをクリックして字幕の発話をOFFにする事で停止できます。
# 注意
・CaptionSpeaker は Youtube の動画に設定されている字幕を読み上げる Chrome Extension です。Youtube の動画を翻訳する機能は搭載されていません。Youtube の動画に対象の言語の字幕が設定されていない場合には発話はされません。
# 更新履歴
## Version 1.0
## Version 1.1
- 新しく発話する時に前の発話を止める オプションを追加
- 発話設定の言語と同じ言語の字幕がdefaultの場合、発話をしない オプションを追加
## Version 1.2
- 読み上げをOFFにした時に、発話状態であれば発話をやめるように
- 読み上げが少し遅れる場合がある問題に対処
## Version 1.3
- 「発話設定の言語と同じ言語の字幕」の判定基準を少し変更
## Version 1.4
- 「字幕が表示されている時だけ読み上げを行うようにする」設定項目を追加
## Version 1.4.2
- 字幕を読み込めなくなっていた問題を修正(2020/11/26)
## Version 1.4.3
- 字幕を読み込めない場合が残っていた問題を修正(2020/11/28)
## Version 2.0.0 (2022/04)
- Manifest V3 に対応させた
- チャンネル(やプレイリスト(から動画のページに遷移した時に発話しない問題を解消
-以外のページへの埋込 youtube動画(iframe で が取り込まれるタイプのもの)に対応(なお、youtube内で「キューに追加」した時に表示されるミニプレイヤーには非対応です)
- 「発話中に元動画の音量を下げる」設定を追加
## Verson 2.0.1 (2022/05)
- ブラウザの言語設定(window.navigator.language)と読み上げ対象の言語が違っている場合に、ブラウザの言語設定側の言語を発話しようとする問題を修正
## Version 2.0.2 (2022/06)
- 字幕を取得できなかった時に次点の情報を取りに行く事で、字幕が取得できなくなる可能性を減らした
## Version 2.0.3 (2022/06)
- Version 2.0.2 で入れた次点の情報を取りに行く部分で、取得し損なう場合があった問題に対処
## Version 2.0.4 (2023/12)
- 動画の再生を止めた時に発話も止まるようになります (Thanks @RonnieBlade)
- 「オプション」に「時刻同期をせずに発話するようにする」のON/OFF設定が追加されます (Thanks @billythekidz)
# 既知の問題
macOS Catalina では標準の話者での発話が失敗することがあるようです。
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-10) Miss Glossy: This is probably the best extension of this type. But it has some serious delay, so sometimes it keeps on speaking even when the video is paused. Please fix!!!
- (2023-10-26) jhan johnny: If there are too many subtitles, you may be able to automatically pause the video or slow it down
- (2023-10-22) faycal me: Doesn't work chrome version 118.0.5993.89 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
- (2023-10-18) Rose Lamothe: This is the best I have found and I have tried many. It starts every time, there are no buttons to push, it has all the best voices and once you adjust the pitch, speed and level, you can forget about it, it will come on as you set it up. Highly recommended.
- (2023-06-13) Aleksandr Sh: В Crome Версия 114.0.5735.106 работает Отлично, Спасибо разработчикам)))
- (2023-05-15) User: Предыдущая верия работала очень хорошо. А эта начала говорить ТОЛЬКО ПО АНГЛИЙСКИ и с этим никак невозможно бороться.
- (2023-04-01) KH 55: It does not support the Arabic language
- (2023-02-04) 橋本涼平: とても使いやすい 海外の情報に気軽にアクセスできるようになり とても有益
- (2023-01-11) João Paulo: This extension is one of the best, due to its automations (reduce the video volume / detect when the video is in your language, and automatically disable it etc) And it may be the best case it fixes some annoying problems that are causing delay in relation to the video. adding auto throttle would fix the problem.. To be more exact: A very serious problem is the constancy of pauses when narrating.. There is a pause of 1 to 2 seconds at each narrated line.. even at 4x speed I am suffering from delays in common videos, because the narrator pausing all the time.
- (2022-11-29) TaifuN /_/_/_/: Шлак полнейший! работает коряво(можно сказать,что вообще не работает) и бразер начинает жестко тупить,а комп не слабый !!!
- (2022-11-06) 市川ずんが: 壊れた
- (2022-10-15) Ngư Nguyễn: very useful, just wish that it had Vietnamese option
- (2022-10-08) Juan Ignacio Jimenez Miranda: Interesante para ver una traducción simultánea de algún vídeo hablado en un idioma desconocido para mi.
- (2022-05-15) DatingAdvice ForMen: 太感谢了朋友,好用到无言以对,以前都是用potplayer播放YouTube然后字幕下载下来翻译好在编辑排版观看,这个直接就可以 了,和其他大神级插件一样的好用 果然,加载了GitHub的2.0.1之后正常了O(∩_∩)O
- (2022-04-07) DarkBudda: Bravoooo !!!
- (2022-03-26) Dariusz “Jajo” Malec: super działa!!!!!
- (2022-03-03) Shaun Kahler: Not bad! Does what it says it does. My only qualm is that the translations take too long between subtitles and it would be nice if it were possible to keep pace outside of increasing the read rate so high.
- (2022-02-23) Zarki30: marche parfaitement!!! Merci !!
- (2022-02-05) dzmmmi: Не работает, вообще не работает, что только не делал!(
- (2022-01-22) Sinan Aybar: şuan çalışıyor umarım sonradan bozulmaz ..
- (2021-11-12) Ogre Bogre: This little plugin facilitated my life. I can't learn a language as a result of an injury. I am very grateful to you from Hungary.Thank You
- (2021-10-17) Jeyson Orozco: Excelente para esos videos en ingles que no entiendes nada.
- (2021-10-14) Mahyar: Awesome extension. It would be even more awesome if you could make it work with local pc videos. Like if I've downloaded a Japanese Anime with subtitles I like the subtitles to be said loud but I have to upload it on Youtube as a private video to make it happen.
- (2021-07-18) Joe R: It worked like a dud. As in, it didn't work.
- (2021-07-11) Chinh Tran: A useful tool! I like it even though it's not perfect for me yet. Thank you for developing it.
- (2021-07-03) Sam Cogheil: Works OK. Need to reload the video after changes to settings.
- (2021-07-01) Diego Marques: Sensational, The extension is working perfectly, I downloaded all the similar options available and this one is by far the best. I've been using the Android app for over a year, and the voice app is a little more natural than the chrome one. ---- PT-br ---- Sensacional, A extensão esta funcionado perfeitamente, baixei todas as opções similares disponíveis e essa é de longe a melhor. Já utilizo o app Android a mais de um ano, e no app voz é um pouco mais natural que no chrome.
- (2021-05-30) Francesco Cantelmo: Eccezionale 🔝
- (2021-05-24) expect deserve: Thank you very much
- (2021-03-24) Davo N.L.Y: wooow la mejor herramienta me encanta de verdad felicidades a los desarrolladores herramienta muy util
- (2021-03-23) Rose rh: Does not work! Play youtube video and show subtitle, no sound at all.
- (2021-02-12) Alexis VELASQUEZ: una verdadera joya, como es posible que exista una extension como esta, no es perfecta pero sirve para salir de apuros, una maravilla a real jewel, how is it possible that there is an extension like this, it is not perfect but it is useful to get out of trouble, a marvel.extension
- (2021-02-06) Joseph: This phrase was translated from "Brazilian Portuguese" into English using Google Translate. The original phrase in Brazilian Portuguese is shown at the end. great extension, it helps a lot to watch youtube video, i will give 5 stars if there was any way to give more star i would give, thank you very much to the developer have done a wonderful extension of that, This is very good for those who do not like reading subtitles, and at the same time paying attention to the content of the Video. 👉 "português brasil" ótima extensão, ajuda muito para assistir vídeo do youtube, vou dar 5 estrelas se tivesse jeito de dar mais estrela eu daria, muito obrigado para o desenvolvedor ter feito uma extensão maravilhosa dessa, Isso é muito bom para quem não gosta de ficar lendo legendas, e ao mesmo tempo com atenção no conteúdo do Vídeo. 👍 👏 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- (2021-01-08) Александр Николаев: Работает отлично. Иногда требуется перезагрузка страницы, чтобы работал. Есть аналог, но тот хуже, часто не работает и ничего не помогает, этот стабильнее.
- (2020-09-20) Gud.Canyon inc.: excelente... funciona solo tiene que calibrar la velocidad, muchas gracias un buen trabajo
- (2020-09-10) xinlin shi: 完全无用
- (2020-08-17) Riadh Bizid: ça marche excellement bien Bravo ça m'évite de faire plusieurs manipulations pour arriver à ce résultat àchaque fois. Merci
- (2020-08-06) ART NFS: That's exactly that what I was looking for and that's almost perfect! Thanks!-o
- (2020-07-29) Itemus PL: At least it is working.