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chatgpt partner - Tvoj umetniški pomočnik (delisted)

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Tvoj pomočnik umetne inteligence GPT-4. Lahko odgovori na vsa zapletena vprašanja in ti pomaga najti odgovore na iskalniku.

Image from store chatgpt partner - Tvoj umetniški pomočnik
Description from store Na strani z rezultati iskanja se brezhibno integrira jezikovni model OpenAI ChatGPT z najnovejšo razširitvijo brskalnika - ChatGPT Partner. Omogoča vam enostaven dostop do takojšnjih in uporabnih odgovorov na katero koli vprašanje, ne da bi zapustili trenutno stran. Razširitev podpira vse priljubljene iskalnike, kot so Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo itd., Podpira pa tudi vse priljubljene OpenAI API-je, kot so GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-3, GPT-4, vedno zagotavlja najnovejši in najmočnejši jezikovni model. Poleg močne integracije z iskalniki ima ChatGPT Partner tudi funkcije, kot so upodabljanje markdown, poudarjanje kode in temni način, ki jih lahko prilagodite po svojem okusu. Lahko nam posredujete povratne informacije za izboljšanje ChatGPT in uporabite prilagojene sprožilne načine. Poleg močne integracije z iskalniki ChatGPT Partner ponuja tudi ChatGPT Helper, ki vam omogoča uporabo ChatGPT na kateri koli spletni strani. S ChatGPT Helperjem lahko dostopate do ChatGPT na enostaven način, tako da kliknete ikono na orodni vrstici ali pa vnesete GPT in pritisnete presledek v navigacijski vrstici. Ta funkcija vam omogoča, da dobite koristne odgovore, ne da bi zapustili trenutno stran, ko brskate po kateri koli spletni strani. ChatGPT Helper vam omogoča, da neposredno klepetate z ChatGPT iz razširitve in postavljate vprašanja na naraven, človeku podoben način. ChatGPT Partner vam omogoča uporabo moči ChatGPT kjerkoli na spletu in postane osnovno orodje za vsakogar, ki želi hitre in uporabne odgovore. Uporaba ChatGPT Partnerja je zelo preprosta, samo prijavite se na https://chat.openai.com, namestite razširitev in začnite klepetati z ChatGPT neposredno iz strani z rezultati iskanja. Če naletite na kakršne koli težave, samo poročajte o napaki v komentarjih na strani razširitve. Prihodnji modeli, ki jih je mogoče podpreti: - Model GPT-5 - Model Claude - Model Brad - Auto-Gpt - Agent-GPt - Excel-GPT - MIni-Chatgpt - SQL-GPT - PRD-GPT - Code-chatgpt Prosimo, upoštevajte, da ChatGPT Partner ne podpira ali odobrava sočasne uporabe drugih razširitev ChatGPT. Pred namestitvijo ChatGPT Partnerja poskrbite, da boste odstranili vse druge razširitve ChatGPT. chatgpt partner is the top browser extension for individuals seeking quick and accurate information. Utilizing OpenAI's cutting-edge language model, this technology brings advanced AI capabilities to your browser. With chatgpt partner, it is possible to find the information you need quickly and efficiently. Instead of scrolling through countless search engine results, chatgpt partner provides responses right alongside your search engine results. This technology integrates a chatbot helper button onto any website, allowing individuals to ask questions and receive immediate, helpful responses. Chat directly with the AI model in a natural, human-like manner. Support is available for all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Additional features include the ability to provide feedback to improve chatgpt partner, custom trigger mode, and the option to copy responses to your clipboard. Utilizing ChatGpt's advanced technology, users can be confident that they are obtaining the most accurate and up-to-date information available. Installation is simple. Merely install chatgpt partner as a browser extension and log in to the [chat.openai.com](http://chat.openai.com/) portal. From there, individuals can start asking questions and receiving answers right away. If any issues arise, the support team is always available. Please note that chatgpt partner does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions in parallel. To ensure the best experience, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing chatgpt partner. Utilize chatgpt partner to access fast, accurate information right at your fingertips. Say goodbye to endless scrolling through search engine results - chatgpt partner provides instant responses right alongside your regular search engine results. This means that you can easily find the information you need without wasting precious time. chatgpt partner integrates a chatbot helper button onto any website and provides you with immediate and informative responses. You can converse with the AI model in a natural, human-like way, allowing you to ask questions and receive answers quickly. With support for all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and more, you can access chatgpt partner no matter which search engine you prefer. Other features include the ability to give feedback to improve chatgpt partner, custom trigger mode for generating summaries of Youtube videos or other texts, and the option to copy responses to your clipboard. With chatgpt partner's advanced technology powered by OpenAI's GPT AI model, you can be confident that you're always getting the most accurate and up-to-date information available. To get started, simply install chatgpt partner as a browser extension and log in to the [chat.openai.com](http://chat.openai.com/) portal. From there, you can start asking questions and getting answers right away. And if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is always available to assist you. Please note that chatgpt partner does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions at the same time. To ensure the best possible experience, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing chatgpt partner. Upgrade your browsing experience with chatgpt partner and enjoy fast and accurate information at your fingertips! Keep an eye out for upcoming updates such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT Plus for even more exciting features like Youtube summary and GPT AI. chatgpt partner is an advanced browser extension that uses OpenAI's state-of-the-art language model to provide fast and accurate information. With chatgpt partner, you can access instant responses right alongside your regular search engine results. Install the browser extension and log in to the chat portal to start chatting with the AI model in a natural, human-like way. chatgpt partner supports all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Other exciting features of chatgpt partner include the ability to provide feedback to improve performance, custom trigger mode for generating summaries of YouTube videos or other texts, and the option to copy responses to your clipboard. The advanced technology of chatgpt partner ensures that you always get the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

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  • (2023-08-15) NATAN FLORES: Parabéns


790 history
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-30 / 1.0.0
Listing languages
