Description from extension meta
An extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
Image from store
Description from store
From auto-fill forms, doing a repetitive task, taking a screenshot, to scraping data of the website, it's up to you what you want to do with this extension. And you also can schedule when the automation will execute.
If you have a question or want to report a bug, feel free to open an issue in automa GitHub repository.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-07) junchang chang: 经常自动从插件栏退出,一但退出就停止工作了。
- (2023-11-03) Minh Ta Van: there are some bugs
- (2023-10-28) le vitoric: I can not see "go back" button anywhere when I run script on the chrome.
- (2023-10-27) Linh An Mai: youtube mass unsubscriber was epic!!!!
- (2023-09-29) Yudis Yufanria: Broken extension
- (2023-09-21) Henry Hoang: Very potential
- (2023-09-08) Khôi Nguyễn Hà: OK!
- (2023-09-06) D A: Works great for what I need it to do.
- (2023-08-27) Ha Nguyen Cong: xịn
- (2023-08-13) Waqar Khan: this is the first extension review review i am writing just because this plugin is just too good...
- (2023-08-02) Adrien Long: This tool just helped me with a very important task and the experience has been absolutely fantastic. The UI is great, the features are useful, I recommend it 100%. AND it's totally free!
- (2023-06-16) Charla Raggs: nice
- (2023-06-16) seller meller: Good extension for automate but need to finish delevop
- (2023-05-31) David Miles: Wow, this is one powerful plugin! Your imagination is the only limitation here :)
- (2023-05-22) Galaxysdeux Cedrik: Marche pas avec chrome Version 113.0.5672.127, j'ai pas essayé avec une autre
- (2023-05-15) Julian Mercado: Es excelente! Solamente habría que agregar alguna forma de aleatorizar números, aunque sea del 0 al 1 y poder multiplicarlo, y hacer más extensiva la documentación. It's excellent! It would only be necessary to add some way to randomize numbers, even if it is from 0 to 1 and be able to multiply it, and make the documentation more extensive.
- (2023-04-22) T. O.: Easy to use, great to automate repetitive/pedantic tasks; easy to incorporate custom JS code too.
- (2023-04-14) Andreas Brännback: Filled with bugs, struggles to perform simple automations.
- (2023-04-11) Ankit Gaurav: Absolutely brilliant. Does its job is such an elegant and intuitive fashion. Kudos 👏🏼
- (2023-04-07) Георгий Келевра: Pls add on quick acsees stop bottom
- (2023-03-21) 肖立月: 太卡了,太慢了,以前版本还好点,就是主菜单不弹出来后,后来升级后,让我把脚步改了一波,因为不兼容,但当时执行还可以,但最近几天再次使用时却出现非常卡顿,我的脚步一跑整个chrome都变卡了,然后cpu暴涨,一看脚步执行日志,却发现慢的不想,一个提取元素字符2-3秒,执行4-5行js要7-8秒,我就昨晚挂了一晚上执行,结果日志总共执行了40多分钟,一晚上!!,才执行了一半,以前20多分钟就行的,无语了,插件越来越垃圾了
- (2023-03-17) Surya Ravishankaran: Excellent tool to use. The videos created need to be updated slightly as it was confusing with the current version. Once I figured out the tool, it was simple.
- (2023-02-02) Perfecta! Tiene un potencia increíble y a demás permite añadir código en javascript para ejecutarlo en la web.
- (2023-01-27) Надежда Толпеева: Как убрать в фоновый режим? Расширение было бы просто прекрасным, если бы во время выполнения записанного сценария не вылезало бы постоянно на передний план. И свернуть его никак нельзя(((( Окно браузера, где выполняется сценарий, разворачивается после каждого клика и перекрывает все остальное.
- (2023-01-27) Anonymous Officiel: J'arrive même pas à faire un records d'un workflow. Une fois cliqué dessus cela me redirige toujours vers la documentation. Suis-je le seul ?
- (2023-01-16) zhao jiajie: goodgoodgood!
- (2022-12-31) Amit yadav: time saver
- (2022-12-29) 郭磊: 超级好用,效率直接拉满
- (2022-12-15) Letjen Rangga Sasana: Keep up the good work
- (2022-12-14) Alexander Means: The extension auto-updated and failed to start the scheduled run at a critical time.
- (2022-11-13) Max Gambler: The record workflow doesn't work. The button just disappeared from the application!
- (2022-10-28) 黑袍鬼面: 执行时间久了,会卡在中间执行的某个节点上
- (2022-10-27) Tom Bosco: It was a 5 star extension for me before but that changed drastically & dropped to 1 star when they removed extension icon drop-down menu shortcut for every individual tabs. Please bring it back. automa's current update destroyed & Devastated my fast paced workflow with drop down shortcut menu removal. I really need it & every other fast users need it too. Also there's a bug with the "new tab" block. "set as active tab" not working oppositely . I work using automa in multiple arranged tabs stacked like books on one another in 1 monitor. So with the current update, every time script run through "new tab" block, tab is automatically becoming active & popping up infront of other tabs even if I uncheck that "set as active tab" mark. Please fix that. I promise I'll change my review to 5 star after that. Thank You
- (2022-10-27) ChodaGaming SRB: Lots of bugs, had trouble with really simple tasks
- (2022-10-19) 礼右六: 强大易用
- (2022-10-19) 刘逐风: 非常棒的插件,油管视频还有中文字幕,爱了,Very good
- (2022-09-22) David de Caires e Freitas: By far the best automation tool for browser actions...
- (2022-08-24) Chad Elliott: I have saved SO much time and fully automated some reporting processes. Slight setup and tweaks to get it working, but Automa provides a SOLID foundation to do... just about anything.
- (2022-07-24) Dixaleme: Amazing extension!
- (2022-05-27) Abel Hernandez: Incredible. This extension has save me HOURS of repetative tasks I previoulsy did manually.
- (2022-05-15) 永永YongYong: 不会用
- (2022-03-18) Abhay kamath: UI Automation testers (Automation QEs) are gonna be jobless now !
- (2022-03-08) Mohith Gupta Korangi: I'm actually worried about the "Permission change all your data on all websites" Wouldn't that be an issue for the users?
- (2022-03-03) Jean-Philippe Vankemmel: Simple .. for simple task. Would need a tutorial for more advanced step. I am exploring the possibilities of the tool and it seems powerfull nevertheless I love this exension terribly
- (2022-02-21) Eduard Buta: Amazing product with frequent updates and incredible functionality.
- (2022-02-20) BusinessBuddha - Podcast: very good work guys!!
- (2022-02-11) James Old: great!
- (2022-02-01) 庞日升: 很不错 很不错 值得喜欢
- (2022-01-30) Sebastian: The easiest to use and the most satisfying automation extension.
- (2022-01-24) quentin candaele: Merci pour cette app superbe