👋 我製作了這個擴展,因為默認的倒退時間是10秒,這讓我感到有些煩惱。
✅ 此擴展為 **netflix.com** 網域添加了以下鍵盤快捷鍵:
↺ 使用 [<] 或 [,] 鍵以 1 秒為單位倒退。
↻ 使用 [>] 或 [.] 鍵以 5 秒為單位快進。
⏲️ 尋找的秒數以及快捷鍵可以通過 🛠️ 選項頁面進行調整。
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-21) Andrew Lloyd-yeo: Sadly it just doesn't work for me :( Not sure what i'm doing wrong. Windows 10, Latest Chrome and pressing all the hotkeys but sadly nothing.
- (2023-08-30) Daniël Groen: Perfect! this is what i needed
- (2023-07-08) ekarron: Works great, would like to see it support other websites, too (eg. Youtube, Facebook..) and would love an option to change to hotkey. nonetheless it's a 5-star-extension, thank you for making it!
- (2023-06-23) Adam Novak: Works perfectly! Thanks so much.
- (2023-04-07) Victor: Exactly what I needed