Extracts job info and fills out forms automatically
This extension is designed to assist job seekers in Switzerland, saving you time and effort in two simple steps:
1.) Extract Job Details with One Click: From a growing list of supported sites, the extension quickly extracts the URL, Job Title, and Company Name from job descriptions.
2.) Effortless Form Filling on job-room.ch: When you navigate to job-room’s "Efforts to find work" -> "Enter" page, the extracted details are automatically filled in, using the most commonly selected additional settings.
## Additional Features:
1.) View Extracted Job Information: Right-click the extension icon to see the currently extracted Job Title and Company Name.
2.) Toggle Form-Filling: You can enable or disable the automatic form-filling feature. When disabled, the extension icon changes to include a stop sign, giving you a clear visual indicator.
## A Growing List of Supported Sites
Not every job description page is supported yet. If you come across a page that isn’t working, please feel free to send the link to [email protected], and I’ll notify you once support is added.
## My Mission
I understand how stressful and time-consuming job searching can be, which is why I created this extension to make the process just a bit easier for you. My goal is to save you valuable time and effort, so you can focus on what matters most: finding the right opportunity.
## Support Options (Optional)
This extension is completely free, and there is no obligation to support me. However, if you find it helpful and want to show your appreciation, here are a couple of ways you can support my work:
- Give up to 5 stars review above
- Buy Me a Coffee: A small contribution from the app menu would be greatly appreciated and help keep this tool free for everyone.
- LinkedIn Recommendation: If this extension has made your job search easier, a recommendation on LinkedIn would be incredibly meaningful and help me grow professionally.
Your support, whether through a kind word, a donation, or a LinkedIn recommendation, is entirely optional but deeply appreciated. Thank you for considering it, and I hope this extension makes your job search just a little less stressful!