The extension that helps attorneys expunge criminal records in Hawaii.
The extension helps attorneys to expunge criminal cases from Hawaii's eCourt Kokua website. This extension should only be used by attorneys and may give incorrect answers. Please always do your own analysis to determine eligibility.
When you load up a case on eCourt Kokua simply click the chrome extension icon and click "Check if Expungeable". The extension will analyze the case you're currently looking at determine if the case is eligible for expungement. You can add multiple cases and when you're done click "Generate Documents" to generate the expungement petition form, a summary of what cases were analyzed, and the letters to the court requesting to remove the case from eCourt Kokua after the expungement has been granted.
When you are finished click "Clear All Clients". To protect client confidentiality, all data is analyzed and stored locally on your browser.
This tool does not replace the judgment of an attorney and should only be used by Hawaii barred attorneys in good standing. This tool does not provide legal advice and we are not your attorney. This tool is still being developed and may give incorrect results. Always review the results for accuracy.