Description from extension meta
BARON UEDA je kreslíř proslavený výraznýma očima svých postaviček. Specializuje se na kombinaci barvy a prostoru a je zapojen do…
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Description from store
BARON UEDA je kreslíř proslavený výraznýma očima svých postaviček. Specializuje se na kombinaci barvy a prostoru a je zapojen do celé řady vizuálních děl v oblastech, jako jsou tištěné reklamy, časopisy, web, televize, móda a hry.
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-14) Trilmonté: Classic theme from an earlier time. Takes me back to when the Internet was fun and simple.
- (2021-09-02) Ares Tian: 收藏
- (2020-11-19) Denisse: Still my favorite after all these time.
- (2020-08-10) Nicole “Mushie” Rivers: Very Cute!
- (2020-07-01) Lawrence Jung: 크롬 브라우져를 가득 채우며 전체적인 테마의 느낌이 역동적이어서 좋다
- (2020-02-29) nozomi yamauchi: タブバーが派手で目立つのに、タイトルの視認性も両立されてて使いやすい。
- (2020-02-22) Caroline Castro: Amo esse tema
- (2020-02-18) Yana Treyt: Прекрасна! Эта тема у меня стоит с 2011 года, но пора уже её сменить(((( Спасибо, я очень люблю этот рисунок <3
- (2019-12-21) Виталий Чумаков: Отлично!!!
- (2019-11-01) lowenski matos: Es mi tema favorito, pero... cuando abro el "DevTools" presenta una linea negra horizontal en el tope q se ve bien feo y parece como si fuese un error del sistema.
- (2019-08-08) Jéssica M M: Amei. ♥♥
- (2019-08-07) Nikki Johnson: love it
- (2019-07-11) sukid poonsvad (Champ'Sukrit): แจ่ม
- (2018-12-31) shirin1994 r: oh my god its so lovely
- (2018-12-10) Garth B: I really like it. And it's a theme where the background image actually fits my screen. Thank you. You did a great job :D
- (2018-09-20) ニワカアメ: thanks
- (2018-09-08) Matthias Dong: 很喜欢这个风格,用了好几年了。每次换新系统重装Chrome都要找这个皮肤
- (2018-06-20) Александр Кузьминых: Шикарно)
- (2018-03-18) Darren: my 1st theme that I honestly believe i will keep on my chromebook...really nice.
- (2018-03-03) Random Channel: It's really nice I love it
- (2018-01-03) Diesel Gold: molto tempo fa lo valutai con un 3 stelle solo ora mi rendo conto della cavolata che avevo fatto... tra tutti i temi (in questo sito fatto male, rendete possibile la creazioni di temi personali id...ti di google) questo è di sicuro uno dei migliori, non sotto il profilo tecnico ma anche artistico... e ora che l'ho ritrovato dopo mesi posso finalmente cambiare la mia recensione da 3 a 5 stelle.... DIO C... MA VOLETE METTERE UN ELENCO DEI PREFERITI COLLEGATO AL PROFILO O QUALCOSA DI SIMILE, RAZZA DI INETTI
- (2017-11-29) Dong Li: my favorite theme!
- (2017-11-04) Blue Bloo: I have used this theme for 6-7 years . Its so beautiful ...
- (2017-10-26) Levan Gabuldani: The Best Theme!
- (2017-09-21) 董辉: 看不清标签了
- (2017-08-19) Insanyti: I added this theme the moment I saw it YEARS ago. It was a fun, spunky design that stood out from the others without being obnoxious. It was the perfect theme that added just the right amount of individuality to a browser to make it more pleasing to the eyes. There have been a few themes I've thought about installing over time but none that have ever yet surpassed this one for me. My only tweak I'd wish for, would be for the non active grey tabs to be a good bit darker. Even a dark brown would work nicely with the rest of the color motif.
- (2017-08-04) うまいケーキ: かわいい
- (2017-08-02) Paul Danilevich: без этой темы chrome не представляю
- (2017-07-27) 幻仙影: 很不错,选中标签和其他颜色对比能准确区分当前标签页和位置。
- (2017-07-17) [ DAI MUNG ]: ใช้ได้เลยค่ะ สวยด้วย เเละ เท่ด้วย
- (2017-07-04) Иван Столбиков: 5 лет на этой теме сижу и менять не собираюсь)
- (2017-06-29) Thareesh chowdary: awesome
- (2017-05-13) Thayane Liria: Adoreii, Minha cara!! s2 s2
- (2017-05-12) Oreana Ytriago: muy bueno!