SnapTrans: Instantly Translate Words and Selections on Web Pages with a Click!
SnapTrans: Instantly Translate Words and Selections on Web Pages with a Click
Are you tired of switching tabs and copy-pasting text for translations? Say goodbye to the hassle with SnapTrans! ๐๐ฌ
One-click word and selection translation on web pages: Effortlessly translate any word or selected text on web pages with just a single click. No more interruptions in your browsing flow! ๐โจ
Multiple languages: SnapTrans supports a wide range of languages, ensuring you can communicate effectively across different cultures and regions. ๐๐
Powered by Google Translate: SnapTrans leverages the power of Google Translate, a trusted and accurate translation engine, to provide you with high-quality translations that you can rely on. ๐๐
Use Cases:
Research and Learning: Easily translate unfamiliar terms, phrases, or sentences while conducting research or studying online. Expand your knowledge effortlessly! ๐๐
Multilingual Communication: Break language barriers during online discussions, collaborations, or while browsing foreign websites. Communicate with confidence and connect with people from all around the globe! ๐๐ฌ
Travel and Exploration: Explore the world without language barriers! SnapTrans enables you to quickly understand signs, menus, and other text while traveling, allowing for a smoother and more enjoyable experience. โ๏ธ๐
Language Enthusiasts: Improve your language skills and broaden your vocabulary by effortlessly translating words or phrases that pique your curiosity while browsing. Embrace the joy of learning new languages! ๐ฃ๏ธ๐
Business and E-commerce: Expand your business horizons by easily understanding product descriptions, customer reviews, or competitor websites in different languages. Stay ahead of the game! ๐ผ๐ธ
Don't miss out on this game-changing browser extension! Install SnapTrans now and unlock a world of instant translations at your fingertips. ๐ฒโจ
"SnapTrans: แแธแฅ แ แฅแฅแ
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แณแ แฝแแแ แฐแแณแณแญ แแแต แ แตแจ-แแฝ แ แแตแ แจแแ แตแญแแ แแแฅแญแตแ แ แ แแต แแฅแ แแฐแญแแ แจแแแแข แแแตแฐแแญ แแแแซ แจแแซแตแแแแธแแ แจแฝแแ แแ
แณแ แแแต แฅแ แฐแแณแณแญ แฝแแแ แ แตแจ-แแฝ แ แ แแต แแฅแ แแฐแญแแ แจแแแ แ แแตแจแ แจแแซแตแฝแแธแ แจSnapTrans! ๐๐ฌ
แจแฐแแญ แฅแจแฐแ แแแต แแแตแฐแแญ แฃ แ แฝแแ แแญแ แ แแตแ แฝแแ แ แแป แแแแแต แแตแฅ แจแฐแ แแแแ แแ SnapTrans แฅแแฒแแ แแแฝ แแแแ แแแแแฝแ แ แตแญแญแ แฅแแฒแซแตแญ แแฐแญแแ แฅแแฒแฝแ แ แแตแจแ แจแแณแจแแ แตแญแแ แแฐแญแแ แญแฝแแแข ๐โจ
แจแแแแแฝ แฐแแแต: SnapTrans แ แแตแซแต แจแฐแ แแแ แแแแซ แแแแ แจแแซแตแฝแแธแแ แแฐแแญ แ แตแญแญแ แจแฐแ แแแแ แแ แจแแซแตแฝแ แ แแตแจแ แจแแฐแ แตแญแแ แญแแแข ๐๐
แ Google Translate แแฅแแต แแญ แจแฐแ แแแ: SnapTrans แจGoogle Translate แ แตแฐแณแฐแญ แฐแ แแ แแ แฅแ แฅแแฒแแ แแแตแฐแแญ แตแจ-แแนแ แจแแ แแแตแ แตแญแแ แจแแแ แจแแญแณแแ
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แญแต แฅแ แตแแ
แญแต: แฅแ
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แญแต แจแแซแตแฝแแแ แจแแณแจแแ แฝแแแ แฐแแณแณแญ แแแตแ แ แแตแจแ แแแณแ แจแแ แแแตแ แแ แ แตแญแญแ แฅแแฒแซแตแญ แแตแฐแแญ แ แแตแแแจแต แจแแตแซแต แ แตแฐแณแฐแญแ แฅแจแฐแ แแแต แญแณแฉแ แจแแญแจแแ แ แตแญแแ แฅแแฒแแ แ แ แซแฃแข แแญแ แ แ แตแซแป แแตแฅ แแแณแ แจแแ แแแ แตแ แตแญแแ แ แแตแฐแแญ แ แฒแต แฅแแแซแแ แญแแฅแฉ! ๐๐
แฅแญแแแ แฅแแแฒแ
แจแแแ แ แตแฐแณแฐแญ: แจแแแ แแแแซแ แ แตแญแญแ แจแแซแตแฝแแธแแ แแแณแ แจแแ แแแตแ แแ แ แตแญแญแ แแแณแ แจแแ แแแตแ แแ แ แแตแฐแแญ แจแแฐแ แตแญแแ แญแแแข แจแแณแจแแ แแแณแ แแตแฐแแญ แฅแแฒแแ แแฐ แแแฝ แจแแ แแแ แต แแแ แจแแ แแแ แตแ แตแญแแ แ แแตแฐแแญ แแแณแ แแแณแ แจแแ แแแตแ แแ แ แแตแฐแแญ แแแแ แ แตแฝแแแ
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Latest reviews
- (2023-07-22) Brandon Hardman: A classic translator in the form of an extension, but with slightly broader functionality. Always at hand, which is very convenient. There are no complaints.
- (2023-07-22) Caleb Williams: It looks simple, but quite a multifunctional text translator. It is a pity that there is no mobile version of it. On the same Android, it would be very useful.
- (2023-07-22) Eva Martinez: I have been looking for such an extension for a long time. The translator is just great. It works both with whole pages, so you can also select pieces of text. I also have no complaints about synthesis into sound.
- (2023-07-22) Cecilia Anderson: I have been using this plugin not so long ago. But I managed to appreciate it. Minimum manipulations for translating text fragments. It is enough just to highlight.
- (2023-07-21) Michael Baker: A good average translator plugin. As a means of reading foreign websites, it fits optimally. It will be useful to everyone without exception, since the list of languages is simply huge.
- (2023-07-21) James Gilbert: Often translates incorrectly. But this is a claim to Google. As for this extension, I generally recommend a translator.
- (2023-07-21) Caleb Chandter: There used to be a bug with voicing fragments, but in the latest version it was fixed and fixed. The best online translator.
- (2023-07-21) Alex Babcock: I rate this extension at 5+. It helps me out quite often when I don't understand what is being discussed on foreign sites. In addition, it allows you to fully communicate with foreigners.
- (2023-07-21) Nancy White: Without a doubt, it is an excellent translator of fragments and individual constructions. You just need to select the target text and press 1 button. I advise everyone.
- (2023-07-21) Michael Austin: A great translator. It would still be ported to other browsers and it would be perfect. Huge respect to the developers for such a high-quality product.
- (2023-07-21) Thomas Moore: Several dozen languages, on-the-fly translation functions, voice guidance and many other useful options. A quality addition.
- (2023-07-21) Gregory Donovan: With the release of the updated version, all bugs have disappeared completely. Respect to the developers, the debugging was done efficiently, taking into account user feedback. A good service for translating web pages.
- (2023-07-21) Katrin Otter: Qualitatively translates text fragments literally on the fly. If necessary, he can reproduce it. The assistant is very high-quality and useful.
- (2023-07-20) Ivan Miller: There are no complaints about the quality of the translation. In general, this is a classic Google translator, but with more advanced functionality.
- (2023-07-20) Daniel Grant: I have been using this translator for almost six months. In general, it suits. Especially helps when reading resources in German and Japanese.
- (2023-07-20) Stefan Batler: On foreign sites, this extension just saves me. I selected a fragment, pressed the button - and the translation is in front of my eyes. The list of languages is simply huge.
- (2023-07-20) Kate Hammel: I certainly advise you to install this translator. It often helps me out on Chinese websites, because I don't speak the language. A quality tool!
- (2023-07-20) Robert White: A gorgeous free translator based on Google. In general, it suits, but it would not hurt to add integration of other systems. For example Bing.
- (2023-07-20) Gregory Adams: As an option for reading foreign websites - it has the right to exist. In addition, he copes with his tasks perfectly. I selected a fragment and received a translation.
- (2023-07-20) An excellent translator, which I have been using for a long time. Helps out on foreign sites. The list of languages is huge. Usability is very thoughtful.
4.7895 (19 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-07 / 1.0.3
Listing languages