extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Jednoduché rozšíření vytvořené pro pomoc se zapamatováním odpovědí na otázky či cizích slovíček.

Image from store Pamatovák
Description from store Pamatovák je jednoduché rozšíření, které vám pomůže zapamatovat si velké množství informací, například k testu. Bylo vytvořeno za účelem učení se cizích slovíček, ale s trochou fantazie se dá použít téměř na cokoliv. Návod jak to funguje: 1) do textového pole v rozšíření vložíte seznam otázek v následujícím formátu: [otázka1]:[odpověď1] [otázka2]:[odpověď2] Příkla (německá slovíčka): vynálezce:der erfinder umělec:der Kunstler malíř:der Maler historie:die Geschichte německá kultura:die deutsche kultur atd. 2) Nastavte prodlevu mezi jednotlivými otázkami (nejčastěji od 0 vteřin do 5 minut) 3) Klikněte na start. Otázky jsou spřeházeny a jestli neodpovíte správně na první nebo druhý pokus, program se na danou otázku zeptá později znovu. Otázky jsou kladeny dokud na všechny neodpovíte správně, nebo dokud nestisknete tlačítko stop. Pokud máte nějaké dotazy nebo připomínky, kontaktujte mne na grant@zvolsky.org. Hodně štěstí!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-13) lush berry: literally the most helpful thing i ever found on the internet. it helps me memorize stuff even when i'm procrastinating which is amazing. however, i have a lot of suggestions, does anyone know how i can contact the makers of this extension?
  • (2022-11-08) Mescrico: Justo lo que necesitaba.
  • (2022-01-18) Esmeralda Gonzalez: Useful! It really helps to memorize things and it's easy to use
  • (2021-08-12) Nilay Doshi: loved it, thanks ! Are you willing to add more features ? Because I have a few suggestions....
  • (2021-05-12) 999 42: It helped me memorize test faster thanks alot!!!
  • (2021-04-13) Kaylee Esco: This extension is one of the best I have used. It keeps me on track and makes studying so much easier
  • (2020-11-19) Ana Beatriz Sannazzaro: How do I put it in english? please heeeeelp
  • (2019-11-27) Susanna McQueen: love this extension would love a website to keep track of different sets of questions per subject and for more organization, but still love this extension because of actuality typing in the answers not just looking at them like normal flashcards
  • (2019-10-04) Ian Wen: It is the perfect way I have been looking for to practice! I used it for English and Chinese vocabularies and definitions, and it works very well! For some reason the extension shows Czech instead of English while my computer default is set in neither of these, but doesn't really affect its functionality, just get confused sometimes. Also, if there's a way to include colons (:) in questions or answers it could be really helpful, since sometimes I'll need to include them and I don't want it to be confused. Otherwise, it's reeeeeeeally helpful!!
  • (2019-09-07) Edward: I really like this app.. very basic.. but the method of learning is powerful.. so I love it. To Developer: Is there any chance you would do some more work on this? A few extra features would make it even better.. thanks for creating this extension!
  • (2017-12-27) Mr MG: How does it work ? I tried it but is not working . Am i doing it wrong?
  • (2016-04-21) Amber Adams: I absolutely love this extension. The only thing that I can think of that would improve it at all would be the ability to use multiple sets (since sometimes I only want to practice Mandarin or only want to work on calculus formulas), but I get around that by keeping multiple google docs with my different "Sets" and importing them whenever I want to study them.
  • (2015-02-12) Ben Leslie (Ocean City): I like simple app this is the best of them 5 *****
  • (2014-10-30) Isaac “PhysX” Clarke: Clever and useful...but at first start pops question, and in the background is still visible window with questions and answers. Need to improve the application itself !!!!
  • (2013-08-11) Amy Liu: i like it! but it would be nice for the answer to appear anyways even if you don't type in the correct answer.
  • (2012-04-19) Shadowriku40: Very nice extension! So far I have used it to memorize the phonetic alphabet and a ton of definitions of words. I love it!


10,000 history
4.5455 (22 votes)
Last update / version
2021-07-05 / 1.4.6
Listing languages
en cs
