ChatGPTን በሰፊ/ሙሉ/ረጅም ስክሪን + አይፈለጌ መልእክት ማገድን ያሻሽላል። እንዲሁም + ላይ ይሰራል!
በምርት አደን ላይ #2 የሳምንቱ UX ምርት!
⚡ ከ: + + ጋር ይሰራል
የምንጭ ኮድ ክፈት፡
💻 የፕሮግራሚንግ ኮድ — ነጠላ መስመሮችን ከመጠቅለል እና ኮድ እንዳይደበዝዝ በማድረግ ተነባቢነትን ያሻሽላል
📃 ባለብዙ ደረጃ መመሪያዎች - ለቀላል ግምገማ ተጨማሪ እርምጃዎችን በአንድ ገጽ ላይ ያቆያል
📙 ረጅም የምግብ አዘገጃጀቶች - መዳፊት ወይም ትራክፓድ ከማሸብለል ሳያገኙ እንዲያበስሉ ይፈቅድልዎታል
🎸 ኦሪጅናል ግጥሞች/ግጥም/ ድርሰት/ቅንብር/የስክሪን ጨዋታ - ሲሰፋ የበለጠ መሳጭ ተሞክሮ ይፈጥራል።
ተጨማሪ ባህሪያት (ከመሳሪያ አሞሌ ምናሌ ሊበጁ ይችላሉ)
• ፉለር ዊንዶውስ፡ ሙሉ መስኮትን ሲያነቃ ሰፊ ስክሪንም ያግብሩ
• ረጅም የውይይት ሳጥን፡- ቻት ሳጥኑን በአቀባዊ ዘርጋ
• ሰፊ የውይይት ሳጥን፡ ቻት ሳጥኑን በአግድም በሰፊ ስክሪን ሁኔታ ዘርጋ
• አዲስ የውይይት ቁልፍ፡ አዲስ የውይይት ቁልፍ በቻት ሳጥን ውስጥ አሳይ
• ድብቅ ግርጌ፡ የጣቢያ ግርጌን ደብቅ
• የተደበቀ ራስጌ፡ የጣቢያ ራስጌን ደብቅ
• ሁነታ ማሳወቂያዎች፡ ሁነታዎች/ቅንብሮች ሲቀያየሩ ማሳወቂያዎችን አሳይ
• የአይፈለጌ መልእክት እገዳ፡ የአይፈለጌ መልእክት ባነሮችን ከገጹ መጨናነቅ ደብቅ
• ተጨማሪ AI ቅጥያዎችን ለማሰስ አንድ-ጠቅ አዝራር መዳረሻ
ማስታወሻ፡ ቅንጅቶች ለተመሳሳይ ጣቢያ ከሌሎች ትሮች ጋር በራስ ሰር ያመሳስሉ (ለምሳሌ፡ በ ላይ የተደበቀ ራስጌን ማንቃት በሁሉም የ ትሮች ላይ ይተገበራል፣ ነገር ግን ራስጌዎች የሚታዩ ሆነው ይቆያሉ)
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-09) x z: I believe this is the only review I have ever constructed. Simply thank god. I wish this also worked for Microsoft teams too, hint. I'm 46, it's is very difficult in these applications to read these 4 inch windows scrolling left and right. My monitor is over 2 feet wide it's beyond me why everything is creating screens (including this webpage) with 4 inches other than mobile. I totally understand that phones can't go this wide, but this is the core problem with software companies hiring only people that are 20. When you reach 40 this becomes impossible to use even fi you want to. That's said this would have bothered me at 20 as well. I have a gigantic pc next to me for a reason, and yes a massive 4lb keyboard. I don't want super small screen. I've been trying for a year to find something like this. Sadly I'm not a big fan of working in JavaScript. So I started using chatgpt to generate this but then looked for it and here it is. I'm writing this more to the developer more than anyone else. I can't thank you enough and how helpful this is for me.
- (2023-10-26) 블루밍: The extension is very good. The plugin is exactly what I was looking for. However, there is a phenomenon that the picture attachment icon is pushed downward from the left side of the dialog, of course, there is no problem with attaching files, but the icons on the right side of the question window seem to be affected, Thank you for developing such a great plugin.
- (2023-09-11) Max Lindblad: Very good and comes with configurability. Should be built-in to ChatGPT!
- (2023-05-26) JianQi Jiang: A very nice extension! Its performance is excellent!
- (2023-04-15) Nhan Nguyen: Really enhanced my experience of using the chat interface. Love the customization!