Asendab salapärased riigikoodid automaatselt vastava lipuga. Lahendus Chromiumi kasutajatele Windowsis!
Praegu ei näe Chromiumi kasutajad (kes kasutavad Chrome'i või Microsoft Edge'i) Windowsis lipu emotikone. Selle asemel kuvatakse riigikood. See laiendus asendab need lühendid vastava lipu emotikuga, kasutades selleks spetsiaalset kirjastiili.
See laiendus kasutab Twemoji Country Flags'i kirjastiili, mis põhineb Twemojil (litsentsitud CC BY-ND 2.0 all).
Ikooni on loonud turkkub - Flaticon
Latest reviews
- (2024-07-17) Nick: Funciona perfectamente. Una solución a un problema que arrastra Windows 10 desde sus inicios ya que nunca incluyó su propio set de emojis, a diferencia de otras plataformas como Android. UPDATE: Aparentemente esta extension ocasiona que YouTube cargue muy lento. Por el momento habrá que esperar a que arreglen el bug y deshabilitarlo, o bien pueden instalar la version userscript que pueden encontrar en Greasy Fork el cual funciona sin problemas con YT.
- (2024-06-14) Émile-Jacob LeBlanc: Massively slows down youtube for some reason
- (2023-10-31) Samuel Lo: I installed it but nothing happened even after restarting
- (2023-09-28) Jake Harvanchik: Works just as intended. 🇺🇸
- (2023-09-05) Jacob Burnette: Fixes what Micro$oft won't. Thanks!
- (2023-08-27) Ishtiaqe Hanif: Doesn't work anymore.
- (2023-08-24) Yves Goergen: Breaks all other fonts on the website. Unusable.
- (2023-07-21) Ian Montgomery: Works absolutely perfectly to fix a real problem!
- (2023-06-14) Wilson Ho: Useful tool combatting unjust policies.
- (2023-05-30) Shane (shane1039): Not all heroes wear capes...
- (2023-03-01) Jacob Titus: Does not work on google sheets or google docs, but does the trick elsewhere
- (2023-02-28) Gilles Brunner: This is amazing, thanks a million !
- (2023-02-26) Q-box: Very good, however it does not display the flags of England, Scotland, or Wales correctly. It also doesn't display Texas correctly, but that isn't a huge deal. I would give this a 4.5 stars if I could, as it gets the job done perfectly otherwise.
- (2023-02-10) Jannes Höke: it works. would be cool if it also worked in the dev tools!
- (2023-01-26) DISCARDED D: bro... it works super well. i mean good design for flags and supports on all websites, but not on youtube or whenever i type this emoji somewhere it will show letters again. so please... fix it. anyways thank you
- (2022-12-27) Alexander Akvilov (PumpKingRus): Dank je wel
- (2022-12-17) Jack Duffy: does the job
- (2022-10-07) Mel: used to work but doesnt anymore :<
- (2022-09-16) Juston: Does what it says.
- (2022-08-13) i’m everywhere: this works amazingly,,, thx so much!
- (2022-07-25) Rabbit_kick_ealge: 牛逼
- (2022-07-09) TaylorH Hamelin: Works as intended, a extremely lightweight extension that everyone should have (unless you have a weird fascination with country codes... lol)
- (2022-06-03) Luuk Wuijster: Finaly an extension that fixes the country flags emoji's! I have been searching for this for so long