Description from extension meta
Enables Youtube TV on your pc so you can control youtube from your mobile device.
Image from store
Description from store
1) Install plugin
2) Go to
3) Settings cog > Link with TV code
4) Open youtube app on your mobile device
5) Press your picture in the top right
6) Settings > Watch on TV > Enter TV code
Enjoy :)
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-24) Jonas StorcK: Ótima extensão porem de umas semanas pra ca esta com propagandas novamente =/ alguem achou alguma solução para tirar as propagandas?? Great extension, but after a few weeks it has ads again =/ has anyone found a solution to remove the ads??
- (2023-10-10) Isaac Allen: does exactly what it needs to do. good work!
- (2023-09-17) Jim Caldwell: No Longer works. Not updated.
- (2023-09-17) Rio Lopez Films: it worked really well until a few days ago where the streaming stopped working for me. ill give it 5 when it works again 😔
- (2023-08-06) Demian Johansson: It works, pefect for watching stuff when you're laying in bed. Only thing i don't like about it is that all videos are in 720p
- (2023-07-28) CancerSenpai: One of the most usefull Ext. for chilling with your phone in bed and using pc as Autio Hi-Fi
- (2023-07-05) שהם יוסט: very nice
- (2023-07-03) Theodoros Nicolaou: Works well! It's a bummer that YouTube had to artificially disable access to their TV web UI from PC.
- (2023-07-01) kostyapu: Thnak you so much for this. Vety easy to use!
- (2023-06-25) lionel perez: thank you so much it really works you save me
- (2023-06-10) black raven: Works perfectly on Win7+Android 11. The only actual thing I would've wanted from this app is to have a button to instantly open YT TV tab by pressing on the icon of this extension or from it's drop down menu. It's a little thing to make but would incredibly help the user.
- (2023-06-04) Josef Pulkrábek: Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to cast with youtube music onto the tv interface created with this extension? Works fine with normal yt but youtube music won't pick it up for casting. Thanks for the help if anyone figures this out, would be phenomenal.
- (2023-06-01) Jeremy Walker: Another extension to undo a bizarre Google decision! I use a 2009 iMac as my "TV" at home and for some reason Google decided that desktop clients aren't allowed to access youtube's TV interface anymore. This extension works great to bypass that, and has for a few years now. I've had some bugs but I'm sure they're caused by the site itself and not the extension. Thanks for making this!
- (2023-04-06) Rafael Lisboa: curti
- (2023-04-03) Иван Максимович Беляков: На mac не работает.
- (2023-03-06) Hein Soe: wow
- (2023-03-02) Dimarsx: La extensión en sí está bien, pero al momento de ver los videos en YouTube, solo permite una calidad máxima de 480p. Sería ideal poder disfrutar de los videos en una resolución mayor, como 1080p o superior
- (2023-02-28) halil balcı: video çozunurluk ayarları 720 den fazlası yok olsaydı keske
- (2023-02-23) Thegodof Nothing: It just works, no frills, plain and simple.
- (2023-02-20) Mikaell Miguel: The extension is very good, but the videos present only 480p.
- (2022-12-13) Jake Wilson: This is amazing just what I needed so I can watch Youtube on my PC whilst laying in bad.
- (2022-12-13) fake name: muito bom porem todos os videos são em 480p, inglish very good but all videos are in 480p
- (2022-11-27) Matheus Soares (OFICIAL): Thanks! It works.
- (2022-11-09) Rumplestiltsim: works great!
- (2022-11-05) Sergio: Works!!
- (2022-10-16) Артём Дроздов: It is work my comrades :)
- (2022-10-09) Anny Reyna: Me gusto la extension pero yo pense que se veria automaticamente en yt no en yt tv
- (2022-09-20) Виталий: Нихт арбайтен. Но идея хорошая.
- (2022-09-01) Speddy Muffin: Works really well. Great for watching shows in bed.
- (2022-08-31) Bizzy: Helpful for my specific need. (PC connected to tv, don't like getting up so I just link my phone with "Youtube tv" and control it from there) One problem I think is caused by this extension, It seems to max the quality on every video I watch on the normal YouTube website.
- (2022-08-29) 김두댕: 쓰레기임 그냥 쓰지마셈 화질 720까지 밖에 안나오고 4k 영상이나 긴영상 로딩 아예 안됨
- (2022-08-21) Денис Пересвет: Очень был удивлен, что сделано сторонним человеком. Но исполнение мне больше всего понравилось простотой подключения. Все самом моментально нашло, предложило и сделало. Это не Windows 10, где чтобы заработал сторонний микрофон нужно прочитать 10 форумов, закопаться в настройки и позволить себе включить микрофон. Автору респект!
- (2022-08-14) SeriousBr Junior: This extension is amazing I love it.
- (2022-08-13) Thomas Pinkava: Easy to configure and work like a charm to control music on youtube.
- (2022-08-08) Julio Occhionero: mesi
- (2022-07-19) Brayan S.F: esta muy buena, el problema es que cuando reproduzco un video a 4K me va con un lagueo tremendo , no me carga del todo, habrá solución para dejarlo predeterminado en una misma resolución mínimo a 720p o max 1080 ? es el unico problema que tengo si me pueden ayudar porfas, gracias!!
- (2022-06-06) Frost: bad resolution
- (2022-06-04) IOnlyPlayAsDrif: movies take forever to load and sometimes dont even load, only got it to work once :( i just wanna watch them in 1080p man
- (2022-02-19) Sergey Dilong: In general, works. But at some point I noticed 4K videos are buffering at the regular YouTube website. I tried turning this extension off and this fixed it 🤔
- (2022-02-14) bloxxer02: this is amazing. honestly impressive how well it works. thanks to the dev
- (2022-01-14) Nivesh Varma: Doesn't work at all. immediately redirects to desktop version. Fix this garbage or take it down.
- (2022-01-10) Mike Guadagno: Love it! Really like having the separate icon on the taskbar to click on to minimize and open back up quickly.
- (2022-01-03) ANG - 249: Even on the desktop version it changes it to the highest video quality.
- (2021-12-29) ふくろう: まさに欲しかったアプリです、スマホとPCの画面を共有することが出来るアプリです。
- (2021-12-28) Endri Lauson: It works, but max quality only goes up to 720p no matter what I do, and 60fps videos don't work.
- (2021-12-15) gabriel santos: Muy buena la ext. no se por que se quejan. Si ustedes tienen una tostadora es su problema.
- (2021-12-06) José Nicodemos Maia Neto: it works
- (2021-12-02) Fikret Demir: There should be an option to select Video resolution. By default it is going for 8K or 4K and cpu use %100.
- (2021-11-27) M Pell: Very confusing. I can't tell if this app is for YouTube or YouTube TV. If it's for YouTube TV, it doesn't work. Please make less confusing documentation.
- (2021-11-18) Unknown User: Very good, work for me!
4.3148 (216 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-14 / 0.9
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