Use a large collection of cursors or load your own into Mouse Cursor
Edinstven kazalec po meri za Chrome ™. Uporabite veliko zbirko kazalcev ali naložite svojo.
Zdaj, če želite v brskalniku spremeniti kazalec miške, preprosto nastavite kazalec po meri in z dvema klikom izberite tistega, ki vam je najbolj všeč.
Edinstveni kazalec za Chrome ™ vsebuje veliko kazalcev za vsak okus, razdeljenih v kategorije, in animirane kazalke.
Tam lahko v meniju Unique Cursor za Chrome ™ enostavno spremenite velikost kurzorja, ga dodate med priljubljene ali ga popolnoma odstranite s seznama, je zelo preprosto in priročno.
Edinstveni kazalec za Chrome ™ deluje na kateri koli spletni strani, razen v spletni trgovini Chrome, Googlovih notranjih straneh in domači strani Chrome, ker Googlov pravilnik prepoveduje uporabo kazalcev po meri na teh straneh.
★ Ocene - uporabniki (edinstven kazalec za Chrome ™)
Alex Korsun ★★★★★
Zelo dobro uporabljati Unique Cursor za Chrome ™. To je neverjetno in zame ne predstavlja težav.
Malachi Stern ★★★★★
Res je zelo kul in veliko smešnega kurzorja po meri.
Aquil Bayyan, Jr ★★★★★
Odlična razširitev Unique Cursor for Chrome ™ resnično deluje zelo dobro.
Benjamin Zeitzer ★★★★★
Zelo všeč mi je ves kurzor po meri.
Nathan Snyder ★★★★★
Super kul, še nikoli nisem videl takšne izbire kurzorja.
Isaac Lieberman ★★★★★
Odlično deluje, ogromen izbor kul kurzorja po meri!
Meer Se Yam ★★★★★
To je zelo lepa razširitev, ki spreminja kazalec in mi omogoča, da naložim svoje kurzorje.
čad tunis ★★★★★
To deluje odlično in nenehno dodajajo nov kurzor po meri.
Hana Riddle ★★★★★
Res kul in dobra razširitev, s katero lahko prilagodite kazalec.
Nebesa Kimmey ★★★★★
Neverjetno meri kurzor in všeč mi je nova posodobitev.
Bella Askew ★★★★★
Zelo privlačna in enostavna razširitev. Hvala za velik izbor kurzorja po meri.
- Manjši popravek gradiva kurzorja za uporabniški vmesnik Chrome ™
- Posodobljeno gradivo uporabniškega vmesnika po meri.
- Izboljšan unikatni kazalec za namestitveno stran za Chrome ™
- Manjše tehnične spremembe kurzorja za Chrome ™
- Dodano veliko kategorij kurzorja po meri
- Odpravljene napake pri delovanju Edinstveni kazalnik za Chrome ™
Unique custom cursor for Chrome ™. Use the large Cursor collection or upload your own.
Now, to change the mouse cursor in your browser, simply set the Custom Cursor and in two clicks select the one that you like the most.
Unique Cursor for Chrome ™ contains many cursors for every taste, divided into categories, plus animated cursors.
There, in the Unique Cursor menu for Chrome™, you can easily change the size of the cursor, add it to your favorites or completely remove it from the list, it is very simple and convenient.
Unique Cursor for Chrome ™ works on any web page except the Chrome Web Store, Google internal pages, and the Chrome home page, because Google’s policy prohibits the use of custom cursors on these pages.
★ Reviews - Users (Unique Cursor for Chrome ™)
Alex Korsun ★★★★★
Very good to use Unique Cursor for Chrome ™. This is amazing and no problem for me.
Malachi Stern ★★★★★
It's really very cool and a lot of funny Custom Cursor.
Aquil Bayyan, Jr ★★★★★
The excellent Unique Cursor for Chrome ™ extension really works very well.
Benjamin Zeitzer ★★★★★
I really like all the Custom Cursor.
Nathan Snyder ★★★★★
Super cool, I've never seen such a Cursor choice.
Isaac Lieberman ★★★★★
Works great, huge selection of cool Custom Cursor!
Meer Se Yam ★★★★★
This is a very nice extension that changes my cursor and allows me to load my own cursors.
chad tunis ★★★★★
This works great and they are constantly adding new Custom Cursor.
Hana Riddle ★★★★★
A really cool and good extension with which you can customize your cursor.
Heaven Kimmey ★★★★★
Amazing Custom Cursor and I like the new update.
Bella Askew ★★★★★
Very attractive and easy to use extension. Thanks for the great selection of Custom Cursor.
- Minor correction of the Cursor for Chrome ™ user interface material
- Updated Custom Cursor user interface material.
- Improved Unique Cursor for Chrome ™ installation page
- Minor technical changes to Cursor for Chrome ™
- Added many categories of Custom Cursor
- Fixed function errors Unique Cursor for Chrome ™
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-15) Pmahc GOP: The best out all of the custom cursors but it can feel random what sites it can be used on and the create a cursor is a bit quirky. Otherwise rock solid
- (2020-10-15) Darkspark: for me its not working but i got the idea from my PE teacher and will ask how to use it, over all its pretty cool
- (2020-10-12) quinten miller: yawyur
- (2020-10-11) Joshua Smith: It wouldn't let me even use the cursor Don't get this app!