Description from extension meta
This extension makes your browsing experience...Squanchier.
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Description from store
Squanchify is the...the quickest and most accurate method of making your Chrome browsing experience squanchier. Also, the only one.
This extension--well, it crawls through your pages' links and text, replacing words every now and then with the correct conjugation of the, umm, the word "squanch."
You control the action. Use the popup and move the slider to your preferred level of...squanchiness. While the most feasible-yet-still-recurrently-chortle-inducing strategem might be to keep it at its lowest setting, when the homies are over you'd better believe you'll be squanching it to the max. There are many other levels to be explored.
Oh, and you can de-squanch and then re-squanch your browser with the click of a button if, I dunno, you're reading mission-critical dossiers and you can't afford to miss a word. But let's face it, genius: you can.
MIT License. Do what you will.
1.1 Less ugly now.
1.2: Now featuring more subtle squanchiness for lower slider values. Turn it low, forget about it. Be pleasantly surprised every now and then.
1.3: Squanchify no longer breaks like all your websites.
1.4 No more unexpected squanching.
1.5 Small fixes.
Latest reviews
- (2018-06-10) James Davies: I died.
- (2018-05-28) Christopher D: If installed unknowingly, it is basically malware. I sync Chromium on multiple computers and Chrome on my smart phone, so I didn't think it was a virus for quite a while. I spent over an hour editing a Wikipedia article, before figuring it out. I thought for a bit that a genius hacker infected the entire internet. Some pranks cross the line. this is one.
- (2018-05-15) Esen: Wow this is subtle but great
- (2018-03-22) Summer Sanchinoz: This program is one of the most fun little toys I have tried out for my browser. Although it provides no actual benefit or enhancement, it is great fun if you are a fan of Rick and Morty's favorite degenerate cat. Be sure to change the slider to adjust to your preferred levels of squanchitude. Especially fun to play a prank on people with, or even yourself should you come home inebriated and wonder what the hell is going on. I suggest a low setting and leaving it on for when someone else is using your browser. Also I may or may not have accidentally quoted websites for school papers with the setting on and submitted a squanchy text quote once or twice.
- (2017-05-30) Gert Vandenberg: Great app! Super squanch! Really squanch it! I squanch my family
- (2017-05-22) Carrie: if you don't have it what are you doing with your squanch
- (2017-04-26) Michael Dell: now i read articles just to find all the squanches. Where my squanches at!?
- (2017-04-21) l6rdbeck: How did I live without this? ... Oh yeah, miserably. But now --- I am one squanch closer to enjoying a perfect life! All at the squanch of a button!!
- (2017-01-17) Ryan Rackemann: If you don't have this, go squanch yourself.
- (2017-01-04) Brenden Caruso: Internet is unreadable with out this plugin
- (2016-10-23) Marie Whitworth: It would be great if I had been the one to install it.
- (2016-09-25) Duncan Hadley: hehe...Squanch.
- (2016-09-19) Ian Hickey: Hot
- (2016-08-30) Jon Ungaro: This has brought an unsquanchable amount of squanchiness into my life. From the bottom of my squanch - thank you.
- (2016-08-04) AzureRathalos 97: It made things squanchier but when I unsquanch I still get squanches? You squanch me? :(
- (2016-07-09) Viktor Hajek: Hmmm i squanch it. p.s. wubba lubba dub dub
- (2016-05-10) Tiana Rockwell: LOVE IT XD
- (2016-04-10) Big Jaspy: i would give it 4 an a half if i could, because it glitches and auto squanches pages. other than that pretty good.
- (2016-04-04) Egor: yep
- (2016-03-15) Jerome Godin: Brilliant ! The only downside is it seems to slow my browser down a little more than I'd like it to when browsing "infinite" scroll pages. (i.e. Facebook feed)
- (2016-02-29) Cordell Erskine: great for pranking people especially if they dont watch rick and morty
- (2016-02-25) Jonny Jackson: Squanchy
- (2016-02-24) Hilarious. The news is much squanchier to squanch with squanchify.
- (2016-01-13) Dannielle Wealleans: 10/10 would suanch again
- (2016-01-05) Frodo Baggins: so gud
- (2016-01-03) Judith Espitia: Squanch.