extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Addons for Smashcast.tv

Image from store Smashcast+
Description from store Smashcast Plus provides additional features for users on smashcast.tv as well as changes to already existing features. - Dark Theme - Dark Theme changes smashcast.tv to a darker color set. - Chat Highlighting - Chat Highlighting allows you to setup different highlight format for detecting your name or any words in a custom list of additional triggers you can set being said in chat. This makes it easier to see when someone is talking to you or about certain things. - Desktop Notifications - Desktop Notifications makes it so you will receive a desktop notification when anyone @ mentions you, or uses any of the additional triggers for chat highlighting in chat. (smashcast.tv must be set to allow notifications in your browser) - Hide Image Messages - Hide Image Messages will hide any images containing an image embed or an image url from showing in chat. - Remember Messages - Remember Messages will keep track of your last 5 unique messages sent in chat. You can press the up arrow key (when in the chat box) and cycle through those tracked messages to send again.

Latest reviews

  • (2017-09-12) Lucyan Souza: I liked, but i have a suggestion: Like Twitch Now, if have a function to receive notifications about online channels that i subscribed, i gonna love this =)
  • (2017-06-10) Minprez J.P.: >needing a seperate plubin for a feature that should've been implemented in the website
  • (2017-05-11) Grant K: Needed this SO bad. Thank you Ertz!!!!
  • (2017-05-10) Mitriy999: Спасибо! Так намного лучше!
  • (2017-05-09) Jens Wochnik (wupperwiesel): Spitze!
  • (2016-06-28) Evol E.: Very nice extension. Still would be nice to have some additional functionality.

Latest issues

  • (2017-05-22, v:2.0.6) BigMacPizza: Notification
    It works fine, but could have a notification feature when a streamer you follow starts live
  • (2016-10-01, v:1.2.8) Maniex: Hitbox+ won't open
    When I click icon of Hitbox+ nothing is happening.
  • (2016-06-28, v:1.1.7) Evol E.: Chat resize
    Please add possibility of chat resize like it was in old Hitbox design. Also would be nice to have "Current Viewers" showed in theater mode too, so ppl don't need to exit it to see how many viewers stream currently has.
  • (2016-05-28, v:1.1.6) Evol E.: New features
    Also would be nice to have an option to pin messages directed to you at the top of the chat (like in bttv for twitch). That could help if user go afk and receives a reply in chat.
  • (2016-05-04, v:1.1.4) Evol E.: New features
    1) Would be nice to have an option to get sound alert when you nickname is mentioned. 2) Also would be nice to have an option to get quick preview of the gif image (from smile menu) posted in chat on mouseover.


165 history
4.6111 (18 votes)
Last update / version
2018-04-12 / 2.0.19
Listing languages
