extension ExtPose

RPG 온라인 게임 - 데다리움

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데다리움은 어느 웹사이트도 RPG 게임으로 바꿀 수 있는 브라우저 확장입니다. 플레이하고 인터넷을 정복하세요!

Image from store RPG 온라인 게임 - 데다리움
Description from store 네트워크 가디언을 소유할 자격이 있으세요? 무료 롤플레잉 게임, 데다리움을 플레이하세요! 인터넷을 브라우징하면서 데다리움을 플레이하세요! 이제 모든 것이 게임이 됩니다! 오브젝트를 모으고 소셜 네트워크에서 친구와 싸우며 네트워크 가디언을 강화시켜 두려움의 대상이 되게 하세요! 게임 개발의 초기 단계로 현재는 알파 버전이지만, 현존하는 가장 재밌는 브라우저 확장을 목표로 하고 있습니다! 데다리움에서 무엇을 할 수 있나요? - 방문한 웹사이트에서 게임용 가상화폐에서부터 전리품 상자까지 오브젝트 수집을 즐기세요! - 인터넷 서핑 중에 만난 무작위 생명체를 상대로 온라인 게임을 플레이하고 자원을 수집하세요 - 가상 아이템을 모으세요 - 캐릭터를 강화하고 모험 모드를 진행하여 최종 보스를 최초로 처치해보세요! Chrome 확장으로 브라우저에서 이 PC 게임을 플레이하세요! 저희 소셜 미디어와 디스코드 서버에 참여하여, 커뮤니티를 즐기세요 데다리움에 대해서 더 알고 싶으세요? 이 비디오게임의 설화: 인류 최대의 혁명인 인터넷은 새롭고 독특한 삶의 방식을 제공하는 새로운 종류의 의사소통입니다. 소셜 미디어는 모든 인간관계의 핵심이 되었고, 서로 다른 공간에 있는 사람들을 거대하고 평화로운 커뮤니티에 모이게 했습니다. 자유의 목가적인 표면 아래에서 무언가 형성되었습니다. 정크 이메일, 스팸, 댓글 삭제, 중화 바이러스... 항상 간과되는 진실의 이면에는 엄청난 낭비가 쌓이고 있었습니다. 그리고... 예기치 못하게, 그 쌓여 있는 낭비 속에서 끝없는 에너지의 근원인 데다리움이 태어났습니다. 이런 힘에 현혹된 인류는 그 엄청난 순수의 그림자 아래 통제 불능의 위험한 감염의 형태의 무언가가 탄생했다는 것을 깨닫지 못했습니다. 그리고 사소한 것들이 실패하기 시작했습니다... 많은 파일과 이미지가 손상되었고 소셜 미디어 계정이 하룻밤 사이에 사라졌으며 웹 페이지는 추적 불가능 한 작은 공격을 받았습니다... 혼돈이 일어나기 시작했고 큰일이 일어날 징조는 너무 명백했으며 두려움과 괴로움이 세계를 뒤덮었습니다. 이러한 불순물들은 계속 생성되는 모든 쓰레기에게서 에너지를 공급 받아, 데다리움이 자신의 것이라고 주장하는 거대한 위협이 되었습니다. 인류는 보편적인 해법을 찾기는커녕 이 괴물을 만든 책임을 서로에게 전가하며 비난했고 평화로운 커뮤니티에 모이자는 생각을 버렸습니다. 그래서 최초의 네트워크 가디언이 생성되었고, 모든 이들의 정보를 안전하게 보호하기 위해 실드가 설치되었습니다. 보호뿐 아니라 데다리움을 획득하기 위해 프로그래밍되어 수비와 공격의 주류로써 많은 이들이 사용하게 되었지만, 사람들은 더 갈라지게 되었습니다. 인류는 두려움과 야망에 눈이 멀었고, 모든 사람을 연합시킬 수 있는 위대한 발견이었던 인터넷은 사람들을 거의 파괴에 이르기까지 분열시켰습니다.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-08) The Silenced Nobody (FST): un juego maravilloso, me gusta mucho. su trabajo es increible. Espero que muchas mas personas jueguen esta maravilla de juego. me divierto mucho, mismo que yo no saiba como jugar bien XD
  • (2023-07-26) Natthaphat Nanon: these game is amazing it have all kind of pretty good model and pretty good gameplay when i was screshing a lil bug popup GOOD GAME!
  • (2023-07-18) Chat Man: Was there since the alfa first thought was that it might be a scam juste to get my data and sell it to advertiser (witch i don t care anymore since if born between 1980 to now you are already all clustered don´t be naive XD google know what happen in your life better than you , i wonder if they propose me some test to pregnancy because they know somethink i don´t XD) but finaly it happen to NOT to be one, it´s juste a rly good game and inovative, nft market juste opened witch gives a lots of new possibility thx to the dev ! The support is fast and competent They found back my lost alfa account thx again <3 ,Very nice game for people spending a lots of time behind a computer but also for poeple les technophile ,the time i spend on my computer happen to be more fun !!! uhu !!! thx keep it real !!! Xwis5 in game juste add me mate ! Long life to Dedalium !
  • (2023-07-17) Brian Kelly: amazing game love the creatures
  • (2023-07-03) Mateo Tarkowski: noice
  • (2023-07-03) Nicka: wish skins weren't so hard to get but overall 10/10
  • (2023-06-26) Jayden Chan: Very fun and cool
  • (2023-06-25) Jacob Shaw: fun
  • (2023-06-20) janmarcos uzcategui: me ha encantado tiene buenas mecanicas y es facil de aprender a jugar
  • (2023-06-16) Terry Black Dragon: It is a good entertainment to rest your head during your free time.
  • (2023-06-14) ermack 404: fun game
  • (2023-06-05) Yuta: This game is cool its a chill game
  • (2023-06-01) Patrick Chen: Its fun and i like that you don't even need to be i the browser to have some fun
  • (2023-05-26) Yeferson Nass: Es muy buen juego facil de usar y muy divertido :)
  • (2023-05-16) Ng Rui-yi (Rafflesinst): it is goood
  • (2023-05-10) zhiwei zhang: 很不错 有点迷上了
  • (2023-05-09) Juliynn Redman: This game is a lot of fun
  • (2023-05-03) 179 B MD.Maherul Alam: good
  • (2023-05-02) diego: mecanicas muy intuitibas
  • (2023-05-02) evan hill: good
  • (2023-05-01) Josiah Wei: Damn nice
  • (2023-05-01) Isabel Frimershtein: i play this at school
  • (2023-04-30) Тихон Гончаров: Пушка, а не игра.
  • (2023-04-28) SlaughterBoys Super: i liked it
  • (2023-04-25) ryan ded: It is the best game i have ever seen
  • (2023-04-19) The FBI: its pretty cool
  • (2023-04-19) Lost: Awesome game! The design is amazing plus this new rpg concept makes me want to play all the time. I love the game and it looks like it could become something much bigger in the future. The idea of the game is really innovative.
  • (2023-04-19) Michael Hanna (Odis Noble): Excellent idea. and the ability to pause it while you are trying to focus is great too.
  • (2023-04-07) Zachary Vautour: Très très bon j'adore très adictant!!!!!
  • (2023-04-06) The Potato: It's ok if it stays on the background, i guess. But this game is not meant to be taken seriously, even as casual game. It's supposed to be sleeping on the background. If you want to play it as a casual game, you'll have to pay. other wise you'll not gonna be doing anything for more than 5 minutes per day. You'll also be matched with random people so expect you to be meeting 100s of veterans before seeing someone you can actually beat. Also I dont consider this to be a pay2win. but rather, free trial, resets daily kind of thing thanks to the limitation in everything you do down to minimal. One last thing, all the 5 stars looks like your typical paid reviewer. Try yourself and see if actually up to your expectation.
  • (2023-04-04) jhakii jordan: asome
  • (2023-04-03) Wan Aunie: OK THIS IS GREAT THO
  • (2023-03-31) Game Wiz: This game is almost fully pay to win now. I used to be one of the top players in the game, the top 10 of the game in fact. I win ratio was up in the 60's, it doesn't seem that high but it is in the game. When alpha came they added a way to level up WITH MONEY. A lot of people spent decent amounts of money on the game. My ratio is now 49%, trash. I lost my position and now there is only one free to play player left in the top 10. It used to be a balance. Almost everyone I used to be able to beat are impossible to beat now. I have to spend 3 hours a day to keep up based on my calculations, which I'm not willing to do. This game is not worth playing anymore. For new players it is impossible to catch up now. All of my time invested into the game wasted. It can just be gotten by people with a lot of extra cash in their wallets.
  • (2023-03-27) the best
  • (2023-03-21) Javier García: Un juego adictivo, que no pide mucho tiempo para cuando estas navegando.
  • (2023-03-21) Donald Murray: It's kinda cool that it sends out stuff to fight off in whatever app you are playing. But that can also be pretty annoying as well, so you have to take the good with the bad if you want to play it. The lack of energy is pretty lame though.
  • (2023-03-16) Nivaan Aggarwal: op
  • (2023-03-14) dominic Ethan: cool
  • (2023-03-08) Don Flamenco: 20/10 god obra maestra
  • (2023-03-04) Death Dragon: it give me something to adhd on, while doing boring reading, makes browsing the internet, fun again, and more then just a go here read this, would recommend for those that want more do then just veg on the internet
  • (2023-03-04) ABLOG TIME: GGWP
  • (2022-03-10) Ignasi: Awesome game! I'm addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2022-03-09) Russell Myers: simple game i can play while doing my schoolwork
  • (2022-01-28) David Fernandez: Super Fun
  • (2022-01-20) Joan Ramió Pons: Fantastic Game!!
  • (2022-01-19) Jaume Fàbrega Rodríguez-Roda: Super good!
  • (2022-01-19) Adrià Quintanas Corominas: I love the feeling of being rewarded with crystals and treasures while surfing the net. I am looking forward to the forthcoming pieces and skills to characterise my robot. Will you implement PVP soon? Hopefully, yes! I want to steal some crystals from the top players!!!
  • (2022-01-18) Cesc Casals Tella: Juego muy bueno para desconectar un rato! Muy recomendable!
  • (2022-01-18) Laura Reig: Love it!! This game is really innovative, I've never seen anything like this before. It's very fun to play, I would never stop gathering Dedalium on random websites and fighting against the monsters! This game has a lot of potential, I'm very excited to see what will come next.
  • (2022-01-13) Sergio Varona: I love the way my web navigation gets gamified! Can't wait to see the final version of the game! You are always doing updates!


10,000 history
4.8659 (246 votes)
Last update / version
2023-06-04 / 0.4.10
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