extension ExtPose

Snow for Google Chrome

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Description from extension meta


Image from store Snow for Google Chrome
Description from store Snow 是一款輕量級且可自訂的瀏覽器擴展,可為您的瀏覽體驗帶來令人愉悅的冬季雪景效果。使用此瀏覽器擴充程序,您可以在任何網頁上創建寧靜的降雪效果,並根據您的喜好進行自訂。無論您是想增強節日氣氛、製造暴風雪,還是只是享受平靜的視覺效果,Snow 都旨在為您提供神奇的互動體驗,只需點擊幾下即可。立即安裝並讓它在您當前的頁面上下雪。 Snow 非常適合喜歡瀏覽環境中的個人化風格的用戶,包括度假愛好者、冬季愛好者或任何尋求寧靜氛圍的人。透過微調降雪量和風向的選項,您可以完全控制氛圍。 Snow 無縫整合到您的瀏覽器中,而不影響效能,讓您在保持高效的同時享受虛擬的冬季仙境。 靈感來自兩首最具代表性的聖誕歌曲:瑪麗亞·凱莉(Mariah Carey) 的《聖誕節我想要的就是你》(All I Want for Christmas Is You) 和賓·克羅斯比(Bing Crosby)的《白色聖誕節》(White Christmas)。無論您是夢想白色聖誕節還是沉浸在節日音樂中,我們的瀏覽器擴充功能都能將您的瀏覽器變成冬季仙境。 瀏覽器擴充功能: ◆ 可自訂的雪花顏色: 選擇單一雪花顏色或讓它隨著每一片雪花隨機變化。 ◆ 雪花款式: 選擇經典的雪花或簡單的圓點以獲得簡約的外觀。 ◆ 尺寸與速度可調: 改變雪花的大小並控制它們下落的速度。 ◆ 累積選項: 讓雪聚集在頁面底部,營造出舒適的雪景。 ◆ 風向: 根據您的滑鼠移動,讓雪跟隨風向。 ◆ 靈活的雪量: 控制螢幕上的雪量,以獲得微妙或大雪的效果。 ◆ 可自訂圖標: 從白色、黑色、藍色、紅色、黃色或綠色圖示中進行選擇以符合您的瀏覽器主題。 ◆ 定義自訂鍵盤組合來啟動下雪功能 ◆ 支援深色模式 為什麼 Snow 是冬季主題的最佳瀏覽器擴充: ◆ 對效能沒有影響: Snow 運作平穩,不會降低您的瀏覽或電腦速度。 ◆ 完美的節日和聖誕節主題: 無論是寒假還是聖誕節,Snow 都會為任何網頁增添節日氣氛。 ◆ 非常適合放鬆: 當您瀏覽網頁時,享受平和、平靜的氛圍。 專案資訊: https://www.stefanvd.net/project/snow/browser-extension 所需權限: ◆ “contextMenus”:這是在網頁瀏覽器上下文選單中新增「下雪目前網頁」選單項目。 ◆ “activeTab”:允許在目前可見的標籤頁上存取下雪功能。 ◆ 「儲存」:將設定儲存在本機並與您的網頁瀏覽器帳戶同步。 <<< 選項功能>>> 透過安裝適用於 YouTube 和 Beyond 的 Turn Off the Lights 瀏覽器擴充程序,解鎖一項選項功能,以在夜間保護您的眼睛並專注於影片播放器,例如 YouTube™。 https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/turn-off-the-lights/bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn

Latest reviews

  • (2022-11-27) Odell Sanders: I aboutlautley love it!!!! it will sow atuamaticley without having to do anything, and it is suble, but noticable!! thank you!
  • (2021-08-31) Jakob Eckardt: Really hope it's gonna snow when I click enter
  • (2021-08-30) Ry B: Fun fact: The snow particles are actually bullet points. I wish it was more of an on/off toggle though.
  • (2020-12-11) Narges / Amir: Waste Of Time
  • (2020-11-30) jordy vermaning: gewoon kaasje
  • (2020-07-05) huawu xiaoyu: 说实话,雪花做的并不是很完美,但是真的不错,尤其是女孩子使用的话。好评
  • (2019-12-18) hahaha hahaha: how get it to work after install it no turn on it is being more bader than when my doggo eat the remote
  • (2019-11-10) Michael Brostík: Super efekt waaau
  • (2019-08-28) P. Tretter: Extension does not work. Brings up a white box when clicked saying it is now working and how to uninstall it. Right-clicking and selecting Snow brings you to the extension's page in the web store. 0 stars.
  • (2018-11-30) JeagerKhan Gaming: It was good
  • (2018-08-11) ธีรวัฒน์ แซ่ภู่: Good
  • (2018-05-01) Donna Marshall: It's a fun little extension especially around Christmas time!
  • (2018-04-16) Stephen Williams: i like that how when you move your cursor it moves the snow. can you also make an option to make it leaves or somthing?
  • (2018-04-12) Margeaux Miller: I can't turn it off!!!! So annoying
  • (2018-03-07) Alexandria “Sasha” Greenhall: i cant delete it
  • (2018-01-22) YOUBROTHER: justo lo que estaba buscando mil gracias
  • (2017-12-07) Sean Fournier: ok
  • (2017-11-11) cellynn filarelli: i love christmas!
  • (2017-10-28) Jason %: Yes, there really need some controls as to which pages, what sites; a button to turn it on or off, etc. If you have the extension, it's 'on'. That's it.
  • (2017-10-21) Bence Balogh: I can not delete it
  • (2017-10-14) Lily: luv it boooooooo
  • (2017-05-07) Joshua Bickford: it is so annoying and it would get off my computer
  • (2017-04-24) Martha Niswonger: This "snow" extension is very annoying it blocks what your doing with white flecks and is very agitating I wouldn't suggest this as something you should get. And how d you get rid of it on your screen?!?
  • (2017-03-23) Atlas Guo: 最开始就用过,感觉好好玩
  • (2017-02-20) tamoria mathis: I just wish you could turn it off and on using the Snowflake on the tool bar. i also agree we should have our chocie of larger snowflakes.
  • (2017-02-13) Seth Leedy: Really simple and fun addition for the browser.
  • (2016-12-21) Eile Meseck: It won't work
  • (2016-12-15) ivy holley: cool
  • (2016-12-14) Hype Squed: it was working
  • (2016-12-13) Alyssa Zimmermann: I can't get it off
  • (2016-12-11) Salkion: Very cool,good job. :D
  • (2016-11-11) Irina Svetlowa: Hi, I am interested in acquiring your extension "Snow". Please contact me at: [email protected]
  • (2016-11-07) Xx_Doge420_x X: It is distracting :(


10,000 history
3.6493 (536 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-06 / 2.0.1
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