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Noty: Ringkasan & Transkrip Rapat

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Asisten Rapat Noty.ai untuk Google Meet. Catatan rapat, ringkasan, transkripsi, & daftar tugas powered by Gemini AI

Image from store Noty: Ringkasan & Transkrip Rapat
Description from store Asisten rapat AI Noty.ai terintegrasi dengan Google Meet untuk menghasilkan transkrip rapat, ringkasan rapat, daftar tugas, dan email tindak lanjut rapat. Hemat waktu dan tingkatkan produktivitas Anda dengan asisten rapat AI yang didukung oleh Gemini. Nikmati kolaborasi tim yang efisien dan produktivitas 60% lebih tinggi dengan Noty.ai, asisten rapat AI lengkap. Sederhanakan kehidupan kerja Anda, tingkatkan produktivitas, dan jangan pernah melewatkan detail dengan ekstensi asisten rapat AI kami yang penuh fitur. Fitur Utama: 🙌🏻Accurate Transkripsi Rapat: Asisten rapat AI Noty secara akurat dan cepat mentranskrip rapat Google Meet, memberikan catatan rapat yang akurat 98,6% dan tak tertandingi berkat Google Gemini. ✍🏼AI Pembuat Ringkasan: Asisten rapat AI secara instan membuat ringkasan rapat, menghemat waktu Anda yang berharga dan memastikan Anda tidak akan pernah melewatkan poin-poin penting. ✅ Daftar Agenda Rapat: Gemini AI mendeteksi dan meringkas item tindakan, menjaga rapat Anda tetap dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan daftar tugas yang didukung AI yang dinamis di asisten rapat Noty AI. Email Tindak Lanjut Rapat: Kirim email tindak lanjut rapat langsung dari asisten rapat Noty AI, rangkum item tindakan dan poin-poin penting. 👩🏻‍💻Meeting Catatan: Buat dan atur catatan rapat dan notulen rapat dengan mudah di dalam ekstensi asisten rapat AI yang didukung Google Gemini, sehingga memudahkan untuk meninjau dan berbagi informasi penting. 🌍 18+ Dukungan Bahasa: Asisten rapat AI Noty.ai mendukung 18 bahasa, dengan lebih banyak bahasa yang ditambahkan setiap bulan, sehingga pengguna di seluruh dunia dapat merasakan manfaat dari rapat bertenaga AI yang efisien. 🛟 Rujuk Teman Anda dan Gunakan Pro: Bergabunglah dengan program rujukan Noty dan bagikan kegembiraan asisten rapat AI yang efisien dengan mendapatkan satu minggu penggunaan Noty Pro untuk setiap rujukan yang berhasil. Ubah rutinitas kerja Anda dengan asisten rapat AI Noty.ai yang digerakkan oleh Gemini AI. Unduh ekstensi Noty sekarang dan rasakan cara bekerja yang lebih cerdas dan produktif! PERTANYAAN YANG SERING DIAJUKAN Apa yang dimaksud dengan plugin Noty.ai AI Meeting Assistant? Plugin Noty.ai AI Meeting Assistant dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengalaman rapat Anda dengan menyediakan fitur-fitur bertenaga AI seperti transkripsi, rangkuman, dan pembuatan tugas langsung di dalam browser pilihan Anda. Bagaimana cara kerja plugin ini? Setelah diinstal, plugin AI Meeting Assistant terintegrasi secara mulus dengan browser Anda, sehingga Anda dapat mengakses fitur-fiturnya secara langsung dari platform meeting Anda. Plugin ini secara otomatis mentranskrip rapat, membuat rangkuman, dan membuat tugas yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, sehingga meningkatkan produktivitas dan kolaborasi. Platform rapat apa saja yang didukung oleh Asisten Rapat AI? Plugin Noty.ai AI Meeting Assistant mendukung platform rapat populer seperti Google Meet, memastikan kompatibilitas dengan alur kerja Anda yang sudah ada. Apakah Noty AI Meeting Assistant aman? Ya, plugin Noty.ai AI Meeting Assistant memprioritaskan keamanan dan privasi data. Semua data dienkripsi menggunakan protokol standar industri, dan informasi pengguna dilindungi sesuai dengan standar privasi yang ketat. Dapatkah saya menyesuaikan fitur-fiturnya? Meskipun fungsionalitas inti telah distandarisasi untuk kemudahan penggunaan, Anda dapat menyesuaikan pengaturan dan preferensi untuk menyesuaikan perilaku plugin dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Bagaimana cara mendapatkan dukungan atau memberikan umpan balik? Anda dapat mengakses sumber daya dukungan dan mengirimkan umpan balik di situs web Help.Noty.ai . Tim Noty.ai berdedikasi untuk memberikan bantuan dan terus meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna berdasarkan masukan dari pengguna.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-14) Social Media Marketing: Good features
  • (2023-08-08) Pranav K Das: Noty is such a great extension and I am in love with it since I began using it 2 days ago. But today all of a sudden, when I try to login, failed to fetch is coming. Please help! I tried to find the support page, but couldnt find it at all.
  • (2023-03-31) Rodrigo Vidal: Infelizmente, no meu Chrome está dando um erro ao tentar executar as ações: "CANNOT READ PROPERTIES OF UNDEFINED..." E daí não resume, não faz nada. Tentei tirar bloqueadores de anúncio, etc.. mas não resolveu. O suporte é bem ruim. Não achei como falar com o suporte.
  • (2023-03-27) Anatolii Kharchuk: Thanks, Noty.ai team; you have a cool product. I got some bugs, but overall that was a cool experience. I will use Noty in the future.
  • (2023-03-20) Maryna Biriukova: One of my favorite features of Noty.ai is its real-time transcription. It helps me as non-native English speaker to attend the meetings with my international colleagues.
  • (2023-03-12) Brett Levy: Simple and like a silent assistant. I have used Noty.ai for a couple of months and it is simple to use and seamless. When I start a video meeting it is just there waiting to record and transcribe. If you need to keep track of your meetings and make notes while actually concentrating on the meeting then this is the app for you.
  • (2023-03-08) Vitalii Romanchenko: As the CEO of elai.io, I can confidently say that Noty.ai has revolutionized the way we conduct our meetings. This extension is a game-changer for anyone looking to boost their productivity and take their meetings to the next level. The intuitive interface, robust features, and easy-to-use platform make Noty.ai a must-have tool for any professional. I highly recommend giving it a try!
  • (2023-03-08) mac: I love using Noty.ai for my online classes. It's been such a relief. I simple make a transcript or make manual highlights live during the class. This transforms into the call Summary on the platform. Noty.ai drafts the follow-up. I insert any extra information that's need and voila that HW is done. Thank you guys for your magic platform!
  • (2023-03-07) Mykyta: I've been using Noty.ai for a few weeks now and I can't imagine going back to taking notes manually during online meetings. The real-time transcription is incredibly accurate, even with multiple people speaking at the same time, and the generated summaries are spot-on. I particularly appreciate the data extraction feature which has saved me a ton of time when searching for specific information from past meetings. Noty.ai has definitely improved my productivity during online meetings and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to streamline their note-taking process.
  • (2023-03-07) Gosh, this extension has changes the way I do work. In my marketing team, I am responsible for taking notes on who says what when our manager is sick or on vacation. I enjoy taking spots, but when people start talking too fast it gets confusing and complicated. When I discovered Noty.ai, I's made my life hella lot easier: I continue to write beautiful, detailed, meeting notes my team members love and my manager appreciates. Thanks, devs!
  • (2023-03-07) Maryna Biriukova: Super useful tool! I wish I had found it earlier and not kept track of multiple conversations by myself 😭 My favorite feature of Noty.ai is its ability to summarize meeting notes into easy-to-read bullet points. It has been particularly useful when sharing information with team members who could not attend the meeting. Noty.ai helps me present the most important details in a clear format. I bought the SuperHero plan, and it’s worth my money. Highly recommend!
  • (2023-03-04) The Entrepreneurship Cell Hindu College: We are a college society, Noty has made our meetings so much easier!
  • (2023-03-04) Super useful application, it made taking notes so much easy that we barely ever have to keep a track!
  • (2023-03-03) Stephanie Cameron: Really great app, friendly UI and its really good to use in a meeting because the other user doesn't see the script being recorder.
  • (2023-03-02) Maya Jabar-Muhammad: Wish the zoom feature were fully functional! Other than that, I have not complaints. The app works well and keep me organized. The transcription of my meeting are spot on. I see all pinned items in the summary window right after the call. I went went from the free version to the paid superheroes version after a month.
  • (2023-03-02) German Molinaro: Muy util aplicación. La versión gratis está bastante bien, no es transparente en cuanto al consumo que uno lleva (y cuánto queda disponible).
  • (2023-03-02) Eugenia Langen: I really enjoy Noty.ai I trust that they will continuously improve the interface, and the sheer simplicity of having a transcript of your meetings is a real lifesaver when you need to remember when something happened. You can easily do a control+find and there it is.
  • (2023-03-02) Mauricio Murcia: Gran valor para las notas en las reuniones. todo el contenido queda bien organizado y listo para notas y followups posteriores.
  • (2023-03-02) It works great and it's so easy to use. I use it for all my work meetings. Love it.
  • (2023-03-02) Ravi Shanker Upadhyay: Great in transcribing the conversation automatically, very clean and tidy UI. Helps immensely in my role. Though the texts sometimes are not captured accurately but its rare and very much depends upon people.
  • (2023-03-02) Jeremy Pagel: It is nice to have a transcription of calls without having to do anything. However, the ai summary and some of the words they list are completely wrong and misleading. Also, it would be nice to have a 'action' tag that would be automatically attached when anything is mentioned in meeting like 'yea, let's do the website edit' and then have that automatically marked as an action or event. This would really help. Conversations go fast and since the transcription is not always correct with spelling, wording, who was talking, this would be a great addition to a pretty good tool.
  • (2023-02-21) MIGUEL ANGEL PANIAGUA FERNANDEZ: Es una app muy útil para tomar notas de las reuniones. Puedes estar pendiente de la reunión sin perderte nada ya que ella toma las notas de todo por tí!
  • (2023-02-20) Jasmina Vermezovic: Useful and easy to use, saves me heaps of time and allows to have a proper conversation without worrying about missing key points
  • (2023-02-17) Seth Light: This app is great because it doesn't notify the group it's taking notes. To me that's important so you can have genuine conversations w/o the other party know they're being recorded. The AI is also great for taking notes and has saved me several times.
  • (2023-02-17) Vlad Markuts: good enough
  • (2023-02-17) A hni: I didn't realize how helpful this app would be! You need it and you don't know it yet.
  • (2023-02-17) Elias Veris: I use noty.ai when doing (potential) customer interviews. It's extremely handy to be able to just pay attention to the call, see the transcript roll by while the person is talking, and adding a pin when a key insight comes up. Fantastic way to keep the conversation flowing and having a writeup of everything that you found exceptionally interesting!
  • (2023-02-17) It's one of the most useful tools I've used in many years. It's even so powerful that it works in my native language, Portuguese br, even though it doesn't have official developer support. It's simply the best, I can't do without it anymore. I've told everyone I know to start using it too.
  • (2023-02-17) LAURA MENDOZA GUTIERREZ: Gracias a esta app por fin me he podido centrar en el contenido de las reuniones y poder comprobar dudas o escribir minutas después sin preocupaciones, súper útil!
  • (2023-02-17) Magnus Leppäniemi: This is the perfect tool to keep… This is the perfect tool to keep note-taking easy and to know what essential things were discussed. It has helped us a lot to create notes and ToDos from meetings. The AI tool needs tiny tweaks in interpreting what people say; It gets it right 97% of the time. So no biggie
  • (2023-02-17) Yuliia El Ajjad: Noty.io is very helpful tool for everyone who has meetings. You will not miss anything with this tool.
  • (2023-02-17) Ivan Labaš: Very usefull
  • (2023-02-17) Amazing tool. We use it in our branding agency to summarize our client workshops. No more manual work.
  • (2023-02-09) Denys Chumak: I have been using Noty.a for a few months now, and I am very impressed with the quality of the transcription and the ease of use. The Al-powered transcription is accurate, and the calendar integration keeps me organized. Highly recommend this product!
  • (2021-10-01) Devjyoti Saha: awesome app
  • (2021-09-16) Alex Voloshyn: This app help me with transcriptions of all me meetings and share with my team, create task after meetings. Also it's very easy to use noty for short notes after call with client (to do list) and share with him. Thanks!
  • (2021-09-15) Slava Phaedonov: Awesome!
  • (2021-07-02) Anastasiia Kondratiuk: The best tool for my online meeting. Using it all the time.
  • (2021-07-01) Camilla Laing: Really useful tool for keeping up with an important conversation!
  • (2021-05-27) Арсен Луковський: Usage of this tool helped me to track all the ideas mentioned in conversations. It keeps me working with ideas and features, and not with notes during the meeting. Highly recommend using it!
  • (2021-02-06) Соломія Костик: This tool makes by everyday work much easier and that's great!
  • (2021-01-27) Viktor Leskov: Just unbelievable, this extension helped me understand my girlfriend little bit more
  • (2021-01-27) Наталя Сікора: I’m a teacher, so use Noty.ai for my online classes. Satisfied with transcripts they provide.
  • (2021-01-27) Great and useful app!)
  • (2021-01-26) Bohdan Boyko: It's amazing extension for capturing the dialogue on my calls, and I can be fully concentrated on the meeting.
  • (2021-01-26) Ярослав Станіславчук: I use this stuff everyday!
  • (2021-01-26) Володимир Возняк: Very useful extension :)
  • (2021-01-26) Юрій Войціцький: Amazing app!
  • (2021-01-25) Natalia Marina: Great productivity tool
  • (2021-01-25) Marko Vovchok: It's amazing extension for capturing the dialogue on my calls, and I can be fully concentrated on the meeting. If I forget or miss something - I can always find out the info in transcript.


10,000 history
4.875 (144 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-03 / 1.58.15
Listing languages
