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Get the latest offers, cashback and voucher codes at
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Love shopping but dislike searching for deals prior to checkout? Install the Quote Goat browser extension and let us find the best deals for you.
Whenever you search on Google or visit a retailer's store, you'll be shown cashback offers from more than 5,000 U.K. retailers that we work with.
At checkout, we'll automatically test all known voucher codes in seconds and apply the biggest saving to your basket.
Never miss another deal with the Quote Goat browser extension.
Latest reviews
- (2019-04-25) Brooke C: This thing is absolutely amazing! Can't believe it even tells you which websites give you cashback in Google results! LOVE IT! and really unobtrusive and not annoying like some of the ones I've used in the past. Big thumbs up from me.
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2019-04-22 / 1.0.3
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