Cool instagram teme za vsak dan. Na namizju uporabite črno temo za instagram.
Uporabite odlične teme za spletno mesto instagram.
Kako uporabljati teme Instagram:
- Odprite okno razširitve s klikom na njegovo ikono v zgornjem desnem kotu brskalnika;
- Kliknite na želeno temo;
- Uživajte v rezultatu!
Pozor! Če želite uporabiti temo na zavihku, ki ga odprete, preden namestite razširitev, ga najprej osvežite.
8 kul Instagram temah:
- črna tema;
- Siva tema;
- temno modra tema;
- Roza tema;
- Barvna tema;
- In še veliko drugih odličnih tem za vaš instagram.
Prilagodite vašo instagramovo kožo in dobite boljšo ig igro z instagramom z lepimi temami.
Uporabite temno temo za instagram ponoči.
Z instagram nočnim načinom boste zmanjšali obremenjenost oči in lažje boste zaspali.
Latest reviews
- (2020-09-15) Maria Leal: Oprimo el tema que quiero pero no sale nada ._. alguien me explica porque no me sale porfavor :/
- (2020-08-25) JESSROCKED Channel: doesn't even black out the white areas. 0/10
- (2020-07-06) Georges Langlois: Unfortunately it doesn't change direct message background which was my main goal
- (2020-03-28) Simple Science: that's not a bundle of themes, I don't know what is it. first, the "stories" and "Suggestions For You" divs are still white at any theme. second, the start button in videos not displayed at some themes, I don't know why. third, the colors don't match correctly, because some icons are still black in a dark theme.
- (2019-07-12) Catafei Rusty: происходит какой-то баг и крашется тема ту которую я выбрал
- (2019-05-08) R: absolutely fabulous didn't expect there to be different themes. Just needs to be added to "Stories" and "Suggestions For You" side panels
3.5 (11 votes)
Last update / version
2020-03-03 / 1.2.2
Listing languages