¿Pierdes tiempo mientras navega en sitios web inútiles? ¿Lamentas el tiempo perdido? ¡La extensión de Time Management le recordará…
TimeSaver extension will not only count the amount of lost time, but also motivate you to go back to important tasks.
Latest reviews
- (2020-02-24) Александр Сухорученко: Все отлично! Хотелось бы версию для пк)
- (2019-11-04) Aubrey Hughs: I was excited to try it until i noticed that if you put a website on the productive list and you visit a specific page in it it counts it against you. Example: You put www.website.com on the list and then you visit www.website.com/pages counts it against you.
- (2018-11-10) Abdul Kader Muhammadi: Awesome!
- (2018-01-14) Attila Mitrócsák: It does help managing your time, but for some reason it breaks Google search...