extension ExtPose

Tab Translate - Multifunksjonell oversetter

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Description from extension meta

Oversett enkelt valgt tekst fra ett språk til et annet og forbedre språkkunnskapene dine.

Image from store Tab Translate - Multifunksjonell oversetter
Description from store Samler beste praksis for bruk av språkoversettere til forretnings- og utdanningsformål. Språkoversetterverktøy, som foreslås av denne utvidelsen, kan hjelpe brukere med å overvinne språkbarrierer og kommunisere mer effektivt på tvers av forskjellige språk. Basert på den nye Manifest V3 (MV3). Modus: • Pop-up translation: Popup-vindu med oversettelsestekst. • Split screen: Delt skjerm mellom nettleser og språkoversetter. • One tab: Én enkelt fane for språkoversetter. Bruk tekst-til-tale-funksjonen (TTS) som hjelper deg å lære hvordan ord høres ut. Du kan også oversette nettsider til ditt foretrukne språk med bare ett klikk. Tab Translate-utvidelsen drives av Google Translate API og tilbyr unike funksjoner og fordeler i forhold til andre oversettere. Fordeler med å bruke: ✓ Rask og responsiv: Du kan forvente rask responstid og jevn drift. ✓ Allsidige moduser: En rekke multifunksjonelle moduser for å dekke ulike oversettelsesbehov. ✓ Kompatibilitet med ulike innholdstyper: Lar deg jobbe komfortabelt med ulike filtyper, inkludert web- og lokale dokumenter, PDF-filer og vanlige faner. ✓ Ideell for studier: Er perfekt for studenter som trenger å oversette dokumenter eller annet studiemateriell, noe som gjør språklæring mer tilgjengelig og effektiv. ✓ Brukervennlig: Enkelt og forståelig grensesnitt. Denne utvidelsen oppdager automatisk hovedspråket ditt og er klar til bruk umiddelbart etter installasjon. Teknisk støtte: Vennligst rapporter eventuelle feil eller funksjonsforslag her: https://tabtranslate.com/feedback.html Lokalisering av brukergrensesnittet vil bli utført gradvis. Merk: Alle opphavsrettigheter tilhører deres respektive eiere. Denne utvidelsen er ikke eid, lisensiert eller sponset av Google Inc., og Google gir ingen støtte for dette produktet. ---------------------------------- This extension strictly adheres to all Chrome Web Store Policies and Terms of Service. setups hello instant language translation fingertips expand vocabulary inline lingo dictionary isn t translation tool s gateway linguistic exploration translation opportunity learn words phrases idioms expand vocabulary while surfing web watch language skills flourish discover world knowledge inline lingo dictionary isn t translations s discovery comprehending content multiple languages gain access wealth information insights globe immerse cultures broaden horizons become true global citizen don t miss power inline lingo dictionary download revolutionize browse web hello effortless translations bid farewell language barriers unlock world multilingual communication browser inline lingo dictionary dictionary speaks language click selection translation web pages seamless integration google translate unlock world multilingual communication fingertips download inline lingo explore web never select phrase click translate using google translator dictionary translator saladict is professional pop dictionary page translator supports multiple search modes page looking words has never been easier saladict supports mixed multiple search modes whether single click double click pop icon hovering keyboard shortcuts name combination dictionaries is adjusted according search text saladict profile words are kept sound saladict comes search history vocabulary notebook context is captured saved webdav synchronization anki card generation shanbay list exporting plaintext format multilingual support expect although saladict is built looking english words supports languages chinese simplified traditional japanese korean french german spanish are supported dictionaries languages are supported machine translation services dictionary is polished unify style reading experience reading foreign essay is piece paper saladict has three default profiles scholar mode translation mode sentence mode may reading translating writing essays foreign language is build pdf viewer conjunction sidebar mode standalone search panel deepl chrome extension enjoy deepl s unbeatable translation quality ever leaving browser re deepl pro user includes entire web pages re user re working releasing feature select text deepl icon appear translate selection click icon translate set own shortcuts settings reading writing deepl chrome longer worry missing information throughout web due language barrier won t skip emails articles websites anymore view content re browsing chrome chosen language original context whether re writing social media post chat message email translate own words type means longer copy paste retype leave chrome communicate language things easier choose websites specific languages translated seamless browsing experience deepl pro login deepl pro users log accounts extension shortcuts translation easier unparalleled accuracy rest assured re getting possible translations website application re using deepl translations outperform competition are proven three accurate translations major tech companies loved millions users millions world deepl every improve communication choose languages list languages available extension check article help center https support com hc en articles languages browser extension translate words phrases while browsing web using google translate web translator is everyday helper translate foreign sentence article s translate text language breaking click translation translate click translation words text audio function helps learn words sound phonetic transcription page translation translate entire web pages mouse click designed straightforward translation display column highlight content foreign languages are available translation select languages appear context menu translating translator web pages translate languages google translate popular online translation services is offered google search google translators own translation website pop search results means website lengthy amount text translate google translate website is spot space text choose input method handwriting keyboard options features might are saving listening sharing copying translated text addition suggest edit believe translation is incorrect google translate provides languages bing translator name online translation websites is bing uses microsoft translator select input language site detect type microphone enabled speak text translated seems quite convenient ask receive translation options hear male female voice share search bing moreover translation thumbs thumbs provide feedback translator offers languages makes bargain opinion translator is language translator extension text voice conversations translate languages using translator app offline mode allows translate abroad paying roaming charges translate translator enables travelers students business professionals employers medical staff read write speak desired languages translate anywhere world text translator translation text languages translate text speech listen translation male female voices switch dialects translate dictionary thesaurus languages transliteration sharing favorites history photo translator translator camera translate menus signs offline translation translate languages internet connection voice translator translate voice voice conversation speech verb conjugations tenses translate translator supports languages dialects afrikaans albanian arabic armenian azerbaijani basque belarusian bengali bosnian bulgarian catalan cebuano chichewa chinese simplified chinese traditional croatian czech danish dutch english esperanto estonian filipino finnish french galician georgian german greek gujarati haitian creole hausa hebrew hindi hmong hungarian icelandic igbo indonesian irish italian japanese javanese kannada kazakh khmer korean lao latin latvian lithuanian macedonian malagasy malay malayalam maltese maori marathi mongolian myanmar burmese nepali norwegian persian polish portuguese punjabi romanian russian serbian sesotho sinhala slovak slovenian somali spanish sundanese swahili swedish tajik tamil telugu thai turkish ukrainian urdu uzbek vietnamese welsh yiddish yoruba zulu loved trusted millions search language translator built camera translator text translator voice translator ocr image translator available offline translator introducing lingvanex translator superior language translator language learning app practical voice translator call translator image translator translate conversations sms messages calls conference chats phrases need moment here are uses online offline language translator language translator text voice camera translator languages need features voice text translator translate text voice messages prerecorded audios im sms messages write speak app voice voice voice voice conversations languages translation native language record call phone call translator offline translator language converters lingvanex offline mode allows abroad offline translation using roaming personal business translate text voice images photo camera screenshots sms conversations files websites pdf documents making personal professional features detail translate text languages translate text photos images translate websites web pages text speech feature voice synthesizer bookmarks favourite translations translate widgets memory cards help learn words transliteration transcription dictionary meaning alternate translations supports google watch samsung gear translate headphones bluetooth headset translation keyboard translate application learn phrases travel phrasebook translation history text images recognize translate objects camera share translated text speak translate listen translated text translate messages chat aquest traductor s el vostre ajudant diari traduir una paraula una frase o un article sencer desconeguts s una manera senzilla r pida de traduir text un altre idioma sense deixar de treballar tradueix mentre llegeixes escrius amb web translate el traductor m s prec s del m n amb aquest traductor podeu gaudir d una qualitat de traducci immillorable de google translate sense sortir del vostre navegador podreu traduir sense esfor l instant el que estigueu llegint o escrivint chrome seleccioneu feu clic amb el bot dret sobre qualsevol text trieu traduir aquesta selecci causa d una barrera ling stica ja haureu de preocupar perdre cap informaci la web baixeu el traductor chrome gratu tament comen ar traduir avui mateix tradueix el teu escrit amb el traductor podeu escriure el vostre contingut la part superior de la finestra emergent obtenir la traducci la part inferior totes les traduccions com ara el franc s l alemany l espanyol l rab noranta set idiomes m s estan impulsades traduccions autom tices neuronals de google translate que tradueixen el vostre contingut amb precisi podreu traduir fent doble clic obtenir una traducci r pida de paraules utilitzeu la funci tts que ajuda aprendre com sonen les paraules la transcripci fon tica language translator online translator text translation website translator multilingual translation instant translator web page translator translate tool language conversion online language translator text converter web page translation instant translation language converter web translator online language translation text translator website translation multilingual translator translate extension tts gpt gpt chat gpt translator ai translator dictionary online dictionary language dictionary definitions multilingual dictionary instant dictionary vocabulary tool language reference meanings definitions extension language translator online language dictionary lookup vocabulary helper language reference tool instant definitions explorer multilingual reference language definitions dictionary extension translate define tts text speach text reader text reader chat gpt gpt translator synonims multilingual voice translator translator app translator google bing translator translator dictionary translator dictionary tts translator dictionary tts reader translator click translator click translate translator dictionary translator dictionary

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-12) Den Bond: Best idea for translator extension.


4.4375 (32 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-23 / 1.3.5
Listing languages
