Description from extension meta
Jednoducho preložte vybraný text z jedného jazyka do druhého a zlepšite si svoje jazykové znalosti.
Image from store
Description from store
Spája osvedčené postupy používania jazykových prekladačov na obchodné a vzdelávacie účely.
Nástroje na prekladanie jazykov, ktoré ponúka toto rozšírenie, môžu používateľom pomôcť prekonať jazykové bariéry a efektívnejšie komunikovať v rôznych jazykoch. Na základe nového Manifest V3 (MV3).
• Pop-up translation: Vyskakovacie okno textu prekladu.
• Split screen: Rozdelená obrazovka medzi prehliadačom a jazykovým prekladačom.
• One tab: Jedna karta pre prekladač jazykov.
Použite funkciu Text-to-Speech (TTS), ktorá vám pomôže naučiť sa, ako slová znejú. Môžete tiež preložiť webové stránky do vášho preferovaného jazyka jediným kliknutím.
Rozšírenie Tab Translate využíva rozhranie Google Translate API a ponúka jedinečné funkcie a výhody oproti iným prekladačom.
Výhody použitia:
✓ Rýchle a pohotové: Môžete očakávať rýchlu odozvu a plynulú prevádzku.
✓ Všestranné režimy: Rad multifunkčných režimov, ktoré vyhovujú rôznym potrebám prekladu.
✓ Kompatibilita s rôznymi typmi obsahu: Umožňuje vám pohodlne pracovať s rôznymi typmi súborov vrátane webových a miestnych dokumentov, súborov PDF a bežných kariet.
✓ Ideálne na štúdium: Ideálne pre študentov, ktorí potrebujú preložiť dokumenty alebo iné študijné materiály, čím sa učenie jazykov stane dostupnejším a efektívnejším.
✓ Užívateľsky prívetivé: Jednoduché a zrozumiteľné rozhranie.
Toto rozšírenie automaticky rozpozná váš primárny jazyk a je pripravené na použitie ihneď po inštalácii.
Technická podpora:
Akékoľvek chyby alebo návrhy funkcií nahláste tu:
Lokalizácia používateľského rozhrania sa bude vykonávať postupne.
Všetky autorské práva patria ich príslušným vlastníkom.
Toto rozšírenie nevlastní, nelicencuje ani nesponzoruje spoločnosť Google Inc. a spoločnosť Google neposkytuje pre tento produkt žiadnu podporu.
This extension strictly adheres to all Chrome Web Store Policies and Terms of Service.
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bloat ads unnecessary permissions turn web page image advanced screen capture technology handles pages including inner scrollable elements embedded iframes extension encounter issue please report customer support flag icon capture page improve extension else uses order screenshot entire page must scroll visible part please patient assembles pieces scenario where page is chrome store image let split images separate tabs export result png jpeg various pdf paper sizes configurable extension s options crop annotate add favorite emojis screenshot premium editor extension is run developer view original source project github https github com mrcoles page screen capture chrome extension change log fix keyboard shortcut frame capture fixes chrome manifest v additional chrome manifest v updates support chrome manifest v fix link gofullpage com editor sidebar overflow fix demo video render issue bugfix tab closing issue found chromium fix issue recapturing page reloading editor theme defaults timestamps capture improvements involving google search chatgpt s chat interface scroll fix improved datestamp editor v fix issue capture animation bugfixes including quota issue chrome canary added auto scroll cropping editor various bugfixes including issue pdf landscape export fixed date localization issue pdf export issues transparent backgrounds urls image improvements chromium browsers fixed scrolling issue affecting twitch added url date option pdf editor exports premium users updated project name page screen capture gofullpage same team name pdf export supports landscape layout page splitting prevent text lines getting cut half welcome info page installs fixed compatibility bug fixed issue where zoomed pages resulted blank sections screenshots various bugfixes including image copy compatibility native copy clipboard support additional controls keyboard shortcuts click dialog editor improvements easier selecting elements emoji rendering fix introducing screenshot editor crop annotate add emojis screenshots bugfix issue imgur initial bugfix blank screenshots caused chrome capturing pages fixed issues were affecting behance bbc news websites add options page user reported bugfixes minor bugfixes various bugfixes including issue pdfs getting truncated export refresh bugfixes user reported issues including fix chrome regression iframe permissions various bugfixes user reported issues including salesforce lightning dashboards extra handling chrome bug downloads related allow incognito setting stay tuned updates handle issues downloading chrome beta canary v bugfixes parallax sites edge cases fixed regression number pages stopped scrolling improvements fixed background images bugfixes zoomed lines fix support fixed header jump permissions controls downloads fix parallax improvements bugfix sporadic iframe error bugfixes user reports bugfixes zoomed lines fix support iframes framesets chrome compatability updates improvements scrolling issue handling animations fix user reported scrolling issue additional improvements fixed elements capture feeds improvement export pdf filenames fix recent download location issue improvement fixed elements added export pdf option bugfixes performance improvements improvements captured screen support fixed backgrounds bugfixes various pages cleaner options page fix issue saving options improvements scrollbar handling add ability specify download directory bugfixes download png jpg options page bugfixes user reported issues bugfixes various pages including adwords improved download functionality improvements scrollbars fixed position elements user reports timestamps filenames batch download delete feature auto download option updates customer support feature advanced scrolling algorithm pages gmail bugfixes svgs user reported pages bugfixes user reported pages bugfix body scroll issues size zoom pixel ratio displays improved messaging restricted urls bug fix chrome version style updates bug fixes fix quota errors prevent capturing image customer support feature service support ctrl s cmd s mac screenshot fixed capture zoom issues add expand button capture header updated result tab screenshots click download ability view delete screenshots fix incognito mode file found bug tab handling is major release introduces keyboard shortcut splitting images pages are handling zoomed emulator pages subtle icon svg support stability fixes thank bluememory bsierakowski denilsonsa submitters bug reports add timestamp images are paths hetisniels popup display fix retina fixes remove scale feature fix bugs experienced retina displays change permissions restrictive activetab compatible permissions update fixed permissions issue prevents screen capture chrome fixed bugs image is pieced retina screens improved calculation page width height non standard pages x speed improvement capture restore original scroll positions capture terrycojones fixed scenario captured image load icon caused loading image has been file system fixed bug replaced deprecated blobbuilder blob gleitz removed need reload pages were extension is installed messaging pages t screen captured e content scripts cannot run chrome webstore generated image incorporates url name initial release prevalence online activities web browsing safety should priority are ways stay while browsing web installing safety web browsing extension receive websites adverisment prevent tracking activity stop malisious attempting here are tips web browsing passwords passwords should guess s passwords accounts avoid using public wi fi networks public wi fi networks are notoriously insecure hijacked cybercriminals must public wi fi network sure virtual private network vpn keep data secure update software outdated software create vulnerabilities exploited hackers sure keep operating system browser applications date latest security patches phishing scams phishing scams fake emails links websites try steal personal information suspicious emails links sources virus program scrnli is tool extended functionality includes features related content creation scrnli screen recorder video converter multiple formats screen recorder works create video file opportunities download share cooperate teammates family sharing video content explain materials information record display monitor webcam share convenience using applications combine screenshot tool video formats converter video file converter therefore allows changing video format run same video devices common formats are available scrnli video converter record screen device later watching share friends option convert files various formats devices creation screen capture is ever choose page partial area click customize adding text drawing lines arrows shapes share files link print paper materials main advantage scrnli tool is features content creation are gathered place is reached single click browser s advanced service every working screenshots recording video file converting shared printed saved quality features disposal allow edit reset changes step add text graphic elements pointer arrow circle design scrnli was made reach required screens share colleagues friends avoid descriptions chatting screenshot send address service website using app features are skip ads cpu memory consumption download forget annoying ads image downloader displays every image page link filters images width height url option show images links select image download clicking dedicated buttons individual image tab supports major websites instagram facebook twitter pinterest image downloader is browser extension lets download image web page system pages chrome store start page image downloader is source project made possible thanks community supporters d support continued development extension please check https github com fgerschau image downloader extension displays thumbnail image found page allowing download selection s convenient downloading photos clicks click extension s icon click download button pop why does extension need access site data download images web page image downloader needs read content page popup data is sent computer details check privacy policy https sites com view image downloaderpp home display gpt bard claude s answer search engine s general results enhance browsing experience ai chatgpt google is extension shows ai response google bing duckduckgo search engines compared scattered chaotic information search engines ai has summarized categorized information allowing results moreover ask questions based ai responses gain understanding question key features search enhance obtain concise accurate answers questions search engine interfaces search agent ask question chatgpt google search using multiple keywords review results find answer chat compare answers chatgpt gpt bard claude page enhance search experience ask enter gpt browser address bar press tab space enter ask mode ask mode enter query hit enter send chatgpt ai model chatgpt google outshines competition supports popular search engines google bing duckduckgo search engines supports official api gpt gpt turbo bard markdown rendering code highlights mode custom trigger mode custom content text size supports languages asked questions is chatgpt google chatgpt google is browser extension enhances search engines power chatgpt works showing chatgpt responses search engine results is chatgpt google yes offer limited unlimited access choose premium plan search engines are supported search engines supported future need chatgpt openai account chatgpt google
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-12) Den Bond: Best idea for translator extension.