Description from extension meta
Group YouTube subscriptions into YouTube folder. Video Deck for Youtube. Mark as watched videos. Filter YouTube video. Youtube mode
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Description from store
The best manager to group Youtube subscriptions. Make YouTube folders and sort Youtube channels
Using this Youtube extension you can create collections that seamlessly fit into the YouTube layout. This is an easy way to manage Youtube subscription.
This extension enables you to:
★ Create groups with Youtube channels by topic
★ Group YouTube subscription / channels to collections / group. One YouTube subscription/channel can have few collections
★ Add custom icon for Youtube collection. Choice prepare icons or upload their own one
★ Show the last YouTube videos by collections/groups. Play all video by collections using the YouTube playlist
★ Auto-sync your collections on Android, iOS, Firefox using Google drive or Edge profile
★ Integration in Youtube main page
★ Integration in left Youtube tab
★ Youtube video filters by topic on the feed page
★ Hide watched YouTube video and Youtube search on Youtube feed page
★ YouTube sort by activity, a-z, subscription count, and custom
★ Easy way to catch up subscriptions for Youtube
★ Watch the Youtube tab group
Simply install an extension to organize YouTube subscriptions. Youtube PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager is the only extensions that work after the latest Youtube update.
After installing, please reload all YouTube tabs for the extension to take effect. For issues/suggestions, please contact us via email: [email protected]
PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager is available now for free.
Become a Patreon to help support the continued development of this plugin, if you enjoy it! It takes time to update the extension every time Youtube changes internally.
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ⓘThis Edge extension is about Youtube Subscription Manager and has no affiliations with the popular video hoster Youtube™.
All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Youtube™ doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Edge extension. PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager
is not owned by, is not licensed by, and is not a subsidiary of Youtube™ or Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2025-01-18) Вячеслав: не работает
- (2024-11-26) John: I see a popup for Black Friday sale "Grab two extensions with -30% Now" When I select the link it's for a single annual subscription. Can you please explain this for me. Thanks!
- (2024-07-05) tu: 好用
- (2024-06-23) jeff: The last few days the extension will not generate the playlist 99% of the time. From what I have read online this is a problem with the backend at YouTube but it would be nice if we heard something from the developer. This is my favorite extension I don't really care for YouTube without it.
- (2024-05-09) James: I enjoy it, but it stops allowing to add channels to groups at 100 total subscriptions. I have about twice that many in different areas, aviation, science, chemistry, etc, and it would be great to be able to look at all my subscriptions from one of these areas. For example, if I wanted to look at all my aviation subscriptions. However with the cap at 100, or so it appears, any additional subscriptions over 100 cannot be added to a group. It would be fantastic if there wasn't a 100 cap on subscriptions EDIT: found out how to categorize the rest of the channels I subscribe to. So, 5/5
- (2024-05-06) James: I enjoy it, but it stops allowing to add channels to groups at 100 total subscriptions. I have about twice that many in different areas, aviation, science, chemistry, etc, and it would be great to be able to look at all my subscriptions from one of these areas. For example, if I wanted to look at all my aviation subscriptions. However with the cap at 100, or so it appears, any additional subscriptions over 100 cannot be added to a group. It would be fantastic if there wasn't a 100 cap on subscriptions
- (2024-03-25) qYp: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com亲测好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-03-23) kiZ: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-02-27) Heath: Meh. It's okay on Edge. Works for MOST channels. But won't allow some channels for some reason. Like out of every 10 channels, maybe 1 doesn't even have the option to be added to a group. 3 stars.
- (2024-02-16) Jared: good
- (2024-01-12) Britta: Agreed that this doesn't work in Edge. I added it first to Edge and nothing seemed to change on the YouTube page. I went and added it in Chrome, and the Subscription Groups showed up immediately. So something is not working on the Edge side of things.
- (2024-01-11) e46644: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
- (2024-01-11) e46642: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试.
- (2024-01-11) e46639: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到
- (2024-01-09) e46639: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
- (2024-01-09) e38112: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到.
- (2024-01-08) e38086: 发现一个好用的扩展 直接商店搜索 ilink网络加速器 看高清视频速度嘎嘎快.
- (2024-01-07) e38227: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
- (2024-01-07) e38224: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋.
- (2023-12-31) e38223: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试
- (2023-12-30) B23648: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋.
- (2023-11-06) Mackenzie: It works, how ever users shouldn't be forced to pay for extra colums and such when installing pocket tube subscription manager and the playlist manager and signing into your youtube account. Pocket Tube should be free.
- (2023-08-30) Gary: 这个插件太好用了吧~~~
- (2023-08-30) Cecil: 这个插件太好用了吧~~~
- (2023-08-30) John: 来自香港 , 全球互联, 8k视频随你看,注册及送永久流量,地址:
- (2023-07-17) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-11) Jerry: Doesn't work in Edge...
- (2023-05-24) 1: 8k视频随你看,老机场值得信赖,---地址: 可以访问ChatGPT 全球互联,注册即送永久流量至2099年,永不过期,免费分享,错过太可惜了 超稳,电脑手机通用,开发者必备,已稳定运行4年
- (2022-04-14) 染谷: 现在是不捐赠不能用了?
- (2021-12-04) 琪: good
- (2021-10-10) Emily: So useful. Should be a normal feature of youtube.
- (2021-05-09) Dawid: Wirklich fantastisches Plugin tut genau das was es tun soll und zeigt sogar neben den Kanälen das oder die jeweiligen Themen an. 5 von 5
- (2021-01-02) Firas: So far so good, does its job exactly as it should.
- (2020-10-07) Michael: This makes finding videos from my subscriptions a breeze. If you have lots of subscriptions like I do this is a must have add-on.
4.1 (92 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-02 / 16.5.3
Listing languages