Use our Chrome extension to highlight customer suggestions, Feature ideas or feedback on any website, live chat or ticketing…
Use our Chrome extension to highlight customer suggestions, Feature ideas or feedback on any website, live chat or ticketing software your team uses and then import it into your ProductFlare Product kanban in 1 click. You can add the user's email and full name so they'll be automatically notified of any changes you make to the Feature in ProductFlare so they are always kept in the loop.
Latest reviews
- (2020-08-25) Daniel Roe: This is the single best tool for gathering customer feedback I have ever used. Period. I've tried many, too. Make a "board" / "repo" (easy as pie) for your various products, paste links or embed widgets or a tiny chunk of code into any webpage or social media... and gather feedback from customers without them having to create YET ANOTHER ACCOUNT LOGIN for them to have to remember (90+% of your customers never get past this point) and voila = you're gathering feedback you never ever would have before. Thanks to Reece Lyons and the Team(s) who made this possible. Brilliant tool and service with brilliant brains behind it. A true masterpiece. Thanks you guys! Daniel Roe
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2021-05-14 / 0.1.1
Listing languages