Mail Bell 是一个内敛且极简主义的邮件提醒工具。当新邮件送达您的收件箱时,Mail Bell 会提醒您查阅。它还在不影响网页浏览体验的前提下,让您对新邮件进行日常的管理。
@ 实时的新邮件提醒,让您对您的收件箱了若指掌。
@ 为您提供清新、直观的界面。Mail Bell 不是一个臃肿的邮件客户端,而是弥补它们无法为您提供的便捷体验。
@ 让您快速进行常用的邮件操作,管理邮件无需切换窗口或者标签页。
@ Mail Bell 只会获取其运行所需的最低权限,非基础功能的权限将由您决定是否授予。
@ 目前支持谷歌 Gmail。微软 Outlook 的支持正在开发中。
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-14) Chris Sayer: Can only sign in from Google, which is pointless for me
- (2022-07-31) Bob Loucks: I got this message trying to sign in: This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.
- (2021-06-21) Игорь Шевцов: Will there be an adaptation for Outlook or will development be frozen ?
- (2021-01-20) top start: I like this tool very synchronization and overall is Ok. But I just want to add more accounts. Now I can only add one account. If you provide these functions, it would be great. Thanks
- (2020-07-17) Shuang Han: Very convenient and efficient! Highly recommend everybody to try it.