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只有老师需要安装。完全免费,并且您的数据是私密的。集成 Google Classroom、滑块控制、昵称、帮助教程。
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欢迎使用 Google Meet 分组讨论室扩展程序 by 胡浩洋
***** 只有老师需要安装此扩展程序 *****
***** 请不要让学生安装此扩展程序,因为他们不需要使用 ****
Full feature demo:
Google Meet 分组讨论室扩展程序有五个主要功能:
隐私保护:您的分组讨论室数据存储在您个人电脑的 Chrome 浏览器中。您的数据不会与任何人共享,也不会存储在服务器上。即使是此扩展程序的创作者也无法访问您的任何数据。
无烦恼:只有老师需要安装此扩展程序。请不要让学生安装此扩展程序,因为他们不会使用。此扩展程序仅供老师使用,不会影响学生的任何操作。学生将继续以正常方式使用 Google Meet。
*** 三分钟演示视频:
*** 教程视频:
此软件由 胡浩洋 创作,保留所有权利。未经 胡浩洋 及 Hudek Tech LLC 明确书面同意,不得复制此扩展程序的任何部分。此扩展程序与 Google, Inc. 无关。
可以使用 Google Meet 的昵称(如果您的 Google 订阅支持昵称功能)
与 Google Classroom 集成
*** 斯洛伐克语:特别感谢来自 Petržalka SOŠ GaHS, Farského 9 的 Lenka Zustiaková(提供斯洛伐克语翻译。
*** 乌克兰语:特别感谢 Igor Kozachuk(邮箱:[email protected])提供乌克兰语翻译。
*** 如果您希望将此扩展程序翻译成您的语言,请发送电子邮件给我,我将很乐意与您合作完成此工作。我的电子邮件是 [email protected]。我希望添加西班牙语、葡萄牙语、德语、日语和韩语,但任何语言翻译都可以。
*** 中文版的操作说明视频 (版本 17.3):
*** 我制作了 17.3 版本视频后,发现 Grid Meet (fix) 似乎有问题,因此我不建议下载它,您可以使用 Google Meet 本身的功能。在 Google Meet 设置中选择版面配置更改,选择并排显示,并调整到 49 人。
*** 低内存 (RAM) 选项详细解释:
*** 此扩展程序由 Robert Hudek 拥有并开发。此扩展程序与 Google 无关,且不隶属于 Google 或 Google Meet。此扩展程序旨在增强和扩展 Google Meet 的功能。
*** 如果发现问题,请通过 [email protected] 通知我,我将尽快回复您。
数据隐私:我的网站上有详细的数据隐私部分,但简短的版本是:我不会复制、传输或共享您的任何数据,包括我自己。我也不使用 Cookie,也不会向您投放第三方 Cookie。
开发者 胡浩洋 明确表示否认任何形式的所有保证和条件,无论是明示的还是暗示的,包括但不限于适销性、特定用途的适用性和非侵权性的暗示保证和条件。
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-09) Helena Yagüez: Conseguir que arranque es misión imposible. Me dan envidia todos aquellos que la pueden usar 😑
- (2022-07-12) Mohammad Dolatdoost: The greatest extension ever on Chrome.
- (2022-06-08) 306 04周亮丞: 原本打開設定好的meet應該是會自動進入教室,今天卻突然變成開啟兩個設定畫面,希望能修正
- (2022-03-01) Đạt Lâm Trí: it's a wonderful gadget. The extension is really helpful for me, although there are some bugs.
- (2021-09-15) Joey Carney: Five stars because the developer works really hard for a free app, responded personally to a bug I was having and figured out a solution, and because it works. The issue for me was that as Google changes their interface for Google Meet, the developer has to update the app. But I recommend it because he keeps working with it and it's been useful in my university classes.
- (2021-09-13) valter de carvalho dias: Estou usando a última versão e estou adorando. Contudo, quando divido a turma e 3 grupos, ele só coloca até 4 alunos em cada grupo, os demais precisam escolher para qual sala entrar.
- (2021-09-08) Fiore Carrillo: La extensión de por sí es muy buena pero parece que con la actualización de Google Meet no ha logrado actualizarse aún. Para que el botón de silencio funcione, se tiene que presionar varias veces y las breakrooms no están funcionando tampoco. Esperemos puedan actualizarla pronto, porque es muy útil.
- (2021-09-08) Thư Trần Lê Anh: Love this. The extension is really helpful for my class.
- (2021-08-30) Maria Luísa Ribeiro de Melo: parou de funcionar e nao consigo usar de maneira nenhuma
- (2021-07-15) TC: 非常直觀、好用!多虧有這個擴充功能,讓老師可以自由穿梭在各討論組別之間(如無螢幕隔閡XD)真的幫助很大!
- (2021-07-01) 蔡政憲: Thank you for Robert's dedication!
- (2021-06-25) 石學用: 太強大了!感謝!
- (2021-06-21) 蔣竹竹: 超棒的擴充功能! 非常好用!
- (2021-06-21) 用餐人: 感謝開發者!!!!!!!!!!
- (2021-06-20) Wahwah Liao: 感謝老師無私的分享!超級有愛心的,而且設計的功能很人性,使用上好方便!
- (2021-06-15) Eric K: This extension has been amazing this year with us having to take attendance in a remote learning environment. Robert was great in problem solving individual issues, even making me a personal video for some complicated work arounds to do what I needed to do with this extension. A+ in my book - thank you!
- (2021-06-10) 陳逸萍: 能夠讓學生分組討論真的是件很神奇的東西,還在適應當中,很感恩您的分享,讓我的線上課程可以更順利。 但是我使用上有小遺憾,就是我的系統沒辦法順利讀到20個同學的資料,導致我沒辦法利用系統分組,最後只好我手動貼連結,然後指定他們誰跟誰一組。 請問學生有人數上限是嗎?
- (2021-06-07) ChihYu Chou: 比Google自己推出的分組討論室功能還好用,有需要分組討論安裝這個外掛就對了。
- (2021-06-07) Thank you for this amazing extension, Robert. Made the whole online school year a success for us educators. Hats off to you Sir!
- (2021-06-07) 王俊傑: 謝謝老師的分享,超有幫助的,很厲害的分組功能。
- (2021-06-04) 菁珊23: 很強大!細節也考慮到了,謝謝分享!
- (2021-06-01) Nikola Perovic: This is amazing!!!!!!! Super helpful!
- (2021-05-31) Wei-Chi Chien: Great APP! 很棒的擴充功能! 以前我已經經常使用多個google meet來進行課程,但用這個APP進行管理真的非常有效率,而且可以控制聲音的撥放,這點幫助非常大! 對於學生來說,操作起來也很簡單,只需要多加入一個討論室即可! Love it!
- (2021-05-31) Neo Li: 一、依照順序「一般設定」,「課程設定」「教室設定」,就可以「快樂上課」。 二、課程設定先設定好,後面就越用越順。 三、以輪流「旁聽」、「參與」小討論室,可以提高學生參與,也能維持教室聚焦。 四、給很多很多讚!!
- (2021-05-31) linko wu: 感謝分享 ,應用在教學分組上,是非常方便的!
- (2021-05-31) 王政渝: 非常實用,需要一點時間適應,但適應之後會感受到強大的操控能力!
- (2021-05-30) Eric Lai: 雖然進階版的 Google meet 已經有分組功能,但對於一般沒有進階版使用權的使用者而言,這個外掛是解決分組問題的最佳和最完整解方。
- (2021-05-28) Gerardo Tinoco Guerrero: La verdad me funcionaba muy bien, esperemos la actualicen pronto para que funcione con la nueva versión de Google Meet.
- (2021-05-26) Eyeballes2013: HATED IT
- (2021-05-14) Carolina Henrichsen: I had no issues with this extension! I love it! Until yesterday! I used it with one of my classes and as soon as I connected to the three breakout rooms that my students were in I could hear all the audio of all three rooms together at the same time in the first breakout rooms. The other two breakout rooms had no sound. I can't imagine what can be the problem. I tried to disconnect and connect back again several times but it just didn't work.
- (2021-04-21) Carlos Andres Rivero Buelvas: no esta mal me parece muy decorativo
- (2021-03-30) Iya Omitade Ifatoosin: We are a online microschool and this extension has been an absolute assist in our ability to give individualized instruction and group collaboration. While I have not needed to seek help yet, what I greatly appreciate is how responses are given to people's enquiries. I have had no luck in contacting the so-called BIG apps to get an a non-programmed answer that solves nothing. You are a human, a real person and I greatly appreciate the fact that you OWN and take responsibility for your extension and how we benefit from it. Thank you
- (2021-03-25) Joseph Loh: 1st Pop Up: An existing open meet window cannot be synced. Please close this control panel and all meet windows, and then start again. Closing a meet window will not remove students or disrupt their discussions. If you have many windows open it may be simplest to just close all windows and start again. 2nd Pop Up: Error in creating the link for nickname Meet C. You might be getting this error because you did not login using your google suite account. Please note that only google suite accounts can create a meet using nicknames. If you do not have a suite account, then you may only create static urls (purple color) or codes (blue) in the Rooms tab. If you do have a google suite account and are logged in, then please log out and log in again using this link: Q1: MAY I KNOW HOW TO OVERCOME THE ABOVE POP UP WHEN I WANTED TO START AFTER I'VE COMPLETED THE SET UP? Q2: MUST HAVE A GOOGLE SUITE ACCOUNT?
- (2021-03-09) Sherwin: The extension is not working
- (2021-02-28) Lilian Ainah Mathurin: Thank you so much for this extension. I'm also recommending this to my colleagues.
- (2021-02-26) SkitZ -: Thank you! SO HELPFUL!
- (2021-02-12) Cesar Augusto Rojas Galofre: This is the best tool for teachers. Thanks Robert!!!! 🙌🙌🙌
- (2021-02-09) Rob & Joris Time-out: IT IS AMAZING what this tool can do! I love it! I was just wondering if you can "manage" a meeting with 2 persons....?
- (2021-02-03) Gerolamo Zanchi: Thanks do, you saved me!
- (2021-02-02) teachernerdz podcast: I am writing this review from my podcast Google account because I do not have access through my school account. This is an amazing extension! By utilizing this extension my students have been able to collaborate with each other, It doesn't matter if they are remote or in person, now they can collaborate just as if they were in class sitting next to their project partner. Students have mentioned how much they have loved being able to collaborate with a friend or classmate again. Best of all it is free! Now, just imagine there is an issue with the extension, what do you do? Well, I emailed Robert Hudek and holy smokes he responded quickly and offered to work with me to help figure it out. Absolutely amazing! Thank you, Ronlad Nober 1/2 of the teachernerdz podcast.
- (2021-01-26) Andy C: Great extension - I use it for work all the time. I have only set up a basic class with it, but that is only what I need it for. I have the majority of my students my main teaching Meet, and have 1 or more students in the breakout Meet to discuss work/catch up etc. Being able to record it (which you can as it is just using Google Meet anyway) is excellent - great for safeguarding and remote learning, and great for meeting my school's remote learning policy. Also, the control window is brilliant - switching through the Meet windows is so easy, and I especially like the auto mute/mic function. Great job - I will continue to use.
- (2021-01-25) Chinmay Tamhane: The "Hide Meet Bottom Bar" button is not working for me.. please help
- (2021-01-15) Jacob Marley: I've just started using this. It looked daunting at first - so many things you can do with it - but it was remarkably easy to set up, and so much simpler than earlier versions. My students enjoyed actually being able to talk to each other during a lesson, and the feel of the online interaction was significantly more positive. My school asks us to record all Meets, and there's not currently a one-click way of achieving that with this extension, but Robert replid to my query within 24 hours and is working on a solution. Can't really ask for better than that. Thanks Robert! 😎
- (2021-01-08) Joitun HAQUE: So far so good, I recommended to all my colleagues who are excited about using this google breakout room. Thank you for this.
- (2021-01-08) Pam Hamilton: Amazing extension!
- (2021-01-06) Shawn Funk: This extension is great! So much more functional than the new breakout room features in Google Meet and much easier to use. Had a problem with one of the features about a month ago after a previous update and contacted the developer (Robert) directly. He got in touch with me within a couple of hours and had the problem solved with a new update by the next day. Very nice and easy to work with. Highly recommend this developer and this app extension!!!
- (2020-12-30) Ika Guo: Good to use. 上課變得很順暢
- (2020-12-18) ALEXIS CHOI: At first when I followed the directions, it worked pretty well. Then when I tryed to sync breakout rooms, It spammed me saying that the account Im using is wrong. I was hoping to use this extension to organize students in meets, but I couldn't really figure what was wrong.
- (2020-12-14) Bluey And bingo: you suck you dont even work