extension ExtPose

Translator, Translate - Select to Translate

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Description from extension meta

Prekladajte slová, frázy alebo texty na webových stránkach pomocou funkcie prevodu textu na reč vo viac ako 120 jazykoch.

Image from store Translator, Translate - Select to Translate
Description from store Najlepší a najjednoduchší spôsob, ako rýchlo preložiť časť obsahu, ktorý potrebujete, napríklad slová, frázy alebo dokonca položky ponuky. Zvýraznite slovo alebo text, ktorý chcete preložiť, a okamžite sa zobrazí preklad do vášho jazyka. Všetko v jednom jednoduchom a zrozumiteľnom rozšírení prehľadávača. ➖ úplne zadarmo. Nevyžaduje registráciu ani žiadne predplatné; ➖ Podporuje viac ako 120 jazykov; ➖ Automatická detekcia jazyka; ➖ Textové hlasové ovládanie pre 60 jazykov; ➖ Reverzný preklad; ➖ Funguje na všetkých weboch vrátane Gmailu, Facebooku, Twitteru a ďalších; ➖ Pohodlné a intuitívne užívateľské rozhranie rozšírenia; ➖ Preklad slov pomocou slovníka (+ slovník funguje offline). Prekladač uLanguage číta a reprodukuje slová, frázy a celé texty pomocou kvalitného prekladu textu na reč (TTS). Ukazuje prepis a prepis, vie tiež, ako reprodukovať slová alebo texty so správnym prízvukom a so správnym dôrazom. Naučte sa správne slová výslovnosti hneď, bez odkladania na neskôr! Funkčnosť: translate ✔️ Preklad webových stránok - úplný preklad webových stránok s prekladom kurzora myši ✔️ Slovník - význam slova, výslovnosť, synonymá, hypernymy, hyponymá a ďalšie. ✔️ Záložky - Sleduje všetky zmeny, ktoré ste vo svojich záložkách vykonali. Ukladá sa história prekladov. ✔️ Prevod textu na reč - počujte správnu výslovnosť a hrajte slová a texty so správnym prízvukom. translate ✔️ Preklad obrázkov (rozpoznávanie obrázkov) - Stačí zvoliť oblasť na monitore, ktorú chcete preložiť (princíp práce je ako v nástroji na snímanie obrazovky). Naozaj dúfame, že náš prekladateľ bude pre vás užitočný! Tešíme sa na vašu spätnú väzbu a hodnotenie! Napíšte tiež svoje návrhy na vylepšenie funkčnosti - [email protected] translator for Chrome best and easiest way to quickly translate part of the content that you need, such as words, phrases, or even menu items. Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, using Google Translate. Translate while you read and write with Quick Translate, the world's most accurate translator. With this translator, you can enjoy Google translate unbeatable translation quality without leaving your browser. Translate while reading Learn a language by reading whatever you like. Translate words & phrases live on any web page. Click words or phrases on any site to translate them. Download Quick Translate for Chrome for free to start translating today. Highlight the word or text you want to translate and you will immediately see the translation into your language. All in one simple and understandable browser extension. ➖ Completely free. Doesn't require registration or any subscriptions; ➖ Supports over 120 languages; ➖ Automatic language detection; ➖ Text voice acting for 60 languages; ➖ Reverse translation; ➖ Works on all sites including Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and others; ➖ Convenient and intuitive user interface of the extension; ➖ Translating words using a dictionary (+ dictionary works offline). Translate your writing With the translator, you can write your content at the top of the pop-up and get the translation at the bottom. All translations (like French, German, Spanish, Arabic, and ninety-seven other languages) are powered by neural machine translations by Google Translate that accurately translates your content. translator reads and reproduces words, phrases and entire texts using quality human text-to-speech (TTS) translation. It shows transcription and transliteration, also knows how to reproduce words or texts with the correct accent and with correct stress. Learn the correct pronunciation words right away, without postponing it for later! translator functionality: ✔️ Web page translation - full web page translation with mouse hover translation ✔️ dictionary - Word meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms and more. ✔️ bookmarks - Keeps track of all the changes you made to your bookmarks. Saving translation history. ✔️ text to speech - Hear correct pronunciation and play words and texts with correct accent. ✔️ image translation (image recognition) - Just select the area on the monitor that you want to translate (the principle of work is as in the screenshot tool). In the new version of the extension, we have added the ability to select translators. Now you do not need to install additional programs or applications to use Google Translate, all in one convenient extension, with all the features that are available for the uLanguage translator. Text-to-speech Use TTS function that helps you learn how words sound as well as phonetic transcription. Full-page translations Translate entire web pages into your desired language with just one click. This is a new feature provided by Google Translator for free that we integrated into our translator. Bing Translator another big name in free online translation websites is Bing, which uses Microsoft Translator. You can select your input language or have the site automatically detect it as you type. If you have your microphone enabled, you can speak the text you want to be translated, which seems quite convenient if you ask us. Translate Translator enables travelers, students, business professionals, employers, and medical staff to read, write and speak in the desired languages and translate anywhere in the world. • Text translator: Get free translation for text in over 100 languages. • Translate text to speech: Listen to translation in male or female voices. • Switch between different dialects when you translate. • Dictionary & Thesaurus for all languages. • Transliteration, Sharing, Favorites, History, and much more. • Photo translator: With Translator, you can use your camera to translate menus, signs, and more instantly. • Offline translation: Translate in over 40 Languages without an Internet connection. • Voice translator: Translate Voice-to-Voice conversation and speech. • Verb conjugations in different tenses. Just choose which translator you want to use today: uLanguage translate or Google translate. Use the translator for your travel journeys in 2023: - translate text and voice in seconds - translate question for local people, - translate conversation in shops, - translate signs and pointers. Microsoft translator is a free, personal translation app for more than 70 languages, to translate text, voice, conversations, camera photos and screenshots. You can also download languages for offline translation for free to use when you travel. We really hope that our translator will be useful to you! We look forward to your feedback and ratings! Also write your suggestions for improving the functionality - [email protected]

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Gérard Gosset: This is great, it really helps me out. I just need to hit either page translation or highlight the part I wish to translate and it does.
  • (2023-11-06) Meiry Ellen meiry: You know, it would be great if you could choose the language you wanna translate from rather than only allowing you to translate from your main language.
  • (2023-11-05) 2plus2 is 4: as
  • (2023-11-05) Actually a good extension. But it would be really great if I'll be able to DISABLE automatic language detection. Please add the checkbox for that to extension settings or to popup window. THANKS A LOT!!!
  • (2023-11-03) William Elan: It is not consistent. keeps improving - but wish it would always come in to use on another page or app etc.
  • (2023-10-22) Brahim Chhaib: great


700,000 history
4.6193 (197 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-17 / 1.0.4
Listing languages
