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Viddex Video Downloader

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Easy-to-use video downloader for online videos

Image from store Viddex Video Downloader
Description from store Tas ir labākais video lejupielādētājs populārām vietnēm, kas ļauj saglabāt jebkuru video jebkurā izmērā un kvalitātē. Vienkārši atveriet vietni, izvēlieties lejupielādējamo video failu un saglabājiet to savā datorā. Izbaudiet saglabātos videoklipus jebkurā laikā viens pats vai kopā ar kādu. Video lejupielādētāja profesionālis ir iespēja iegūt video failu un lejupielādēt to savā ierīcē turpmākai skatīšanai bezsaistē. Tas ir lielisks rīks, kas tika izveidots īpaši vienai vietnei, lai jūs varētu izvēlēties jebkuru videoklipu lejupielādei. Viegli lietojams video lejupielādētājs no atbalsta visus video formātus. Palaidiet lejupielādēto video vēlāk jebkurā laikā pat bez interneta savienojuma. Saglabājiet failus un kopīgojiet ar draugiem smieklīgus mirkļus. Saglabājiet lejupielādētos failus datorā turpmākai skatīšanai. Izmantojiet video lejupielādētāju bez maksas, bez reģistrācijas. Citu noderīgu funkciju vidū ir videoklipu lejupielāde faila formātā datorā un iespēja tos vēlāk pārskatīt bezsaistē. Saglabājiet dažādos pieejamos formātos un kvalitātē atbilstoši savām vajadzībām. Atruna: Video lejupielādētāja profesionālis nav YouTube lejupielādētājs. Google interneta veikala politiku un izstrādātāju programmu politiku ierobežojumu dēļ mēs nevaram lejupielādēt YouTube videoklipus. Paldies par sapratni. Video lejupielādētājs palīdz tikai ar vienu klikšķi lejupielādēt mācību video vai spēļu video, treniņu video, ziņas, filmas utt. Palaidiet lejupielādēto video vēlāk jebkurā laikā pat bez interneta savienojuma. Saglabājiet failus un kopīgojiet ar draugiem smieklīgus mirkļus. Saglabājiet lejupielādētos failus datorā turpmākai skatīšanai. Video lejupielādētājs ir vienkāršākais un ātrākais veids, kā lejupielādēt tiešsaistes videoklipus no galvenajām vietnēm, tostarp Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, Dailymotion, Instagram, vk.com, ok.ru, Youku (youku.com), TikTok un citām. Izmantojiet video lejupielādētāju bez maksas, bez reģistrācijas. Starp citām noderīgām funkcijām varat lejupielādēt videoklipus kā failu savā datorā un to vēlāk pārskatīt bezsaistē. Saglabājiet dažādos pieejamos formātos un kvalitātē atbilstoši savām vajadzībām. Kā izmantot šo video lejupielādētāju? Pārlūkojiet vietni, izmantojot pārlūkprogrammu Chrome Chrome pārlūkprogrammas augšējā labajā stūrī noklikšķiniet uz ikonas Video Downloader Automātiski atrodiet videoklipus un uznirstošajā logā pieskarieties lejupielādes pogai Izvēlieties, kurus video failus vēlaties lejupielādēt Gatavs! Šis vienkāršais, bet ļoti jaudīgais video lejupielādētājs ļauj ātri un efektīvi uzņemt jebkuru augstas izšķirtspējas video no gandrīz jebkuras vietnes. Varat saglabāt videoklipu sākotnējā augstas izšķirtspējas kvalitātē vai iegūt to standarta izšķirtspējā (MP4). Kāpēc jums ir nepieciešams šis video lejupielādētājs? - lejupielādēt video failus, kas tiek atskaņoti vietnē, uz HDD - izvēlieties starp dažādām izšķirtspējām - pievienojiet videoklipus savam video sarakstam. Jums ir ātra piekļuve videoklipiem un varat tos atskaņot jebkurā laikā, neatgriežoties sākotnējā tīmekļa lapā - atskaņojiet videoklipus bezsaistē, izmantojot iebūvēto atskaņotāju. Nav nepieciešama interneta buferizācija - lejupielādējiet videoklipus 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K un izbaudiet augstas kvalitātes video - Lai izmantotu video lejupielādētāju, jums nav jāreģistrē konts. Jūs varat lejupielādēt jebkuru video vai audio bez reģistrācijas. Video lejupielādētāju var izmantot bez maksas. Vai meklējat labāko risinājumu video saglabāšanai cietajā diskā? Ērti lejupielādējiet videoklipus un mūziku tieši no interneta savā ierīcē. Visi formāti tiek atbalstīti. 100% bez maksas! Video Downloader - ir ātrākais rīks bezmaksas video saglabāšanai no sociālajiem tīkliem Facebook, Instagram un daudziem citiem. Tas ļauj jums saglabāt tiešraidi, kas jums patīk! Tagad varat lejupielādēt tiešraides savā diskā, izmantojot šo video lejupielādētāju! Izmantojot video lejupielādētāju, nav jāuzmin faila lielums vai izšķirtspēja. Video lejupielādētājs nosaka visas pieejamās izšķirtspējas, lai jūs varētu atbilstoši savām vajadzībām izvēlēties labāko izmēru. mūzikas lejupielādētāja paplašinājums, varat lejupielādēt bezmaksas mūziku no VKontakte, Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud un klausīties iecienītākās dziesmas bez ierobežojumiem. Mūzikas lejupielādētāja paplašinājums, ikviens var saglabāt augstas kvalitātes mūziku ar vienu klikšķi un tikai dažas sekundes vietnē vk.com. Tas var lejupielādēt jebkura formāta videoklipus, tostarp mp4, flv, f4v, hlv, webm, mov, mkv utt. Noklikšķiniet uz paplašinājuma ikonas un skatiet visus lejupielādējamos failus. Izvēlieties failu un uzgaidiet, lai tas tiktu saglabāts jūsu datorā. Labākais video lejupielādētāja Chrome paplašinājums, ātri un vienkārši lejupielādējiet video vai audio pārlūkā Chrome. Svarīga informācija: video lejupielādētājs nav Youtube lejupielādētājs. Google interneta veikala politiku un izstrādātāju programmu politiku ierobežojumu dēļ mēs nevaram lejupielādēt Youtube videoklipus. Paldies par sapratni. Ja meklējat video, jums tiešām ir jāizmēģina šis lejupielādes video paplašinājums! Lūdzu, novērtējiet mūsu Video Downloader Plus ar 5 zvaigznēm, kopīgojiet to ar draugiem, izveidojiet jaunu video cienītāju kopienu. Video downloader helps to download instructional videos or game videos, workout videos, news, movies etc with just one click. Run downloaded video later at any time even without an internet connection. Save files and share with friends funny moments. Keep downloaded files on your PC for future watching. Video downloader is the easiest and fastest way to download online videos from mainstream websites, including Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, Dailymotion, Instagram, vk.com, ok.ru, Youku (youku.com), TikTok and others. Free video downloader is the easiest and fastest way to download online video from mainstream websites including FB, Vimeo, Twitter, Dailymotion, Instagram and others. It's an advanced tool to download online video and save it for later. Vimeo video downloader Free Video Downloader for Vimeo website is a fast and easy way to download video in different resolutions and formats. The advanced Video Downloader from Vimeo allows users to select files in different formats for further downloading them in order to collect their own list of interesting videos. It's a free tool that works without registrations and sign ups. Just make a few clicks and here you go! Video will be saved to your PC in seconds. Twitter video downloader Download video from FaceTwitterbook for free fastly and easily. Detects all video files and allows to download them in different formats. Facebook video downloader Download video from Facebook for free fastly and easily. Detects all video files and allows to download them in different formats. It's a working solution to download video from Facebook simply and without registration. Easy in using interface allows to select any video from the website and save it for later. Create a collection of video files that can be run offline. FB Video Downloader is a useful tool, as it gives an opportunity to download online lectures, tutorials or just favorite funny videos and review them later without an internet connection. Instagram video downloader It's an ultimate video downloader for Instagram website that allows you to save any video with any size and quality. Just open the website, choose a video file for downloading and save it to your computer. Downloader for Instagram .Enjoy saved videos anytime by yourself or together with someone. Dailymotion video downloader Download video from Dailymotion for free fastly and easily. Detects all video files and allows to download them in different formats. Instagram video downloader is an opportunity to get a video file and download it to your device for further watching offline. It's a great tool that was created especially for the website, so you can choose any Instagram video for downloading. Downloader for Instagram How to download Instagram video? 1. Video from Instagram.com Point the cursor to the video thumbnail or video detail page, the "Download" button (arrow down) will appear in the lower right corner. Once you click the button, you can download vimeo videos. 2. Embed Instagram video You can download videos from embed Instagram players on the web. video downloader Simply download videos from for free. It's the biggest hub of video files that you can easily download to your device for further watching offline at any time. video downloader is a tool to create your own collection of loved and interesting video files for free. It's a good idea to save favourite video files from the internet to have access to them forever! Run downloaded video later at any time even without an internet connection. Save files and share with friends funny moments. Keep downloaded files on your PC for future watching. video downloader from is a unique opportunity to gather all needed tutorials, lessons or video exercises in one place that will always be by the hand. Install Video Downloader for free!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-08) Mirlanda Exalus: how do you use it?
  • (2023-11-04) Dmitriy Levendusky: Streamlined and efficient, creating a well-organized digital haven in Chrome.
  • (2023-11-04) Marcus Matthews: A minimalist's dream come true, making Chrome both stylish and efficient.
  • (2023-11-04) Shay Brak: Usually I download videos by this extension. Loved it
  • (2023-10-31) Brandon Neely: Absolutely love it! Keeps me organized and clutter-free. I'd be lost without it
  • (2023-10-31) Jhordy Holub: A sleek and stylish extension that declutters Chrome effortlessly, making browsing a breeze. I loved it
  • (2023-10-23) Djanain Moody: A stylish, efficient addition. A must-try extension.
  • (2023-10-22) Djerrold Preston: This extension makes Chrome feel like an extension of my own mind – organized and efficient.
  • (2023-10-22) Sanni Ryan: A sleek, organized Chrome experience that keeps me focused and productive.
  • (2023-10-22) Daviniya Norman: Simplify and secure with style. This extension turns Chrome into a browsing paradise
  • (2023-10-22) Karizma Petty: A masterpiece in web surfing efficiency, enhancing Chrome in style and functionality. So, I recommend it.
  • (2023-10-21) Henry Douglas - Marketing Digital: não funciona.
  • (2023-10-13) oli: doesnt owrk on vimeo
  • (2023-10-11) Arkadiusz Pągowski: Szkoda, nie widzi filmów do pobrania
  • (2023-09-10) Marcus Sundman: Doesn't work.
  • (2023-08-26) BeHappyBeVegan: doesn't work
  • (2023-08-26) Maria Jose Baena: no detecta videos
  • (2023-08-16) 武装韭菜: 识别不了任何视频
  • (2023-07-04) Roberta Monteiro: não funciona!!!
  • (2023-06-04) Adeel Khan: does not work with twitter
  • (2023-04-25) Pau Moli: Pésimo, ni siquiera reconoce que hay un video en la página
  • (2023-04-18) mukesh kumar: good
  • (2023-03-21) Z Z: Does not work on tiktok
  • (2023-02-26) Роман Захаров: К сожалению не работает
  • (2023-02-18) Евгений Падалка: не работает
  • (2023-02-02) Jeremy Wilson: Doesn't work with YouTube on Vivaldi. Says, "No videos found. Open a page with video."
  • (2023-01-27) Cameron Fraser: Of all the known to me, this is the best video downloader. I use it daily and quite actively.
  • (2023-01-27) Dominique Turner: I personally checked – everything works. I just downloaded a 50 GB movie in 15 minutes. No other extension can do this anymore. I recommend it.
  • (2023-01-27) Moira Finch: Yesterday I installed it on my Vivaldi. The loader is just super. What I've been looking for for six months. The only working plugin that downloads quickly from any streaming platforms.
  • (2023-01-27) Brandon Hardman: Literally just installed and tested. From media hosting sites, downloads quite smartly. What is MP4, MKV. Pleasant speed, limited only by the bandwidth of the provider's channel.
  • (2023-01-27) Caleb Williams: I tried a lot of similar ones, but I still returned to this plugin. I use it on Google Chrome and Opera, it works without bugs and other troubles.
  • (2023-01-27) Eva Martinez: For me personally, this is the only normal downloader that is able to download any videos from any sites. And even a protected video. Universal service.
  • (2023-01-27) Cecilia Anderson: Works fine in all browsers. I installed it a few months ago and use it on an ongoing basis. An excellent service for downloading videos from social networks and not only.
  • (2023-01-27) Michael Baker: In the latest version, there are a lot of different useful functions. In general, this is the best plugin for downloading videos from the Internet. I am very grateful to the development studio.
  • (2023-01-27) James Gilbert: A good free downloader. I've been using it for 2 years, downloading various videos from YouTube. I am very happy with the extension. The best of its kind, definitely.
  • (2023-01-27) Caleb Chandter: The extension is super. I have already downloaded a total of almost 10 TB with its help from Facebook and from Youtube. It works without restrictions on formats and speed. A reliable tool.
  • (2023-01-27) Alex Babcock: To download videos from YouTube is the perfect tool. Almost any video downloads in a few minutes, even several gigabytes. Very good.
  • (2023-01-27) Peter Jackson: I only installed it to try, but in the end I decided to leave it. This is exactly what you need to download videos from social networks and various other video hosting sites.
  • (2023-01-27) Sandor Torn: I tried downloading MP4, AVI and MKV – no complaints. The speed is high and there are no breaks. Thank you to the developers for a good and reliable plugin.
  • (2023-01-27) Nancy White: If anyone needs a good downloader for streaming videos and social networks, then I recommend trying this one. I have been using it for a long time, it works stably.
  • (2023-01-27) Werner Shapard: For six months, I have not observed any problems. I download videos from different hosting and streaming services. Downloads files of 10-20 GB or more without any difficulties.
  • (2023-01-27) Agnes Stone: I use this downloader for social networks. What from Twitter, what from Facebook, shakes without any difficulties. High speed, no ads and a very intuitive interface.
  • (2023-01-27) Michael Austin: The download speed is practically unlimited, at least on YouTube. MP4 up to 500 MB, downloads in 1 minute. Maybe it's slow for someone, but it suits me completely.
  • (2023-01-27) Thomas Moore: I don't know about social networks, but streaming video shakes very smartly. Respect to the developers for such a useful extension. And completely free.
  • (2023-01-27) Gregory Donovan: It works fine with Facebook. Almost any video downloads in 2-3 minutes, depending on the size of the file. Just a couple of clicks and you're done. So, I recommend it.


2,000,000 history
3.3835 (133 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-12 / 0.7.9
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