Description from extension meta
Adds a password-protected bookmark list
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Description from store
Secure Bookmarks adds a password-protected bookmarks list to Google Chrome.
You will occasionally want to create bookmarks without sharing them with others using your computer. Where to store this information safely? Secure Bookmarks allows you to store such bookmarks in a separate list, safely encrypted on your hard drive. After opening your browser, simply click the Secure Bookmarks icon and enter your password to retrieve your bookmarks! All decrypted information is lost the second you close your browser.
Secure Bookmarks includes a ten second set-up page and a clean and intuitive interface, allowing you to create, edit, and rearrange bookmarks easily. Use folders to organize your bookmarks. Plus, you can exchange bookmarks between Chrome and Secure Bookmarks effortlessly from the Settings page.
You can export your data to an encrypted text file, which can be used to restore information or share between computers.
Be sure to request extra features or improvements. Also, please take the effort to leave a rating if you appreciate my hard work!
New in version 1.4.4:
- Added always-open-incognito option
- Added 'Add to Secure Bookmarks' context menu item
- Performance improvements and minor bug fixes
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-10) A K: Does what it advertises and nothing more, as it should
- (2023-10-28) Jepson: Top App, macht genau das was es soll, und sehr leicht zu Bedienen.
- (2023-10-09) Matthieu Fischer: Great extension, very usefull thanks! The only option I miss is to open all the bookmarks at once, like it is possible with Chrome with the "open all" function. Do you think it could be possible to add that function?
- (2023-09-10) Eisblume 2000: Nice and easy to use extension, this is exactley what i a was looking for
- (2023-07-17) kokehackz: Spanish : Muy buena, pero echo de menos 2 opciones, la primera un menu de confirmación al eliminar ya que por accidente en mas de una ocasión he eliminado marcadores, la segunda, estaría bien una opción para filtrar y facilitar la busqueda entre los marcadores. English: Very good, but I miss 2 options, the first a confirmation menu when deleting since by accident I have deleted bookmarks on more than one occasion, the second, an option to filter and facilitate the search among the bookmarks would be nice.
- (2023-07-13) Mayk Rhenderson: It could have a yes or no option to know if the user really wants to delete a folder or a content inside the folder, because sometimes it happens to click on the delete icon unintentionally.
- (2023-02-24) Besnik Dzaferovic: I lost all my bookmarks due to a simple miss click no way to undo this at all no warning just all gone yes there is a way to back them up but you only see this if you explicitly go to the web page of the actual extension I just lost 3 years + of bookmarks thanks a lot
- (2023-02-07) samao: lost all my book marks after an update !!!
- (2023-02-04) x: Cada ves que queria añadir mis marcadores se bugeaba todo, da error, y para colmo me destruyo la mayoria de mis marcadores. Pude salvar gracias a que siempre hago copia todos los dias de mis marcadores.
- (2023-01-31) Chris DT: almost perfect on everything but if I can open multiple bookmark (or all bookmark in a folder) without reopening it and scroll to find every time will be nice
- (2022-11-10) lkt k: I lost my bookmarks,...
- (2022-07-09) Djungelskog: bro i right the right password and it's not correct i did it alot of times and i was ok forget it reset everything but i copy the backup so i can put it when i reset then i reset i put in my new password then i go to backup to import BUT OH NO U NEED THE OLD PASSWORD TO IMPORT 1/5 never gonna use it again
- (2022-04-02) Alex Mason: I forgot my password so i had to reset but while i was trying to remember all my bookmarked i finally remembered my password please at least try to add something to be able to get all your stuff back if you forget and reset but you remember your password later. PLEASE!!
- (2022-02-23) فوزي البريكان Fawzi AlBuraikan: الافضل في حماية المفضلة
- (2022-01-11) David: I lost access to my bookmarks after the latest update. v.1.4.5
- (2021-09-24) Shiloh McCabe: If I could recover my bookmarks after I forgot my password, it would be great. Other than that, I'm pretty okay with how this extension works.
- (2021-08-20) RamBOX es2021: thx
- (2021-08-16) Minh Nguyen: nice one. this can protect my sensitive bookmarks page
- (2021-08-01) влад: Расширение хорошее. Но добавьте систему синхронизации на разных компьютерах, и пофиксите дыры безопасности. Рекомендую!
- (2021-07-09) MooseIsIn: The extension is great but I'd like the feature to open all of the bookmarks in a bookmark folder at once.
- (2021-06-25) Stacey Reddig: It works perfect on my work computer but when I logged in on my home computer the bookmark list was empty! I can't seem to get it to sync between work and home computer even though I am logged into Chrome with the same Google account. Disappointed it won't sync. I tried logging in/out and toggling sync settings on/off, nothing worked.
- (2021-05-12) Leo: Thanks, I changed my windows and now I can't backup the bookmarks. "Password does not match data" my a**. I typed it 3 hours ago and now you tell me that it does not match?
- (2021-04-27) Pratik Stalin: Everything about this is perfect! Just what i needed. The only problem is that I can't READ MY BOOKMARKS because they are a very bright white colour. AND THERE'S NO WAY TO CHANGE THIS COLOUR EITHER. Very frustrating. Please fix this issue.
- (2021-03-29) Zakary: Good but now cannot access anything from phones chrome browser
- (2021-01-30) Gmad: How to put bookmarks on the folder? I tried to drag but it doesn't work
- (2021-01-22) Anna Zheng: for anyone who forgot to backup your bookmark list, try export all your bookmarks in plain text and save all those links in a private document, this way you still have the links before you delete this extenstion. I desperately need a function to move my secure bookmarks back to regular bookmarks so that I can access them
- (2021-01-17) David Lawson: I had concerns about password security, found this extension, downloaded, and installed. Had bookmarks moved Secure Bookmarks in a few minutes. I am using this on my Windows desktop and my Chromebook.
- (2020-12-23) Stephen S: Just needs some sort of management like a sort function and it would be 5 stars.
- (2020-12-10) august lavdal: The extension works really well. You can add folders, rename favorites and delete them easily. The fact that you have to login makes it really secure. The one thing I really really wish was in this extension is icons for sites. It may seem like a small detail that I am picking on, but icons are my way of navigating trough my favorites. Sometimes I feel like there is so much black and white and I really have to look for the names of my favorites. Anyways it may just be personal preference. If the extension had icons I would have given it 5 stars. And if somebody thinks adding it is not a good idea, it can always be a option for those who want to use icons. Anyway, everything else works wonders :)
- (2020-12-09) Bulancea Catalin: It deleted all the bookmarks that were placed in the encryption folder. Placing any bookmarks in that folder will also hide them from other devices.
- (2020-10-30) виктор малыш: Охотно теряет закладки по разным поводам. Использовать нельзя.
- (2020-08-27) BananaGirlsLand: Backup your bookmarks like it recommends. I trusted the program so I didn't and not even a few weeks later my adult bookmarks vanished just like that. What's the point of this or backing it up insecurely when I can just delete them before this program does.
- (2020-07-22) I Zpademilio I: Saved my a$$
- (2020-06-30) karim rahmani: hi your extension works great for me but i would to be able to move my bookmarks around in a new tab and have to do 3 to 4 clicks just to move a bookmark a folder to another. thx
- (2020-03-22) Elvan Çetinkaya: Bu urunu naıl kullanacagımı anlamdım ekliyorum şifremi girmememe ragmen açılıyor yani engellemiyor
- (2020-03-20) Muneeb Hashmi: When i tried removing it, i deleted all my bookmarks inside, once i tried recovering it, the password "did not match the data." It works though, just not well, sometimes it crashes, opens new tabs just to show it crashed, doesn't work, requires a password every time.
- (2020-01-31) Chrome Canary: güzel
- (2020-01-11) Muhammed Yusuf Yücel: You can loose your bookmarks after deleting this extention. Be careful.
- (2020-01-01) ali nazih: merveilleux,parfait.bonne annee 2020 a toute l,equipe.
- (2019-11-17) Joseph Verdida: Now I no longer have bookmarks problem because all of my bookmarks are gone!!!!
- (2019-08-22) Garland Apollo: Was nice while it worked, then one day the extension corrupted and my backup from less than a month ago is not working, so I've lost about a year worth of bookmarks. Awful.
- (2019-07-26) Zsca: i lost bunch of bookmarks i put there after using it for 5 days, thanks
- (2019-07-14) Nancy Lee: Works for the most part, but there are a couple of concerns. For the creators, I would recommend a pop-up warning when deleting a folder/file because items could be deleted way too easily. Not to mention, information can easily be lost, especially since the extension could be effortlessly removed. For users, I would recommend that you keep less sensitive bookmarked items, just in case they may go missing one day.
- (2019-06-12) Toinks Kiss: it can secure your bookmarks from viewing but anyone can reset it or remove it. houston u have a problem
- (2019-06-02) Zakaria Belbali: the best i hope you add group. and folders to organised bookmarks page
- (2019-05-30) Gustav Johansson: Mycket bra tillägg för dem som vill dölja och lösenords skydda bokmärken i Chrome. Rekommenderas!
- (2019-05-28) Jesús Fernández: Great extension. It does just what it says. The only thing I miss is a search feature. I have lots of bookmarks and even though they're organized... I could save some clicks with a search bar.
- (2019-05-20) Klaus Zipfel: Great extension. But one thing, which annoys me is, that whenever you import a backup, it creates all bookmarks under "Recently Imported". The thing is, I frequently export and re-import between different machines. This turns out to become a mess very quickly! The original - Bookmarks becomes - Recently imported - Bookmarks after one import and - Recently imported - Recently imported - Bookmarks after an additional export/import sequence and so on. Further more, the original bookmarks stay. So it quickly becomes - Bookmarks - Recently Imported - Bookmarks - Recently Imported - Bookmarks .. the chain continues. Suggestion: Add a checkbox to entirely overwrite the current bookmarks with the imported ones.
- (2019-05-10) camilo lopera: Excelente, simplemente muy bueno, pero... puede mejorar en ciertos aspectos. El primero y mas importante es que solo funciona en un computador entonces si deseo guardar mis marcadores en el navegador y luego abrirlo en otro no puedo hacerlo ya que la extensión no esta integrada con la cuenta de chrome. El segundo es el problema interno de chrome (que no creo que ni siquiera se este esforzando por solucionar) que es que sus extensiones no funcionan en los smartphones, pero de pronto desde esta aplicación pueden crear algo extra para poder hacer una conexión con chrome desde una cuenta "securebookmark".
- (2019-04-07) Samar Hanif: i'm unable to drag my book marks into any new folder?