Notify Cybozu Garoon schedule & unread notifications
Garoon Notificator is notifies your Cybozu Garoon (Japanese group-ware) schedules & unread notifications.
* Access to only your specified URLs at your specified intervals.
- Your specified Cybozu Garoon API for fetch your schedules & unread notifications. (
- Your specified web-hook URL for POST your schedules when fetch schedule API.
* Notifies your Cybozu Garoon schedules at your specified minutes before schedule time.
* Notifies your unread notifications at fetch unread notifications.
## Releases
### v1.2.1
- Support Manifest v3
### v1.2.0
- Add a button to link to options page from popup page.
- Remove unnecessary permission `tabs`
### v1.1.1, v1.1.2
- Fix options checkbox
### v1.1.0
- Add skip keywords option
- Add webhook custom headers option
### v1.0.3
- Don't reset options on update extension.
### v1.0.2
- No redirect in API request.
### v1.0.0
- Created