Description from extension meta
DualSafe Password Manager extension lets you safely manage passwords in one place to autosave, autofill & access them anytime.
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Description from store
Keep secure and productive with this password management tool. DualSafe Password Manager extension enables you to manage passwords securely & simply in just one place. You only need to remember one single password.
The DualSafe Password Manager plugin can autosave your login credentials in a secure digital vault with your grant. Then the saved passwords will be auto-filled on the sites whenever you need to log into.
With the best password manager browser addon, you don’t need to install a password manager application on your computer anymore. Password management has never been easier with the DualSafe Password Manager extension. Add it to your browser now!
What makes DualSafe the best password manager?
🔒100% Secure🔒
All your data is completely locally encrypted using AES256. Nobody, including us (DualSafe), can access your personal information but yourself.
When it comes to data synchronization, we use HTTPS to transfer the already encrypted data to our cloud server. The whole process is 100% safe because of SSL.
We are not here to just help you remember something but to help you secure everything. We monitor the dark web day and night to make sure you will be informed immediately if your account and password were leaked. We help you check the strength of your password each time you add it to our extension, and give you suggestions to fix it.
✔️Intuitive and Easy to Use✔️
DualSafe Password Manager extension allows you to save your credentials with just one click. The next time you need to log in, we will auto-fill your username and password. The only thing you need to do is to remember one single password to access our plugin.
Each time you update your account name or password of a site, we will automatically update it for you.
We order your saved account information according to your last update time to make sure you can easily find sites that you visit regularly. A search function is also provided for you to find your favorite ones.
➕Far More Than A Password Manager➕
DualSafe is not just a password manager, but your one-stop digital vault. You can also save your Secure Notes, Payment Info, or Personal Info with us. Once again, everything is safe with us.
🛠️Extra Free Tools🛠️
DualSafe is so proud of providing users with 4 extra free tools: Password Generator, Dark Web Monitor, Password Health, Import & Export.
Password Generator can help you generate a strong and secure password that no one can guess. Don't worry about it being too complex. You don't need to remember it, we help you remember.
Dark Web Monitor can help you monitor sensitive data leaks on Dark Web. We will let you know and give you suggestions once upon we find the leaking sites containing your information.
Password Health is able to check if a password is vulnerable. We will give a low score for weak, reused, or compromised passwords to prevent your passwords from being cracked.
Import & Export allows you to import data from your browsers or other password tools, and export your saved data to a CSV file with just 1 click.
❤️Forget about forgetting passwords from today on. Have your important information at your fingertips with DualSafe Password Manager.❤️
Latest reviews
- (2024-07-08) lbl lbl: There is no absolutely secure password manager, what they do is a reasonable balance between security and convenience.
- (2023-07-04) Hyperion: 난 쓸 생각도 없었는데 광고하나 잘못 눌렀다고 지멋대로 설치되고 지우니까 완전삭제가 안돼서 일부파일 남는다고 하는 뭐같은 프로그램. 앞으로도 사용할 일은 없을거다.
- (2022-10-07) pavan teja: Awesome Tool
- (2022-06-23) Brandon Grope: beautifully written elegantly designed 🎉🎉🎉🎉✔❤😍😘💕✔🎉🎉🎉🎉
- (2022-06-22) Frank Schneidereit: Die App tut, was sie soll; soweit so gut. Im Handling ist sie jedoch sehr umständlich und im täglichen Gebrauch unkomfortabel gegenüber den in den Browsern integrierten Passwort-Managern, da man sich jedes Mal, wenn man nach einer Sitzung die Browserdaten gelöscht hat, erst wieder mit dem Master-Passwort (in meinem Fall ein 20-stelliges automatisch generiertes Passwort, welches sich nur Autisten merken können) bei Bedarf anmelden, bevor die App in Aktion tritt. Die Sicherheit des DualSafe Password Managers auf dem PC ist ebenfalls fraglich. Hat man nach einem PC-Start erstmal die App mit dem Master-Passwort geöffnet, sind die darin gespeicherten Passwörter und Logins auch nach Schließung der App jedem Nutzer des PCs frei zugänglich, es sei denn, man fährt jedes Mal den PC nach persönlicher Nutzung wieder runter, um sicher zu gehen. Daher von mir nur 3 Sterne.
- (2022-06-16) Dania: برنامج رائع!!!! لا تقلق أبدًا بشأن نسيان كلمات مرور مرة أخرى. أوصت بالفعل لجميع أصدقائي:)
- (2022-06-15) Inés Tan: Realmente me ayuda mucho 😘
- (2022-06-08) lalala mmm: 可以点右上角直接填写保存的密码,也可以通过输入框边的的图标填写密码。还可以用PC端app自动导入浏览器保存的密码。用起来很方便,很不错,该有的功能都有了。
- (2022-06-08) Simon Tao: 👍👍👍 GOOD 💕💕💕 I will never forget my PASSWORD anymore!