extension ExtPose

Skype (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Quickly access Skype for Web and Share on Skype through your browser

Image from store Skype
Description from store The latest update of the Skype extension gives you fast access to Skype for Web through your browser — plus you can insert Skype call links in emails, calendar items, and Twitter with one click or tap. Share on Skype Read a good article? Share the web page with your Skype contacts instantly by selecting Share on Skype. Insert Skype video call links “Let’s chat on Skype!” Insert a Skype call link into an email, calendar item, or tweet from within Gmail, Google Inbox, Google Calendar, Outlook.com, and Twitter. Launch Skype Access the full Skype functionality offered on Skype for Web. Select Launch Skype to get started. Please note that audio and video calling on Skype web client is currently not supported on Chrome OS and Linux. To learn more, read our support page

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-07) Vick Gevorgyan: Doesn't work on my Chrome book
  • (2023-10-02) 💋 Best of the Best 💋
  • (2023-02-23) Kim Bryan Salido: very nice app very easy to Uninstall
  • (2022-08-25) Andrey Kornyshov: Работает, но открывается через раз и не быстро, как хотелось бы.
  • (2022-04-07) Ben Anderson: As of 3/4/2019 no longer works on my chromebook. App tries to prompt me to install from Google Play which of course won't let me because it isn't android. I use Skype daily for work and this kind of nonsense shouldn't happen from a top tech company. What happened to the good old skype chat where I could type back and forth to my coworkers? Gone. Now all it wants to do is start a video chat. Skype isn't Zoom. And I love that about Skype. Stop trying to be Zoom. Give me my chat application for Chromebook back.
  • (2022-03-25) Michael Jensen: Before I could just open skype, now I cannot... Worthless..
  • (2022-03-23) Judit Vasné Budaházi: Absolutely horrendous, the last update took away the ability to use your skype account at all... Looks like Skype doesn't want to support users on Chrome OS.
  • (2022-03-16) Peter Geller: Absolute sh*te
  • (2022-03-15) Johnny Lee: could not log into my account. how do i access my previous conversations and contacts?
  • (2022-03-12) Maiya Perez: The new update doesn't let me open my skype without starting a "meeting" and now won't let me call anyone at all
  • (2022-03-12) Taro T.: With the latest update, how to get in skype chat? It always re-direct to web meeting, which is not always used for daily.
  • (2022-03-10) 黒井沙羅: ブラウザ上でSkypeが出来るのが魅力だった部分を全て無くし「会議通話の機能」だけになってて使い物にならなくなった。 Microsoftのzoomに対しての変化だとは思うが、今までのユーザーを蔑ろにするような仕様変更で残念。
  • (2022-03-10) Kerry Chiu: [Uninstalled] Cannot launch skype chat anymore, plz fix it~~~~thx.
  • (2022-03-09) Uldis Avotins: so smart to mess up at lest half working Skype to not working at all extension, keep going and you will lose even these customers who used it...
  • (2022-03-09) Lina Kardo: ппц, чтобы просто зайти в чат - сплошной геморрой! что с интерфейсом????
  • (2022-03-02) Ainara Fassi: ¿Ya no se puede chatear con tus contactos desde aquí? o es tan poco intuitivo que no se dónde se puede.... ¿alguien usa esto ahora?
  • (2022-03-01) Naoise Holohan: New update means I can no longer "Launch Skype" from the extension to view contacts, chats, etc. Instead, I have to go to web.skype.com, so the extension isn't useful any more.
  • (2022-02-28) Zotack Holfer: В основном использую расширение скайп, через браузер удобно пользоваться. Но на днях оно обновилось и теперь при нажатии на иконку "скайп" в расширениях у меня отображается реклама их видеозвонков "Создайте бесплатный видеозвонок одним щелчком.", которую невозможно закрыть. Мне не нужен групповой видеозвонок, я просто хочу позвонить другу, но не могу, потому что Скайпу было тяжело добавить кнопку "закрыть" или крестик
  • (2022-02-28) ABC Cool: Extension is not working as usual (not able to launch).
  • (2022-02-28) Tsuchiya Akira: チャットが出来なくなったので削除します。
  • (2022-02-26) Adrian Dudek: it's a joke
  • (2022-02-26) 吉本太朗: 「ワンクリックで無料のビデオ通話を作成」がでてきて、今まで起動できていたチャットが起動できなくなって非常に困っています。
  • (2022-02-26) Shannon Potato: Why did it change? It doesn't allow me to log in to my Skype anymore? All I see is creating an invite link to a call.
  • (2022-02-25) Jean-Yves Proteau: Pourrais-je garder l'extension comme elle était? Nouvelle update = ouach!!! J'utilise Skype pour communiquer avec mon père qui est aphaxique. Comment voulez-vous que j'envoie un lien à une personne aphaxique quand on cherche une solution simple. Ce nouveau update, ne fait que compliquer les choses. Vous devriez vous concentrer sur grossir les boutons afin de faciliter son utilisation auprès de personnes qui ont des handicapes physiques. Bref, j'espère pouvoir revenir à la version antérieur car sinon vous venez de me perdre...!
  • (2022-02-25) Alexander Thieme: Where are my chats? Where my contacts? All I can do is create a link to a meeting that I then have to send to my friend by mail? Are you kidding? Who had this splendid idea?
  • (2022-02-25) Andrei Balmos: Wow, love the new design and the easiness to create and share a new video call. This is a game changer :D Awesome! Keep innovating!
  • (2022-01-27) Zayd Siddiqui: Assalamualakum i am a muslim Ashhadu allaa illaha illalaa wa ash had anaa muhammadan abduhu wa rasoolu
  • (2021-08-21) Blue Bird: for some reason many of my apps won't open and only say "EXPLORER.EXE" so this is really helpful
  • (2021-08-08) Kopiko White: 先日まで、何も問題なく使えていたが突然カメラが使えなくなり、外部カメラをつけてもだめだった。 再起動しても、一段削除して再インストールしてもだめで、仕方なく使ったら普通にカメラが使えた。 どうやら、勝ってなバージョンアップがこのブラウザの拡張機能版にもついているのかな?。 設定の中の音声とビデオと言う機能をチエックする部分だけ壊れたと言うかバグったようだ。 前はしっかりとこの機能チエックでカメラを認識したし、外部カメラをつけても問題なく認識して表示したが、今は壊れていてどちらに切り替えても認識しない。
  • (2021-06-05) arturo carlo: non avete mai assistito ad un collegameto via skype di persone in televisione? questo fa capire l'importanza di skype per collrgarsi in videochiamata in og ni parte del mondo.es. pratico la mia badante un ucraina di Kiev ha chiesto a suo figlio e marito di collegarsi ad una certa ora non potete immaginare la prima volta quando ha potuto vedere figlio e marito dopo anni che nonvedeva.
  • (2021-05-13) samuelle wynona: skype used o be the best. now i can login even with the right username and password.
  • (2021-04-21) الطائفة المنصورة: جيد...
  • (2021-04-12) Meerab Islam: 4 stars because i can't use video calling for roblox. Please add this feature btw I want it.
  • (2021-03-23) Gioele Costantino: Alle prime 3 aperture funzionava ma ora non funziona più, si apre una piccola finestrella bianca inutilizzabile grande circa 1cm per 1cm
  • (2021-02-09) peter van lienen: Ik ben een ervaren Skype gebruiker en ik gebruikt bijna daaglijks.
  • (2021-01-22) Richard Hiatt: ONLY WORKS IN THE USA! After extensive searching for why this was not working on gmail and google calendar as advertised, I found that it is only available if you live in the USA! Found on the Microsoft help from their technicians. Very disappointed yet again. Seems to be another nudge to use their teams software which is just as bad in my experience.
  • (2021-01-21) Laura Watson: hi it won't let me sign in..... I've tried 5 times still won't work.....
  • (2021-01-12) Kaitlyn H.: Love it!
  • (2021-01-07) Evan Haag: it didnt go onto skype but just pulled up a tab that just kept loading
  • (2020-12-21) Mariia Heshka: Розширение полезное и удобное, но с сегодняшнего дня перестало работать...Пишет, что Не удается получить доступ к сайтуНе удалось найти IP-адрес сервера login.live.com Хотя интернет работает. Возможно как - то решить эту проблему?
  • (2020-12-20) Prema Lina Pol: DAL 2 DICEMBRE 2020 NON FUNZIONA PIù NIENTE
  • (2020-12-14) John Bennett: I can''t figure out how to make video calls or receive them. All I can do is get the audio. Can't find any instructions or help for the problem. If I could resolve this it would be great.
  • (2020-11-26) sadaf Zeeshan: STONK heh huh ahah hahhahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahaahaahhaahahahahahahahhhaajahhhhhxhhhhshsahahahhhjhshhdhdhhdbdhhxhxhhxxhzhhhhh STONK hehehehhaahahha i had a heart attack writing this like i'm levitating 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭 no, no, i'm photosynthesizing🤣😂🤣 i'm actually radiating . hahshsdrffv fggfdcrtrggxb fgdhb vfghbbbbbb b v gg STONK
  • (2020-11-18) Ahtasham Shahid: Best Extension For Skype. I Just Loved It.
  • (2020-11-12) Markoliver Turqueza: ok
  • (2020-11-12) Edward Bennett: I always found it to be a useful tool or resource in the workplace. Those who couldn't be present at a meeting could still participate. It has its place and I'm sure it's still effective today.
  • (2020-11-05) Eugin Chasia: You guys a great saver. I just couldn't download the new skype desktop and here you came to my rescue... cheers
  • (2020-10-20) Oksana Kvitkovska: Файненька.
  • (2020-10-15) hello good bye: It very slowwww. Hate it so much it samsungy quality!
  • (2020-10-14) Aleksandr Filippov: It doesn't work as it should. Here https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA34612/what-is-the-skype-extension you can find a guide on how to insert a Skype call in a Google Calendar meeting, but it doesn't work. Also, when you try to use "Share on Skype" feature a blank window is displayed.


3,000,000 history
3.476 (6,494 votes)
Last update / version
2022-05-12 /
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