Webpage outliner
Displays a table of contents for any website, making it easier to read and navigate long articles, documentations, and online books.
## Features
- Auto detects article and headings, with our smart algorithm
- Highlights current heading
- Click to jump to heading
- Expand/fold headings, or to specified level
- Floating panel, drag, resize, or dock to side
- Mouse hover while holding Alt/Option key to glance
- Copy to clipboard
- Clean user interface
- Only runs when you use it
The Pro version offers extra features:
- Dark mode, automatically
- Up to 6 heading levels (free version capped to 3)
- Quickly go to headings, with full-keyboard support
## Usage
Click the browser button to toggle table of contents for the current site
## Supported websites
Any website that conforms to the HTML standard and uses HTML heading tags properly (e.g. Wikipedia.com).
You can also enable Smart TOC for local html in the extension settings.
## Support
- Feature requests: https://smart-toc.canny.io/feature-requests
- Bug report: https://smart-toc.canny.io/bug-report
- Email: [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-24) 182 vs 13: niubility ,不错~
- (2023-04-14) Maddog Junior: ؏؏☝ᖗ乛◡乛ᖘ☝؏؏完美!
- (2023-03-24) Dan Thompson: Absolute gamechanger!
- (2023-03-23) Jorge Díaz: It's not working anymore since last week
- (2023-03-13) Shawn Yee: Feature request: Outline custom position, left or right
- (2023-02-23) digiciphertrace: I like the way it works.
- (2022-11-13) L: used to be great but has stopped working since around a week ago
- (2022-11-11) ABC DEF: 平板的kiwi浏览器无法登录
- (2022-10-25) Even Yang: would be perfect if it can remember the size of each domains.....
- (2022-08-27) I like this stylish and minimalist extension. Works like a charm.
- (2022-08-26) 肖循111: 这也太好用了,比很多在线文档编辑器的原生目录都好用!
- (2022-07-25) Weiyi Li: 2 thumbs up!
- (2022-07-22) Re Loop: 很好用, 只是他只支持 H1~H3, H4开始就不显示了
- (2022-06-18) illidan W: short cut is really a necessary feature, anyway,i like it.
- (2022-05-16) 4 0 4: 不错,好用
- (2022-04-11) Aka QLO: Great
- (2022-03-11) Hidenori Fujii: Best outline extension! So much easier to read articles! But after recent update (v0.6.0), It looks like doesn't work shortcuts for Jump to next / previous heading... I heavily use this shortcuts so if you fix it, that would be great!
- (2022-01-03) G I: I don't know how I used the internet without it - it's a headache saver and very useful to be able to see what's on a page, get summaries, and navigate.
- (2021-12-18) Gary Yip: Dark mode pls!
- (2021-12-11) 杨志: It work amazing.
- (2021-04-11) Linus Komnick: Excellent! Makes it so much easier to read documentations and articles! I'm surprised that not more people are using it.
- (2021-03-03) Bob Jones: AMAZING! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
- (2021-02-27) Alex Lee: 好用,但是有时候会遇到bug,比如我拖动这个toc的时候,当我鼠标已经释放左键,它还会跟着我鼠标继续移动,即使关闭插件,然后再次启动插件,问题依旧。除非重新刷新加载网页。
- (2021-02-19) Talyan Talyanich: nice!
- (2021-01-26) Ram Prasad Deora: geat
- (2021-01-17) Yihui Huang: roam research无法识别
- (2020-10-07) Jeremy Morrison: Customize your keyboard shortcuts and use it with vb4c = match made in heaven
- (2020-07-09) NICK FLINT: 很喜欢的插件,识别效果也好,不会识别一些不相关的,但是我的快捷键无效??希望也可以设置为一直显示网页目录。
- (2020-06-29) Bios Sun: 请问可以支持自定义或禁用快捷键吗?
- (2020-03-03) Ricky Lee: 非常非常优秀哟
- (2019-12-28) 咕咚: 解决了我个人博客的问题,不用开发 outline 了,非常好
- (2019-08-03) ざわわ: I love this extension. It's exactly smart.
- (2019-03-12) rick areo: It's a great plugin of Chrome, but there is a little problem as reading a long documentation(such as https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.3.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/), the top part of TOC just lost.hope to fix it.
- (2019-03-11) A must-have extension! Specially if you are often in long, one-page html manual pages or news list ;)
- (2019-01-23) James Bond: This the ext I have planed to develop
- (2018-12-13) 小齐: 非常非常实用 快捷键也超级好用 读长文必备~ 但只是通过header来做outline 有的时候没法正确识别层级 headingsmap这个扩展更精准一点(但没快捷键而且不够好看55
- (2018-10-14) Diego Fornazier Gozer: it does what promises.
- (2018-06-29) 32 varchar: awesome
- (2018-04-02) Gersivan Oliveira: Muito very good. Produtiva, útil, rápida e com visual clean e minimalista.
- (2018-03-31) Khalid Maher: I've looked for this ext for 2 hrs. amazing!!
- (2018-03-28) Yinglun Huang: wonderful!
- (2018-03-22) misaky only: cool!very useful!
- (2018-03-08) Seems have bug, do not work correctly on https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.2.x/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle
- (2017-11-20) Vincent Bel: Cool, really smart.
- (2017-10-14) Alex Zhang: 非常好!!
- (2017-09-11) Mo Fan: very good, very useful, give you five!!!
- (2017-09-08) Jehong Ahn: This is what I dream about.
- (2017-07-26) 2008 ms: awesome
- (2017-07-20) Jarry Zhang: 非常好用!能不能添加快捷键支持?
- (2017-07-20) Shing: 好用,github 的 readme 的也能跳转真是太棒了