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DevTools browser extension for Vue.js
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Chrome DevTools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
Thank you for trying the Vue.js devtools Beta! If you have any issue, please report them on the GitHub repository.
This is the beta channel with a brand-new re-implementation, built with Vue 3.
Note the beta channel may cause conflict with the stable version of Vue devtools. If the Vue icon is lit but the Vue tab doesn't show up in devtools, please temporarily disable the stable version and re-open the page.
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-19) Andrew Reddin: This was the greatest extension i've ever used in the Vue 2 days Then vue 3 came out and it became a buggy, unreliable mess. You could still sort of use it though Now it just doesn't load whatsoever. What is going on over there??
- (2023-03-16) 梁登科: 每次打开插件,控制台就会报警告。而且鼠标移入页面会一直提示警告: api.min.js:1can not find handler for message {source: 'vue-devtools-backend', payload: Array(1)},谁有解决办法吗?????
- (2023-01-30) 西洼: An error occurred in hook walkComponentParents TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parent')
- (2023-01-17) Farhad Shikder: It does not work at all.
- (2022-10-21) Forest42: Всё прекрасно работает, необходимо перезагрузить Chrome и открывать через панель для разработки
- (2022-05-30) Edgar Hovsepyan: didn't work at all
- (2022-05-22) Nik Nik: Does not work. It says "Vue.js is detected on this page." but does not show "Vue" paned in last chrome.
- (2022-05-19) fan dai: 似乎突然检测不到 vue3 代码了
- (2022-05-02) Adrian Lupescu: Guys.. Something happened... It was working great until a few weeks ago. Now it says I have Vue on my page.. but nothing appears in the panel. I am using it on Firefox but..
- (2022-04-30) Denis WD: dosent work
- (2022-04-18) Wayne Ho: 最近发现浏览器调试时,不能查看原代码。 "vue": "2.6.10" chrome版本 100.0.4896.88 configureWebpack: { devtool: 'source-map' }, 有一样的吗?
- (2022-04-08) Xiaolei Jin: VUE3中我们应该如何禁用开发者工具
- (2022-04-06) Алекс: Только вот ошибка периодически возникает во встроенном в проект режиме когда запускаю команду `vue-cli-service build --watch --mode development` vue-router.esm-bundler.js:2762 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function at eval (vue-router.esm-bundler.js:2762:21) at eval (vue-router.esm-bundler.js:3641:31) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at triggerError (vue-router.esm-bundler.js:3641:12) at eval (vue-router.esm-bundler.js:3373:5)
- (2022-04-05) Thinh Vu: A lot of bugs.
- (2022-02-25) EMT: 不知道为什么,,我在vue3中使用特别卡顿
- (2022-02-19) Дмитрий Винокуров: Dont work. Не работает
- (2022-02-07) Tomas Sek: Works great!
- (2022-02-03) Lluís Peinado: It was so easy the previous one (for Vue2) this latest is a mess: not intuitive and really hard to find components or to inspect them. Useless "AsyncComponentWrapper" everywhere and simply impossible to follow the component events. Don''t really understand why if the previous one worked like a charm and now everything is in a different place. Vue3 upgrade is a pain and this tools make things even worse... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- (2022-01-21) zehu wang: 能不能同时支持下vue2呀,呜呜。。。。
- (2022-01-12) jerry wang: 当打开vue devtools的时候点击路由跳转会非常卡顿,有时候甚至要延迟几秒!!!我是用vue3的setup script开发的,项目并不大!请问这是什么原因啊?有一样问题的吗?
- (2022-01-08) Sergey Harchenko: 1) Stopped working 09.01.2022 Chrome 97.0.4692.71 Reload browser, reload devtools, reinstall in different orders, vue detected, but no vue panel. 2) Not visible in the firefox store No chanse to use...
- (2021-12-06) Евгений: Vue.js not detected
- (2021-12-05) sem raker: It is working for quasar2-vue3
- (2021-11-24) Gabriele Laganà: Ottimo strumento per sviluppatori di Vue 3.
- (2021-11-20) Naoya M: Great tool! I love it!
- (2021-11-12) qw c: 一个页面中嵌套了一个iframe页面,两个页面都是vue应用,工具有时候只会显示最外层页面的vue应用,不显示iframe中的应用,怎么让工具同事都识别两个页面的vue应用呢?
- (2021-11-03) Neil Merton: Update: v6.0.0-beta.19 is loads better, therefore I'm updating the review. The issue I reported to the team was fixed as soon as I could provide them with a reproducible repo. Previous: Current version v6.0.0-beta.17 seems broken. There are some components that are no longer expandable in the left-hand component inspector. This is making the component inspector mostly useless, which then means the launch component in editor feature also useless in these instances. Load time of the plugin has also increased since beta.15, which is a shame. I've reverted back to using Firefox and v5.x of Vue.js DevTools (as this setup seems to work reliably.
- (2021-11-02) MertEfe Cerit: Merhaba / Hi, TR - Nuxt ile beraber kullanırken vuex tarafında state güncellemesi anlık olarak gözükmüyor ama getter tarafında state değerlerini görebiliyorum. EN - When using it with Nuxt, the state update does not appear instantly on the vuex side, but I can see the state values on the getter side.
- (2021-11-02) zh L: 用不了的,只能看数据,当你更改数据的时候,直接卡在那里
- (2021-10-02) L W: I don't know if this is a new update, or that I just missed it before. But is it possible to disable the console.logging of props definitions?
- (2021-09-21) 汤乾华: backend.js:731 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__') at ComponentWalker.captureId (backend.js:4978) at ComponentWalker.getComponentParents (backend.js:4903) at backend.js:5225 at DevtoolsHookable.callHandlers (backend.js:727) at DevtoolsApi.callHook (backend.js:321) at DevtoolsApi.walkComponentParents (backend.js:378) at Object.<anonymous> (backend.js:1594)
- (2021-09-17) 汪涛: vite+vue3,ssr架构,服务端储存到vuex中的数据取值没问题,在devtools看不到
- (2021-08-19) 贺学国: DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for[email protected]/dist/cdn/dist/cdn/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE 现在完全用不了,这个资源服务器都访问不到了
- (2021-08-09) Bill Underwood: Currently it's not detecting my vue pages on my development server. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, closed the browser and reopened it and nothing seems to work. What a shame.
- (2021-08-09) 朱进雄: often crash, make page render slow, en.., not work well
- (2021-08-01) Taylor Funk: love the vue dev tools. For those complaining about it not opening. Usualy you need to close your inspect window and refresh the website. when you open the inspect, if the vue page is not built in production mode then the vue tab should appear and work in the inspect window.
- (2021-07-23) Kristiqs Callahanhvrv: vue2 项目中感觉很卡
- (2021-07-10) Avoonix _: Very handy
- (2021-06-23) 胡奇: 6月底了,快支持vuex吧,球球了
- (2021-06-21) Никита Ткачёв: Nice new features, but when "Vue" tab is open in dev tools, my application hangs up everytime I emit "update:modelValue"
- (2021-06-16) Josias Castro: Muy buena, super útil en todos los aspectos, práctica y fácil de entender. A MEJORAR: Coloquen en la título de la extensión que esta es para Vue 3, ya que no está del todo claro.
- (2021-06-10) Santos Junior Marte Marte: Me encanta el trabajo que han realizado, no le doy 5 estrellas porque la info en inspector de componentes no se refresca, para que lo haga debo collapsar el componente y volver a abrir lo.
- (2021-06-08) 任红专: 用了4个月了,的确感觉是越来越好了,希望继续高速更新迭代
- (2021-06-07) Shekh Saifuddin: This dev tool not updating the real-time input model value I have close the dev tool and open again to see the model value in dev tool.👎
- (2021-06-02) Daniel Chicchon: Tried using it, even on the Vue.js website. Didn't work. Will try again later
- (2021-05-31) Eduardo San Martin Morote: Very active development and the `@vue/devtools-api` lets you integrate nicely in your libraries
- (2021-05-27) 陈宁: data的数据更新都不能即时显示
- (2021-05-27) Zhixiang Yao: 越来越好了
- (2021-05-19) 丶白与黑: 图标亮了控制台不显示
- (2021-05-18) 甘萍: 更新特别慢