extension ExtPose

Google Meet 增強套件

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Description from extension meta

Google Meet 的 40 項新功能,例如全部靜音、全部刪除、自動承認、表情符號、鏡像影片、背景顏色和按鍵通話!

Image from store Google Meet 增強套件
Description from store Meet Enhancement Suite 通過 40 多項功能和智能默認設置改善了 Google Meet 體驗。 加入超過 300,000 名使用 Meet Enhancement Suite 的遠程工作人員,讓他們在家中的工作更輕鬆。 基本功能 • 一鍵通:快速靜音和取消靜音只需按一個鍵 • 自動加入:跳過加入屏幕並直接進入會議 • 與參與者自動加入:僅當參與者在場時自動加入會議 • 快速離開:按 Shift K 快速離開環聊• [新增] 離開時返回主屏幕:離開會議後自動返回到會議主屏幕 • 離開確認:在您嘗試離開會議時要求確認 • 始終播放提示音:參與者加入和離開時始終聽到提示音或在收到新聊天消息時 • 在桌面應用程序中打開 Meet 鏈接:直接在我們的 Google Meet 桌面應用程序中自動打開 Google 日曆 Meet 鏈接 • 快速入門:快速加星標只需單擊一個按鈕即可獲得新的 Google Meet • 設置背景顏色:為您的 Meet 設置自定義背景顏色 • 自動字幕:自動啟用通話字幕 • 自動靜音:加入時自動將麥克風靜音 • 自動視頻關閉:將視頻設置為關閉join • 固定底部欄:將控制欄固定到屏幕底部 • 與會者視頻樣式:顯示或隱藏與會者姓名和發言圖標 PRO 功能 • [新] 調整會議音量:調整會議音量 • 自動錄製:加入時自動開始錄製會議(需要 Google Workspace 計劃) • 排序參與者列表:添加切換按鈕以按姓氏對參與者列表進行排序 • 會議出席:收集參加會議的參與者/學生的出席情況並導出到 CSV •自動取消靜音:阻止其他人將您的麥克風靜音 • 演講者突出顯示:在發言的參與者周圍添加彩色邊框 • 查找活動的會議選項卡:單擊擴展圖標以查找活動的會議選項卡 • Qui ck 表情符號反應:在聊天窗口中添加快速表情符號快捷方式 • 會議計時器:在頂部菜單欄中顯示會議計時器 • 切換底部欄:切換底部控制欄的出現或消失 • 鏡像視頻:鏡像Meet 中的所有視頻 • 自動接納新加入者:自動接納所有新加入者(更多詳細信息,請參見下面的常見問題解答) • 自動拒絕新加入者:自動拒絕所有新加入者(參見下面的常見問題解答了解更多詳細信息) • 全部靜音:將會議中的所有參與者靜音單擊(更多詳細信息,請參見下面的常見問題解答) • 全部刪除:單擊即可刪除會議中的所有參與者(更多詳細信息,請參見下面的常見問題解答) • 請勿打擾模式:保持專注,將所有 Meet 聲音靜音並隱藏新評論和參與者彈出窗口 • 畫中畫:在屏幕頂部的懸停視頻中查看參與者視頻 • 黑暗模式:通過將 Google Meet 轉換為黑暗模式,讓您的眼睛休息一下。 • 熱鍵編輯:自定義您的推送-to-talk 熱鍵 • 隱藏“添加 O”他們的彈出窗口:加入 Meet 時隱藏“添加其他人”彈出窗口• 自動固定聊天:每次加入 Meet 時自動打開並固定聊天• 透明欄:使底部欄透明,因此不會被剪切關閉參與者視頻 • 自動隱藏頂部欄:當底部欄消失時隱藏頂部菜單欄 • 自動複製會議 URL:自動將會議 URL 複製到剪貼板 • 演示時自動全屏:自動將會議窗口設置為全屏有人開始演示 • 隱藏靜音彈出窗口:在靜音時隱藏“你在說話”彈出窗口 • 顯示時鐘:始終在 Google Meet 的右上角顯示時鐘 在我們的網站上了解有關 Meet Pro 的更多信息:https ://www.meetenhancementsuite.com/meetpro/ ROADMAP 我們計劃繼續構建更多我們認為您會喜歡的功能。查看我們的路線圖,了解接下來會發生什麼:https://bit.ly/36vUPjo PRIVACY 請查看我們的隱私政策以了解更多信息:https://www.meetenhancementsuite.com/privacy-policy HOW TO USE 1) 安裝 Chrome 擴展程序 2) 單擊我們的瀏覽器右上角的黑色圖標以配置您的設置 3) 加入 Google Meet 並享受您的新功能! 反饋和功能請求 我們很想听到您的反饋或功能請求 - 前往 https://www.meetenhancementsuite。 com/feedback CHANGE LOG 前往此頁面查看我們的變更日誌:https://www.meetenhancementsuite.com/changelog FAQ 請參閱我們的常見問題解答以獲取最常見問題的答案:https://www.meetenhancementsuite.com/faq/ --- 由 Corey Pollock (@cpollo01) 和 Keyfer Mathewson (@keyfermath) 創建

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-27) Derl1: топ
  • (2024-03-02) Cristhian Lima: Potencializa o uso do Meet de forma iniimaginável.
  • (2023-11-08) Julio Diaz-Lopez: Imprescindible.
  • (2023-08-23) Dev The Operator: Some features, like spacebar push-to-talk, stopped working.
  • (2023-07-11) Alejandro Rodriguez: The feature of speaking with the space bar stopped working a long time ago. It was more frequently used by me. I am going to uninstall the extension for now.
  • (2023-07-10) Skoopy Poopy: 7 Day Trial? Are you serious? Absolutely Not.
  • (2023-05-11) Hasan AbuAjina: Great extension. Auto-mute and video off on join is the two most important options that Google Meet lacks. One more thing that would make this perfect is the option to choose which logged in user to join the meeting as (or allowing us to set a default user to join meetings as) rather than always defaulting to user at index 0.
  • (2023-04-24) Gokul Yuvaraj: good
  • (2023-02-15) abdullah alqarni: looks good , not bad try it maybe u like it
  • (2023-01-30) WAR DOG (AWAWWA): зручний додаток
  • (2023-01-13) Vinícius Ramos: It has a lot of great features, but every time i had the extension installed, people's videos starded glitching, I uninstalled and it stopped
  • (2022-12-25) Jasper Wong: Great integration. Even free version works fine. Useful prodcutivity tool to save time
  • (2022-10-26) Kambria Stephen: There are a lot of great features that integrate so well into google meet. I especially like the "push to talk" option, we've all been in a meeting and either can't find our mouse or it takes an awkward second to unmute. Not anymore with this feature. I think my second favorite feature has to be the dark mode.
  • (2022-10-22) RASMANE KABORE: Very wonderful! Congrats!
  • (2022-10-02) Артем Тодосієв: cute
  • (2022-09-16) Ninozka Marrder: Works well!
  • (2022-09-01) brent Lim: Very Good I Enjoy
  • (2022-07-04) Bijay Rungta: I was looking for these hacks for Google Meet for a long time. This Extension has them all and many more. Found a Bug or suggestion? They are listening.
  • (2022-06-30) cak iebe: nice ...good job developer
  • (2022-06-20) Gabriel Benini: PERFEITO!!! o unico problema é que quase tudo é pago se liberassem um pouco mais para nós que não podemos pagar ia ser uma das melhores extensões de todas.
  • (2022-06-17) So great, thank you for making it! One catch, the "Auto Join" feature broke again, it hasn't been working for at least the last month or two. Google probably changed their HTML again? Hopefully it's an easy fix!
  • (2022-06-12) Kyle Ridolfo: This extension has saved me so much time over the years. It's feature-packed and the developer is great at providing support should you need it. I highly recommend this if you are a regular user of Google Meet
  • (2022-06-01) Shoroto Twinky: UwU
  • (2022-06-01) Vic Valdon: Excellent. Kudos to the devs!
  • (2022-05-30) B - Ang, Nathan Xian J.: its Very cool i trolled my friends but it would be better if the VIP is free no need for liecense
  • (2022-05-12) Reynante Magan: I'M FOUND A BUG! BUG: TURN ON WEBCAM THIS BLACK SCREEN!!!!! PLS FIX IT NOW!!!
  • (2022-05-03) Cris .,.: melhor extenção possivel mas...as melhores são pagas então perde um pouco a grça
  • (2022-04-12) Buenaventura 平和百合Yuri Hezekiah: LOVE IT!
  • (2022-03-31) Lê Huy Khôi (Lê Huy Khôi): Automatically joining button
  • (2022-03-24) Ahmad Rayyan: this extension on my cam while attending my class and it suddenly reset all my settings.
  • (2022-03-15) Garv Sharma: Very good extension
  • (2022-02-28) Hussain Al Mutasim Rahman: It is the most helpful chrome extension for google meet. Loved all the features... Thanks but please update it so we can have more features. Also make it free to get more re-viewers. I hope you understand. Thanks again...
  • (2022-02-27) Martin Vlach: It works pretty well (Windows 10, Chrome latest release). I use Meet regularly for online Lessons with my students. This enhancement helps me a lot because it does all the job with establishing the meeting. It automatically connects me to meeting URL, lets me in, turns off my mic and camera and lets every incoming student in. I feel private and do not have to sit at the screen letting everyone manually in anymore. Now I only come to my desk when meeting begins, turn my camera and mic on and start presenting. Great and thanks for these functions!
  • (2022-02-26) Đỗ thị Nga: Ok?
  • (2022-02-22) Nam Nguyễn: vẻy gook
  • (2022-02-22) VaCt GaMiNg: I would really like more options for the people who don't have pro other than that I love it THNK YOU :)
  • (2022-02-18) LIL NASX: hey i love it but after a few hours i wouldnt have effects anything i didnt respond pls fix it
  • (2022-02-17) Sachin: Awesome asf
  • (2022-02-16) Agha Khan - MF: must for online classes
  • (2022-02-16) Quốc Hưng 8/5: cập nhật này đã sửa lỗi tự động tắt mic và cam. Xài rất tiện!
  • (2022-02-15) SHREYA AGRAWAL: I actually liked this extension very very much. I have given 4 stars because the best features of this extension, they have given in premium section. Otherwise its commendable.
  • (2022-02-14) Sasongko Budhi Raharjo: Good work!
  • (2022-02-11) erlito ebia: I appreciate this app so much. It helps me in my teaching or when I attend a local webinar or meeting. It is not difficult to use. The background is great. Other tools here are helpful and easy to use. I hope you will offer more in the future. Thanks!
  • (2022-02-10) Isam Muhammad Faiz: cool
  • (2022-02-10) Ілля Сідоренко: Гарне розширення порадив своєму другові він задоволений цим
  • (2022-02-10) SANTOSH KUMAR: Very Useful.....
  • (2022-02-09) Feico Mol: I've used Meet Enhancement for the last 14 months both for my work and my personal Google Meet set up. I'm using the Chrome extension and the app on my Mac. This suite makes Google Meet a better product than Zoom. There's an incredible number of really useful features and many of those don't have a equivalent in Zoom. A great example is the option to start all calls with your "self view" hidden by default. If you're on video calls the whole day and have never experienced the difference of seeing you own video or have it hidden, then please try it! If there's one tool you're going to subscribe to make working from home better then it has to be this one.
  • (2022-01-28) V.N SAJINI: Best meet extension ever. Auto mute and auto video off function could be improved as I think this function has bugs. Sometimes video and mic might turn on automatically when joining. The rest all features are extremely helpful. Thanks a lot
  • (2022-01-28) thì hủy sub ko làm dc: Why did I turn off auto-join and still auto-join?
  • (2022-01-28) Rajeshwari Roy: It is a very good extension. I like it.


100,000 history
4.019 (263 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-15 / 6.0.10
Listing languages
