Description from extension meta
使用 Ruffle 运行任何 Flash 内容(SWF 文件)的 Flash Player 模拟器。在线玩最喜欢的 Flash 游戏!游戏模拟器。
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Description from store
Flash Player for Web 是一種模擬器,它利用 Ruffle 在瀏覽器中運行 Flash 內容。 這包括 flash 遊戲、視頻和其他被轉換為與 Web 瀏覽器兼容的替代格式的文件。 使用 Chrome 擴展程序,您可以輕鬆地將任何 SWF 文件添加到應用程序的播放列表中,只需單擊一下即可訪問它。
現在瀏覽器中禁用了原始的 Flash 播放器。 別擔心,只需安裝這個簡單的 Flash 播放器。
這個工具是免費的,支持所有格式和高清閃存文件。 如果您遇到“不再支持 Adobe Flash Player”錯誤並且無法在您最喜歡的遊戲網站上玩 Flash 遊戲,這個 Chrome 工具可以提供幫助。
要使用它,請轉到包含 Flash 內容的站點,單擊擴展徽標,啟用 Flash Player,重新加載頁面,然後單擊“播放”按鈕以欣賞您的 Flash 內容。
Flash Player 的工作原理:
1. 去一個有 flash 遊戲的網站。
2. 點擊擴展標誌。
2. 啟用 Flash Player(右上角的藍色複選框)。
3. 重新加載帶有 flash 遊戲的網頁。
4. 單擊播放按鈕。
5. 享受吧!
如果您覺得無聊,您絕對應該將此應用程序添加到您的 Chrome。
Flash Player 是 Google Chrome 用戶的輔助工具。 Flash Player 不正式隸屬於 Adobe Flash Player 產品或任何其他 Adobe 產品。
現在您不再需要下載額外的應用程序或實用程序,使用舊版本的擴展。 多合一擴展 Flash Player - 模擬器。
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-07) Lex: i have an oldre chrome and NONE of my games work! it says its out of date and i cantdownload jack shi can ayone help me send me gaming websites that dont require downloading....
- (2023-11-24) curlyfare impostor: it doesnt work leave instructions
- (2023-11-18) Johnny Santos: excelente tenga lo siempre actualizado me sirve mucho para el juego online inferior control...
- (2023-11-10) is: Doesn't work
- (2023-10-30) Adam Rudlicki: used it once and it worked, but it breaks youtube shorts (white bar apperas at the bottom of videos)
- (2023-10-26) Hilmer Hall: Didn't work, at least for running files from a local directory. Opening the html that embeds the flash file just says needs flash player.
- (2023-10-13) Oscar García: No funciona
- (2023-09-24) Winrax: funciona perfecto 10/10
- (2023-09-24) Anes OUHBA: That extension seems to work very well. I recommend it to anyone who needs a Flash Player !
- (2023-09-20) Joshua Morin: Works very well for sites like Armorgames etc. But unfortunately doesn't appear to save progress if you close the pop up window. It will save if you press the larger arrow that doesnt pop up a new window tho. It seems on some sites there are two buttons to press play, one pops up a full scree window that doesnt save and the other is just regular and does save
- (2023-09-01) Rafael Ayala: its good but i wish it could play new club penguin
- (2023-08-08) Kimilu KM: Funciona correctamente
- (2023-08-05) のルひ尺: useless... doesn't work at all.
- (2023-07-22) Emily Callaghan: Doesn't work
- (2023-07-11) Rashun Waters: didnt work at all, just decoration for your computer interface and is barely that
- (2023-07-01) zz mmk: use good
- (2023-06-30) Fionna Romero: no sirve
- (2023-06-27) Mohammed: it does not work i hated
- (2023-06-23) Cameron: Be careful using this app, the reviews are clearly cooked.
- (2023-06-21) Filip Olsen: useless... dont work at all. Enable it, and nothing happens when I try to open .swf files
- (2023-06-19) Harry Miller: Insanely high CPU usage, some games worked however would cause my pc to massively overheat despite me having good specs.
- (2023-06-13) Rainbow Warrior Princess: Doesn't play flash automatically, but you have to click on the flash and then a browser popup menu appears where you have to click on a swf link.
- (2023-05-11) joel rodrigues: I truly enjoy this extension. Would you kindly think about including a function to minimize the extension? Right now, closing it means you loose your summery. Thank you, that'd be fantastic!
- (2023-05-11) Ricardo Marambio: Amazing extension for ChatGPT! ChatGPT Suite summarises every video and article I dont have time to read or watch perfectly on the point.
- (2023-05-10) Son Juan: The ChatGPT Suite's document summarization tool is a fantastic feature. You can quickly and easily condense lengthy articles or documents into shorter, more manageable summaries using this technique. For anyone who needs to quickly sort through a lot of information, this is a huge time saver.
- (2023-05-09) Aurelien Favereau: very helpful. productivity booster
- (2023-05-09) Ingrid Sofia: Works and is very useful but I have to pass a cloudflare check every time i open it, which doesn't happen with other extensions using ChatGPT
- (2023-05-09) Edu \\: Very good working. I love this.
- (2023-05-09) Mystic: It currently works pretty well for me. Thanks a ton!
- (2023-05-08) Miguel Angel: this was the greatest experience of my life. All I had to do was go to an article and get the greatest summaries which helps with my due diligence work on reporting on the news. You can find me at
- (2023-05-07) Suguru Kuwata: its very good for us and great
- (2023-05-06) Edson Batista Menezes: The ChatGPT helps a lot for scripting videos and make presentation, its an amazing tool.
- (2023-05-01) Matheus Lee: nice extenssion,,it summerized all the things i want from a website within second and its a good tool..i love it
- (2023-04-30) Gabriele: Amazing extension!nnRequest: Please add Dark Mode ASAP
- (2023-04-28) Renri: iam a personal blogger and chat gpt user i think this summary making extension will be better for article writing skills i really loved and highly recommend this proiduct to everyone thanks for the developer
- (2023-04-28) Petrica Lazar: I love it. I want to use it all over internet
- (2023-04-27) Maria Del Carmen Rosales: very cool but don't know how long it would be free
- (2023-04-26) K ESAEL: Very nice Extension.Recommend!
- (2023-04-25) JOEDER d s cardoso: Very cool, extension. I've tried others that don't always work. But this one is consistent and definitely love it!
- (2023-04-24) Paulo e Sergio Oliveira Lunardi: best Ai i have ever seen because just you type what can you need information you can find lots of information and details so i love it.
- (2023-04-24) Luana Nunes: WOW amazing ChatGPT! This app is very useful.
- (2023-04-24) santiago rosas: No carga nada solo se pone en blanco
- (2023-04-23) emine servet: Great plugin! anyone know a way to get it to summarise text from a Google Doc? Or is there somewhere else this text could be posted, that this plugin would have access to?
- (2023-04-22) DHU ATHENES: that's right time for this type of extention. thanks
- (2019-07-04) Mehdi M`Rad: Super thanks
- (2019-06-10) Aaaa K: супер!
- (2019-05-19) Katherine Solis: love it
- (2019-04-18) Erich Auttenberg: awesome.
- (2019-04-12) Sonia Caffee: good flash
- (2019-03-26) Chau Dinh Van: BEESSTTT