extension ExtPose

SLWishlist.com adding sl marketplace products

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Add your favorite items in your wishlist while browsing sl marketplace

Image from store SLWishlist.com adding sl marketplace products

Latest reviews

  • (2017-03-16) The Wandering Goddess: I downloaded it, tried to use it several times, went on the SLwishlist and looked up different issues and it still does not work right. I'm now uninstalling it and recommend not to bother wasting your time with the extension.
  • (2017-01-19) Mo Noel: does not work when you click the red button a rotating arrow appears but the item gets not added to the list
  • (2016-10-06) Vivienne Granger: Does not work at all... ... and I was a little sad by the +add button hovering over the page that refused to go away; would have much rather just had the small button on the toolbar.
  • (2016-03-19) B Brown: ok but yea it not working for me either *edit* ok its working for me now
  • (2015-11-08) Cookies: Doesn't add anything to the wishlist, just says "Please wait..."
  • (2015-05-29) DJ Smith: keeps telling me to please wait never adds to my wish list sux
  • (2015-01-15) Lana Garobie: It worked fine for a while with chrome, then it suddenly stopped. I got a message in SL one day asking if it was working and told that the problem was being looked into. That was weeks ago and it's still not fixed. What's the point?


174 history
3.0476 (21 votes)
Last update / version
2017-04-18 / 2.3
Listing languages
