Source candidates into your Jobsoid account
Source candidates into your Jobsoid account in just few clicks.
Jobsoid Chrome Plugin acts like a magic wand and automatically creates rich candidate profiles directly from LinkedIn.
You can then engage these candidates into conversations and turn them into potential hires.
- Easy to install and use
- Quick and reliable mode of sourcing
- Candidate profiles are created in real-time
Find prospects and source them:
Visit the candidate’s LinkedIn profile and extract all the necessary information in just a few clicks. No manual data entry tasks are involved.
Quick and Effective Results:
Every important detail about the candidate is taken and is presented as rich candidate profiles in your account. The entire process is quick and happens in real-time.
Build your Talent Pipeline:
Source candidates faster and build your talent pipeline. Connect with these potential candidates seamlessly for your company’s next hire.
Latest reviews
- (2021-05-03) Christian Rochas: Don't work... Would be a nice extension
3.0 (2 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-29 / 2.5
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