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Amplificatore di volume: aumento del suono

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Amplificatore di volume che amplificatore audio facile da usare con controllo del volume ed equalizzatore audio. Amplificatore di…

Image from store Amplificatore di volume: aumento del suono
Description from store amplificatore di volume che ti permetterà di aumentare il suono del tuo sistema. Può aumentare il livello del volume fino al 600%. Fornisce funzionalità di aumento del volume per piattaforme video popolari come YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion e altre. Ciò significa che gli utenti possono guardare i loro video preferiti a un volume più alto e persino migliorare la qualità audio complessiva del contenuto. l'amplificatore di volume ti consente di migliorare la qualità del suono nel browser Chrome per ottenere più piacere dall'ascolto di musica e dalla visione di video. Aumento dei bassi al massimo. Una delle caratteristiche principali dell'amplificatore di volume è la sua capacità di aumentare l'uscita del volume di vari servizi musicali come Spotify, Soundcloud, LastFM, Deezer e molti altri. Ciò significa che gli utenti possono ascoltare i propri brani preferiti a un volume più elevato rispetto a quanto normalmente possibile tramite i controlli del volume standard sul proprio dispositivo. Con questa funzione, gli utenti possono sperimentare la propria musica in modo più completo e persino scoprire nuovi suoni che potrebbero non aver notato prima. l'amplificatore di volume fornisce anche funzionalità di aumento del volume simili per piattaforme video popolari come YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion e altri. Ciò significa che gli utenti possono guardare i loro video preferiti a un volume più alto e persino migliorare la qualità audio complessiva del contenuto. Indipendentemente dal fatto che gli utenti guardino un film, un programma TV o semplicemente un video divertente su YouTube, questa estensione può contribuire a rendere l'esperienza più piacevole. Una delle estensioni più efficienti e pratiche per Chrome, che consente di amplificare l'audio di qualsiasi contenuto video o audio riprodotto nel browser. Amplificatore di volume Strumento musicale facile e conveniente per un suono brillante delle tue canzoni preferite. Prova a sfruttare questo equalizzatore e goditi i suoi vantaggi. Come utilizzare l'estensione Sound booster per Chrome: 1. Installa l'amplificatore di volume. 2. Fissalo nella barra degli strumenti. 3. Fare clic sull'icona dell'estensione Music Booster e abilitare il potenziamento con il pulsante di attivazione/disattivazione. 4. Quindi, fai clic sull'icona dell'estensione e scegli l'intervallo di aumento del suono. L'amplificatore di volume è uno strumento musicale facile e conveniente per un suono brillante delle tue canzoni preferite. Ottimizza il suono in base al genere che ascolti con l'equalizzatore per il browser Chrome. Audio Equalizer è un'estensione lite che ti consente di regolare facilmente le impostazioni audio (il bilanciamento tra i componenti di frequenza in un file audio) da un popup della barra degli strumenti. Equalizzatore per Youtube. Prova solo a sfruttare questo equalizzatore e goditi i suoi benefici. amplificatore di bassi amplificatore di bassi Chrome Extension che ti aiuta a impostare il livello di volume dell'altoparlante desiderato per ogni singola scheda nel tuo browser. Bass Booster ha una semplice interfaccia dell'interruttore di controllo del volume del suono in quanto è possibile mantenere tutta la sua potenza in un design leggero. Elegante popup Audio Enhancer con un interruttore del volume con un elenco di schede che ora riproducono contenuti audio. Controllo del volume Assumi il controllo di tutto l'audio di cui hai bisogno uno strumento di regolazione del volume di potenza con la possibilità di impostare le singole impostazioni del volume per ogni scheda. Per risolvere questo compito abbiamo sviluppato la nostra estensione per il controllo del volume audio. Per assumere il controllo di tutto quell'audio è necessario uno strumento di regolazione del volume di potenza con la possibilità di impostare le singole impostazioni del volume per ogni scheda. Per risolvere questo compito abbiamo sviluppato la nostra estensione per il controllo del volume audio. L'estensione Sound Booster per Chrome è uno strumento utile che può aiutare ad aumentare l'uscita del volume di varie piattaforme multimediali. Con la sua interfaccia user-friendly e le comode funzionalità, può essere un'aggiunta ideale per chiunque utilizzi frequentemente servizi di streaming di musica e video, social network o altre piattaforme multimediali online. Ci auguriamo che troverai utile la nostra estensione Сhrome! Stiamo aspettando il tuo feedback e le tue valutazioni! Quindi perché accontentarsi della qualità del suono scadente? Amplifica il tuo audio con Sound Booster - Aumenta il volume oggi! Ricorda solo di usare la cautela quando si regola i livelli di volume, poiché i volumi elevati o i potenziamenti dei bassi possono essere dannosi per i tuoi altoparlanti. Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master Sound Booster, Volume Booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Aumenta Volume, Aumenta il suono, Amplifica il suono, Amplifica il volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master A volume booster is a browser extension to control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab. Sound Booster is an extension that will allow you to increase the sound of your system. It can raise volume level up to 600%. Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Volume Booster extension. Volume amplifier helps you if your songs on Spotify, Deezer, or Soundcloud or videos on YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook are too quiet even on the maximum. With our volume booster, you can increase the volume up to +600%. Also, modern websites are crowded with media content such as video, music, streaming video, audio, and ads. To take control of all this sound, you need a volume control tool with the ability to set individual volume settings for each tab. Volume Booster allows you to improve the sound quality in the Chrome browser to get more pleasure from listening to music and watching videos. Bass boost to the full. Volume boost by 600% Here are reasons to choose Volume Booster: - Sound Booster can increase the volume of the content being played up to 1000% - Volume booster. Volume Control volume up to 500% boost. - Bass boost level - Equalizer 32hz-16khz - Volume Booster - increase volume to 400% of the standard sound power; - Bass Booster preset - audio effect to amplify low frequencies of the sound; Volume Booster extension helps you set the desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are simply filled with multimedia content such as video, music, streams, audio and video ads. Volume Booster Bass Booster makes videos, songs, movies and more sound awesome by boosting your speakers or headphones. Bass Boost is a simple to use Audio Equaliser that's got several settings to make Videos, Music, Movies, Gameplay, Anime and more sound incredible at the click of a button. It's like having expensive headphones/speakers for completely free, so download it now! Bass Booster works on any website, so that means you can use it on Youtube™, SoundCloud™, Netflix™ or any other site you want. We made the interface of our Volume Booster as simple and intuitive as the volume control and volume sound, keeping all its functions in a lightweight case. How to use Sound booster Chrome extension: 1. Install Volume Booster 2. Pin it in the toolbar 3. Click on the Volume Booster extension icon and enable the volume booster with toggle button. 4. Then, click on the extension icon and choose the Sound boost range. Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Sound Booster extension. Use it on your favorite websites - Youtube, Spotify, VK, Deezer ... Volume Booster is an easy and convenient music tool for brilliant sounding of your favorite songs. Just try to take advantage of this Equalizer and enjoy its benefits. Volume Master extension Optimize the sound according to the genre which you listening with equalizer for chrome browser. Equalizer allows you to improve sound quality of your Chrome browser to get more enjoy of listening music and watching videos. Audio Booster - chrome extension that help you to set a desired speaker volume degree for each individual tab in your browser. This app have a simple interface of sound volume control switch as it just possible with keeping all of its power in a light design. Stylish popup Volume Master with a volume switch with a list of tabs that a now playing audio content. Full screen Volume Master Chrome prevents you from going to a complete full-screen when using any extension manipulating with sound so you can always see the blue rectangle icon in the tab bar (to be aware of audio is being manipulated). There's no way to bypass it and after all it's a good thing that keeps you safe. Bass Booster - Sound effect to enhance the sound of low frequencies; - Preset Vocal Booster - boost the high frequencies of the sound. Volume Controller extension helps you to set a desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are just bursting with media content such as videos, music, streams, audio and video ads. To take control over all that audio you need a power volume adjust tool with the ability to set individual volume settings for each tab. To solve that task we developed our audio volume control extension. Want to turn up the Bass Booster? Access the popup menu and pick a new preset. The Default setting is meant to increase the Bass by a little bit so feel free to go higher. Want to turn off Bass Booster? Access the popup menu and disable Bass Boost. This will disable Bass Boost on the current tab, without effecting any other Bass Boosted tabs. It helps you to get rid of high volume *auto-play* videos while browsing facebook, twitter, web.whatsapp, youtube and any other streaming sites (html5 videos) As you can see Volume Booster and Bass Boost is really simple to use while greatly improving your speakers/headphones, so download it now! We hope you find our Volume Master useful! We are waiting for your feedback.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-26) prince kumar: its not working
  • (2024-04-13) Petr Slavik: Didn't do anything for me. Volume remains the same no matter what I do with the slider :-(
  • (2024-03-23) Guille Lugo: Funciona excelentee!!!!!!!!
  • (2024-03-10) Muhammad Hassan: not working
  • (2024-03-10) Kj Jihad: good
  • (2024-02-25) Morten Gregersen: Its says volume ""AND"" bass booster, it only delivers on one of those 2, and even then its do not make the sound even close to 500% louder, maybe 50-75% louder at max.
  • (2024-02-24) Gordon Main: Works great on my new chromebook
  • (2024-02-06) Softehard Solutions Informática: Lixo, não funciona, desinstalei, reinstalei, reiniciei o Yandex e nada, perfeito LIXO!
  • (2024-02-06) Aleš Gregor: funguje to
  • (2024-01-25) Sam Rooney: nics
  • (2024-01-16) zunaishanoor noor: wowwwww its amazing absolutely perfect
  • (2024-01-15) North Rider: this extension is freakin nice for those begginers there these is for you
  • (2024-01-13) Pjdj: It is really awsome
  • (2024-01-09) Adam Podzemský: paráda absolutni
  • (2023-12-13) Nick Galea: This is a simple & great extension that is very easy to use.
  • (2023-12-08) John C: This is working great. The extension can be added without triggering the anti-virus programs on the computer like some of the other extensions. It does work.
  • (2023-12-04) devin williams: made the sound staticky
  • (2023-11-28) Antonio Alex: Funcional. Fones HyperX
  • (2023-11-27) Fabian Iturralde: It didn't work for me. 500% or 100% I hear all at the same level.
  • (2023-11-26) in vino veritas: great
  • (2023-11-25) Arianne Bustillos: love it
  • (2023-11-21) Alan Lerner: Thank You!!
  • (2023-11-21) Devendra Neupane: volume increased dramatically
  • (2023-11-19) Moldovan Radu: practical and usefull
  • (2023-11-12) Anderson Santiago: Very helpful to hear your standard laptop, Have to pin it due to about every video it goes back to default, But is fantastic extension and can't beat the price. Thank ya much. Good Job!
  • (2023-11-11) Waleska Valéria: It works GREAT on my Raspberry Pi computer and does an excellent job of boosting content enough that the you can hear it through the wimpy built-in headphone jack. This extension doesn't use too much CPU or introduce too much lag into the audio (although it may matter for online games). However, on my ancient laptop, it does not work whatsoever. Sound is not an issue on my laptop (it has good speakers), so I give this extension a 4/5 average across my 2 devices.
  • (2023-11-10) Umm AbdiLlah: I love this! It's amazing, however there is one issue. When activated, it messes with the full-screen functionality.
  • (2023-11-08) Lima / Dio.Lucas: Ayo this cool man. I can blast my music and stuff- and when I'm on google meets n' stuff i can just boost other things. It's easy use and the amplified volume is great.
  • (2023-11-07) tiryakiol mühendislik: Well this is what i searched for a long time. I tried many volume boosters but they are useless bcz they making strange sounds tho- but this didnt! i loved it, i reccomend anyone who wants have loud music :D
  • (2023-11-07) Genilson Lima .H: This is a very helpful extension. I hate it when certain youtube videos are like 10 decibels than all the other ones. This extension is very simple to use.
  • (2023-11-05) Guilherme Gasparin: With soooooo many amateurs making movies on YouTube, the volume varies greatly. You have finally helped this old fat white to hear whatever they put out.nGood Job!!!
  • (2023-11-05) Daniely Carvalho: I loved it.nNow i can listen to music in desktop.It is very helpful.nbut i doubt it may effect my speakers??
  • (2023-11-04) Grozag 49: The extension is great and really useful, the only flaw I find annoying is that sometimes when I lower the volume of a particular tab, the audio of that tab becomes noisy.nI request the devs to fix this issue, otherwise the app is perfect
  • (2023-11-04) Sávio: I love this and can't believe it's free. I've tried many but none is as good. Have no idea how this thing works. By that I mean how is it possible for an extension to do something that the company who built the computer couldn't. Only problem and it is bothersome is that it only works for one or two short videos has to be checked and increased every few minutes. I wish there was a way to permanently set it.FABULOUS - can't believe it's fixed my audio issues so perfectly on a mac and a pc. Can turn the sound up to 600% louder for heavens sake. Brilliant stuff, thank you. Wish I had it years ago and saved myself mucho frustration
  • (2023-11-03) Gabriel P.N. Sousa: I love being able to turn my music up louder than I need to. It's the best way to do get the house work done. Even though I'm pretty sure I've blown my speakers, the first day I got my laptop.....lmao oops, my bad. roflmao AWESOME APP!!!!
  • (2023-11-03) kev9401: I Like it! that no download no premium subscriptions and the problem is the volume when it reach need some clear volume sound when it reach 100+ but i like it please improved the sound every time you put it on super high
  • (2023-11-02) Joaquim Rodrigues de Oliveira Junior: I hate the fact that there is alot of videos with super low volume and this extension solved the problem nbut the only thing i mildly dislike is 250% and ABOVE will make the volume less clear
  • (2023-10-31) Aboubakar Sidik Moma NFONCHIGBA: I've tried 4 different volume control extensions and this is the best one I've used, hands down. Probably the most reliable volume control extension out there! I really appreciate the reliability and also the minimal design.
  • (2023-10-31) Kelly Pantoja: I am a volume junkie I love my music loud but don't want it to sound muffled This extension is AWESOME keep up the good work I am glad I found it have a awesome day
  • (2023-10-30) Warskiller 996: Honestly this is probably one of the simplest, no-hassle, sound-amplifier Apps in the Chrome Web Store. It has a simple and easy to understand user-interface and it actually works without all the intrusive sponsor ads. Help the guy out if you agree with my review and make a small donation to the developer of the app.
  • (2023-10-29) larissa nichetti: Been using this for the longest time. Used several others but this one beats of all them by miles. Great extension. LOVED IT!
  • (2023-10-27) adrien FERRE: I love this extension it's so handy whenever I am doing my online classes and i'm in a call with friend and I don't want to hear the volume of the two meets colliding!!!Love it and it's amazing! Can't beleive it's free at that.
  • (2023-10-23) Maxiguns: It's great! But, at one point it just stopped working for some reason! PLEASE fix this!nThank you.
  • (2023-10-21) icaro Martins: i can use it in online class its so cool i love it love you who created this love him
  • (2023-10-20) happy bitch: this is one of a kind of the best!
  • (2023-10-14) Komica Djalovic: It works,
  • (2023-10-13) Filipe Ropeca: It's really good actually. I thought since it was free it would be garbage but then i saw Hasanabi use it while streaming so I got it and it helped a lot
  • (2023-10-11) Fhontz praq: Love it, lots of control from a simple sliding bar, though a quick switch as well as quick mute would be nice
  • (2023-10-10) Frank Rojas: This app is awesome and does what it says. I would even pay a few bucks for it. nnI would like to see this in Chrome for tablets but sadly the Android version of Chrome is crippled and you can't add extensions.
  • (2023-10-09) renan oliveira: This is so good especially when im listening to music so i can't hear the outside world. Thank you for making this a extension!


800,000 history
4.7462 (327 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-06 / 1.2.10
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