Description from extension meta
Control the way you watch video online.
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Description from store
SPOI Options gives you the power to customize your on-line video watching experiences.
Options is based on a paid subscription model. Licensed users will be billed $1.99 monthly, every six months, or every twelve months. A fully-functional trial license is also available.
• Disable pre-roll and in-video ads, annotations, and auto-play
• Hide page parts like the suggested videos, comments, descriptions, etc.
• Specify desired video quality / resolution
• Add keyboard controls to change video size, video quality, and hide page parts
• Add mouse controls to change your video size, volume, and scrub forward or rewind
• Change window and video display size
• Change video audio volume
• Set video start and end time, and loop or replay videos
• Synchronize your Options settings across different browsers and platforms
• Save bandwidth by blocking images, scripts, and fonts
• Create RSS links for keeping track of the latest media postings
Options works with 11 major video sites and embedded videos, including YouTube™ and Vimeo™.
For a full list of features, sites supported, and a detailed product description please visit
Options needs this level of access to handle embedded videos.
Do not host, archive, or distribute SPOI Options without written permission from smart people on ice, LLC..
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-30) Improved Tube: Hi there! Shouldn't we team already? Many smiles! -- PS: marked some dozens of the most silly 1-star reviews as spam.
- (2023-06-02) Daniel B.: Have been using this for years, there are unfortunate moments when it doesn't work after big youtube changes, but the developer fixes it quickly. When / If youtube stops working after they stop tolerating adblock I either hope that this will still work and or I will just stop using youtube. This tool was worth the money.
- (2020-10-27) just kidding: Most of the negative reviews here focus on the paid aspect, but that isn't what's really wrong with this - While I (personally) felt they were up-front about being a paid service, the extension itself is ABSOLUTELY NOT worth paying ANYTHING for. It would barely even be worth getting even if it were free. Most of the functions are redundant - YouTube ITSELF already provides most of what this extension charges you for. The features not covered by YouTube - namely, blocking ads - are either done much better by other extensions for free, or are so minor and simple - like mouse wheel/keyboard shortcuts or blocking parts of the page - you could probably make an extension for it yourself. Don't waste your time.
- (2019-11-25) Martha Koenig: This is the BEST YouTube extension to give you control over what the interface displays. I love being able to watch ad-free/pop-up free videos, auto-change the size, quality and UI and a zillion other things. Thank you for creating it—I wouldn't be able to live on-screen without it, and only $2/month, which is nothing these days. Worth. Every. Measly. Penny.
- (2019-05-01) It doesn't work.
- (2019-04-30) Anthony Arroyo: This is the best $2 I spend every month. Anybody complaining about the price clearly didn't read the description of the extension. Trust me, this is worth at least $2 a month. This extension makes youtube a joy to use! I forget that youtube even has ads until I use it on somebody else's computer! I have been using this extension for several years now, and in that time I have found several bugs. Using the developer feedback they fix the issue the same day in most cases and when they can't get it in one day they work with you to ensure the bug is fixed. I am blown away by the responsiveness of the developers. This extension makes youtube work like it really should!
- (2019-04-17) David Murrow: Worth 2$ per month. I will enjoy this add-on and I truly wish developers keep up the good work, until the Youtube dies.
- (2019-03-09) M O: I knew in advance the app service wasn't free, I was fine with that, what bothered me was that they go through huge lengths to hide the cancel button, don't waste your time or energy on any service like this, I'll probably never use any of googles chrome subscription apps ever again.
- (2018-09-16) uhm: It wants money for you to actually use this thing. It says free and then WHOOPS you have to pay. I don't recommend this to people who do not wanna spend money.
- (2018-04-26) Patrick Tabor: its a trick into SUBSCRIBING FOR MONEY or it will not work! please remove!
- (2017-12-10) Useless Account: Manual says you can reverse playlists there: Not true at all, no button showing after reload/restart
- (2017-11-29) Adrian McCann: Not worth $2 per month fee
- (2017-06-25) Mauricio: que pague ?? jajaaj
- (2017-06-14) Gersivan Oliveira: é pago.
- (2017-04-13) vebriyana sasvita: cool
- (2017-03-29) Lagos Infocalypse: I use this extention every day and have done for years. I wouldn't dream of going back to vanilla youtube. This rocks.
- (2017-01-24) Димон Ripper: Мусор. причем ебучий. Разрабы пидоры я уверен
- (2016-12-30) Aaron Bell: Developer, I'd say you did your job. If nothing else, you've made one guy's world just a little better. The 1-star reviews are so not fair. This extension works perfectly. You are super clear about the price. You're not defrauding anyone. (You work through PayPal, so I feel secure about this.) You're an honest group that deserves the money. Seriously, user. Be fair. You'll pay $5 for a cup of coffee, 30 days a month ($150). $2 a month (1.3% of that) for something you'll use far more often is worth it. (For me, it's worth it to get rid of BS clickbait.) Also, the other apps just don't work. They're not comprehensive, and fail to let me take control of YouTube. This app, however, works. I do have control over YouTube. Thank you, Developer. And thank you, User, for giving this developer your earned business.
- (2016-12-30) Joe Endozo: This is helping me right now create a minimal YouTube layout by removing functions I find distracting. After the trial, I find this extension still worthwhile. For myself, I remove the comments, recommended videos, and keep the video display window screen size. And by doing so, I spend less time getting sucked into the comments sections or what video to play next, thus, spending less time on the internet just browsing mindlessly. Great productivity extension.
- (2016-12-15) István Gnädig: They were smart when had a unique solution potientially used by millions. This could make them a good reputation and sell their other products. But semmingly they are not so smart whick makes them the Not So Smart People In A Melted Puddle.
- (2016-09-20) Stephen Howard: Don't download Scam - Free to download then demands money to use.
- (2016-09-09) Sebastian Tomasino: No tengo problema en pagar una app. No me gusta tanto una subscripcion pero de última si es un buen servicio, se evalua la opción. Pero estas lacras que crean un producto gratis, usan a toda una comunidad de usuarios como beta testers para pulir un producto y cuando ya lo tienen listo lo empiezan a vender sin cosiderar todo el crecimiento que tuvieron gracias a estos cientos de beta tester GRATIS, me indigna... Ademas... 2 dolares al mes por esto?? estan locos??
- (2016-09-08) Nutu Micutu: I preffer to pay 1 pound for this. Now my daughter can play music without any headache. Nice app!
- (2016-07-24) Steffen Relling: terrible, doesn't even work....
- (2016-06-01) Daniel Gardea Sánchez: .i.
- (2016-05-17) Константин Правдин: Не стоит своих денег.
- (2016-04-22) LouisB Chapman: I have been using this add-on for around a year, I love it. . .its clearly the best & most organised you-tube extension I have seen, the amount of users clearly states the obvious....1300 people know how to use it, and the rest just complain because they don't know what they are doing !! I give it 5 stars that it deserves..
- (2016-04-10) RAFFIL MUSIC STUDIO: best of the best
- (2016-04-09) Nyarlathotep: Без платно подписки не работает.