extension ExtPose

無限ダッシュボード - 他のタブとは異なる新しいタブ

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Description from extension meta


Image from store 無限ダッシュボード - 他のタブとは異なる新しいタブ
Description from store Infinity Dashboard では、スタート ページ以外でこれまで検索した可能性のあるすべてのものを追加することで、新しいタブに長く留まっていただけるようにしました。 インストールすると、Infinity Dashboard は美しい壁紙と検索バーのミニマルな外観でお客様をお迎えします。ミニマルなデザインがお好きならそのままでかまいませんが、カスタマイズをお求めの場合は、Infinite 機能のホームである HUB をぜひご利用ください。 さまざまな主流のオプションのリストから最適な検索エンジンを選択します。設定メニューで検索を簡単に切り替えることができます。 - ブックマーク。お気に入りの Web サイトのリストを管理し、スタート画面にピン留めしてスピード ダイヤルとしてすばやくアクセスできるようにします。 - アプリ。複数のサービス (Google、Apple)、メッセンジャー (Facebook、WhatsApp など)、ゲーム (2048、Super Mario、Doodle Jump など) からダッシュボードのピンを選択します。選択したものをダッシュ​​ボードにピン留めして、ブラウザーを起動した直後にすばやくアクセスします。 - セッション。ブラウザセッションを制御してブラウザを高速化します。セッションを保存し、必要に応じていつでも再開できます。 - ToDo。スタート画面に組み込まれたタスクを使用して生産性を維持します。 - メモ。すべてのメモ、パスワード、メモをホーム画面の 1 か所に保管します。 設定を確認する - パーソナル Web のデザイナーになります。 - 背景をカスタマイズ。魅力的な壁紙とライブ フォトのプリセットから選択するか、独自の背景をアップロードします。 - アプリをカスタマイズ。HUB にポップアップ表示するアプリを選択します。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-10) William Dourado: It keeps integrating gpt with google, but that doesn't please me, because it activates it even when I don't want it and uses my "credit" when I really want to use it on the openai platform
  • (2023-09-21) HE YOO: This extension causes the following error in CHATGPT. https://community.openai.com/t/chatgpt-steals-search-terms-from-other-tabs-returns-null-security-issue/219352
  • (2023-09-02) Ephe Amin: WOW GOOD APPS
  • (2023-08-30) cursed rai: dark mode needed for whole ui
  • (2023-08-29) June Oscar: 我之前也以为搜索引擎被绑架了,总是进到bing,很讨厌。然后发现可以改!右下角三小点点开的第一栏的第一点就是修改搜素引擎。我终于可以用回来啦!
  • (2023-07-06) Andrii Havryliuk: I never connected ChatGPT account. It did that on itself. Disgusting
  • (2023-05-28) Khang Đặng Bảo: fun
  • (2023-05-25) Michel Helms: Great plugin until a week ago, when it started to connect my ChatGPT account to Google without asking.
  • (2023-05-21) intense dabberoni: Extension was great for a while, served exclusively as a new tab reskin for Brave since I don't like the default new tab screen. Upon most recent update about a week ago, the extension opens "Infinite Tab" every time I search something on Google. There was no information about this on the extension page OR when the extension updated and now every single Google search query I run will also be put through ChatGPT and fed out to me next to Google search results. Total invasion of privacy! I also got hacked less than 4 days after this update was pushed. Uninstalled, reported, left this review. Please stay safe and away from this extension gone malware.
  • (2023-05-13) Kozeta Lelo: Very good replacement for the normal Chrome new tab page. It also has shortcuts to famous/popular websites, but it could've been better if at the moment you clicked on one of the website shortcuts, it would not open in a new tab, it would open in the same tab you were, like if I had he normal Google start page.
  • (2023-05-09) Aarik Pokras: It could be better When the user adds a bookmark, you should render the favicon from the website. Nobody likes seeing a picture of a messy website on their homepage.
  • (2023-05-04) Evan: Wow, this is great. More than I expected. Has notes and to-do list.. my 2 favorite tools. Plus MUCH more!
  • (2023-04-23) Jose ZL: nice
  • (2023-04-10) Frisbee Carter: I have been using this for over 2 years. I really appreciate having the ability to create a clean home page with my key bookmarks easlly available. For those complaining about the initial apps and bloat I would say "it is free!!! -- spend a bit of time customizing it like you would any other piece of software that you want to use several times a day !!" Two things keep me from giving it 5 stars, (1) It would get 5 stars from me if I had to the ability to save my configuration and easily move/copy it to another computer (2) make it easier to rearrange the icons. I can do it by unpinning them from the home screen and then re-pinning them but it would be nice to click and drag.
  • (2023-04-07) Noah: Why can't I change the website shortcut for the home page? It's ridiculous that it can't meet the most basic needs.
  • (2023-03-28) Hugo 087: es excelente, lo uso hace como 4 años y no lo cambiaré. Es facil, sutil y te deja el google hermoso. Messirve
  • (2023-03-09) Andres Rodriguez Suazo: Esta bakano, le pondría un usuario por si se desinstala no tener que volver a cargar los bookmarks y Seria bueno que le cambiaran la opción para abrir ventana en la misma pestaña
  • (2023-03-07) qwqxq: so called "Infinite Dashboard" Gives me no option to add my own bookmarks or change the link LMAO
  • (2023-02-20) Jaider Cortes: Debería tener opciones para eliminar los backgrounds que uno ya no usa, porque luego se empieza a llenar la lista, el resto esta muy bien.
  • (2023-01-31) Trịnh Tùng Khôn (Camera K.Cam): Pin Hub as default please
  • (2023-01-26) Leonardo Asenjo: Muy buena extension, hace que se vea mas lindo
  • (2023-01-16) Jorge: Le falta opcion para añadir marcadores, el resto excelente
  • (2023-01-15) lang lang: 太好用了,这是我用过的最好用的小插件,绝了,功能很齐全,喜欢!
  • (2022-12-26) Арсений Фольц (JustCwertyf): Мне по кайфу👍
  • (2022-12-11) 赤いきつね: 2021/12/30日現在、検索窓で検索エンジンの選択が出来ずに「Bing検索を強制」される様になった。 このままの仕様なら使い物にならないので他の拡張に変更する必要がありますね。 勿体ない。 2022/12/11日に気がついたら検索窓を「Bing」「Google」「Yahoo」「Yandex」「Duckduckgo」から選択できるように改善されていました。 いつ頃修正されたのかな? 検索エンジンを自分で選択出来る範囲が広がりとても便利に戻りましたので★1個から★★★★★5個に再評価いたします。 ありがとうございました。
  • (2022-11-17) Badillo Miramar Aldo Gael: gg
  • (2022-11-16) sam spade: This addon made the mistake of asking me to rate it. And I will. Honestly. Overall, it has a lot of nice features that could make it great. Sadly, it uses Controlled Target Market Advertising. When you Know the Code, you know that this is deliberately done- they Pin a large array of "apps" as ads. You must painstakingly individually click each one and unpin it. They do the same with the Apps Section, where there are columns of them. And you can only click each one one at a time to remove it. The intent is to make it painfully difficult on the user to bother wiping their garbage out of your view - as targeted advertising. And that scheming dirty tactic is enough that I only gave 1 star because Zero Stars is not a clickable option.
  • (2022-11-01) Mitch: Unlike other reviews, currently I have the option to change search engine and remove search bar. Dark theme for the menus would be nice. Cloud sync for settings would be nice. However, it does what I want it to do; it lets me set a custom background picture without setting a theme for the whole browser, with a search bar for my search engine of choice (duckduckgo).
  • (2022-10-29) Personal Ian: esta casi perfecto solo le falla que al poner algunos fondos en movimiento salga una barra de reproducción y se vea algo mal pero ademas de eso me encanta
  • (2022-10-13) Yonghao Zhang: Baidu should be added to the search engine bar.
  • (2022-10-06) Engels Grau: Es demasiado buena!
  • (2022-09-16) Szűcs Gergely: bloated with proprietary corpo bullpoop
  • (2022-09-06) Bartlomiej Bernat: This is a joke. After each update my collection of shortcuts icons are being replaced with apparently paid services and bloatware like FB, LitB, Pharmacies etc. EACH TIME. And guess what those icons are not removable!
  • (2022-09-01) Karomi: It was a good extension back then. But now the ugly search bar is unremovable. It's meh now.
  • (2022-08-23) abdelxgaming Reda: كان رائع جدا و ايضافتة
  • (2022-08-20) Ashutosh Palhare: Awesome
  • (2022-03-21) Felipe Almeida: Fantastic. I only miss some customization options. For instane being able to choose the search engine of the search bar and having a dark mode for the extension menu. I simply cannot use the extension without the former and the latter would be a huge QoL feature.
  • (2022-03-19) Elias Jenkins: very good for Brave users that want to change the background, but PLEASE add an option to remove the search bar in the middle. I will then rate 5 stars if it really matters :)
  • (2022-03-17) Jesús T. Ramos: Le hace falta muuucha personalización.
  • (2022-03-16) Mohammed Rami Benhamida: Best Extension for brave
  • (2022-02-25) GameWithLegends: i love it, it gives alot more options to how you want your google to look but i do have a small problem with it it that whenrever you press on the icons insted of it opening on the tab that your on it opens it in a new tab and i was wondering if that was a problem that evrybody has or just me
  • (2022-02-23) Epi mendoza: solo queria ponerle fondo a Chrome y me terminaron encantando las demas funciones
  • (2022-02-20) La Papa: Simplemente increíble
  • (2022-01-25) Михаил С: было хорошо, но эта навязывание поисковика бинг - втопку, удаляю
  • (2022-01-22) TechPlugged: Best one among other Infinity Tab extensions.
  • (2022-01-22) Nguyễn Tiến Đức: Rất hay
  • (2022-01-16) Velivian Fesothe: I don't remember clearly but I'm sure the last time I installed this there was more options and the choice to choose what search engine you wanted for the centre search box as well as turning off the search box. Maybe I'm miss remembering idk but I don't want bing it should respect my browser choice, usually bing and others are forced on us when the developers want to make money through referrals I'm not saying this does but keep in mind it's the developers choice not ours. The animated backgrounds are pretty much the only reason I use it, but it needs to allow us to apply one from our local pc files.
  • (2022-01-16) Aaron Herbst: privacy policy and chrome webstore privacy practices are not the same. in the extension privacy it claims to collect no information, in the privacy policy they do collect information.
  • (2022-01-06) John Zhang: 搜索引擎被强制使用Bing,无法修改,可我要的是Google。
  • (2022-01-01) 山田太郎: なんで検索をBingに固定したんだよ


200,000 history
4.4375 (1,360 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-25 / 4.1.0
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