Description from extension meta
Automatically highlight the search terms in web pages and new browser tabs opened from Google or Bing search results
Image from store
Description from store
Click the extension's icon in a Google or Bing search result page. Click any link from a Google or Bing search result page, the words of the search query are automatically highlighted in any page opened in the same or a new tab as long as it has a search engine parent in its history. Click any links and navigate to any pages in the same or multiple new tabs, the search terms from the parental search result page will remain highlighted in all child pages, navigated to directly or indirectly from the search engine. Click the extension icon to stop highlighting and propagating the keywords during navigation.
The keywords are the search query, they are saved in navigation history. If you open another web search page or execute a search with another query in the same web page, the new keywords will be highlighted in the newly found pages and their descendants.
The extension does not need to be configure and has no options. The only user interface is the extension icon. It can be activated on a or webpages and then deactivated in any found pages or descendants of the found pages.
The keywords are highlighted without modifications in the DOM.
The source code is open.