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Classic Microsoft Edge "Tabs Aside" feature
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Classic Microsoft Edge "Tabs Aside" feature for Chromium-based browsers
If you’re like me, you often find yourself with a bunch of open tabs. You’d like to get those tabs out of the way sometimes, but they’re maybe not worth saving as actual bookmarks.
In the Edge browser, Microsoft has introduced a new feature called "Tabs aside" (or Tab groups) which lets you set tabs aside in a sort of temporary workspace so that you can call them back up later.
Unfortunately, in new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, the devs decided not to implement this must-have-feature. So, I've decided to create a browser extension which replicates this awesome feature in Chromium-based browsers
## Features
- Familiar UI inherited from legacy Microsoft Edge with some improvements
- Auto Dark mode*
- Now you can restore one tab from collection without removing
- Convenient hotkeys
- Ability to load restored tabs on your demand
## Hey, It's open-source software!
If you know how to improve this extension you can check its GitHub Repository at
Check out release changelog on
*Color mode of the extension depends on the color mode of your operating system
Latest reviews
- (2022-10-17) Admin TKRUO: Казалось бы полезной должна быть, но сколько матов наверное получил автор не зная этого. Во первых в некоторых браузерах типа EDGE есть аналогичная встроенная функция, во вторых оно откладывает все вкладки, А сегодня люди используют группировку вкладок, в итоге сбивает группировку или вообще сессию и то и то не приятно. Придется все возвращать в ручную, а в браузерах типа яндекса сессию уже и не вернете... А функции сохранения сессии в плагине нет...Идея не плохая но до не приятного сирая. Зачем вообще нужно откладывать все открытые вкладки, и почему нет сохранения сессии и добавления названия отложенным вкладкам. тут уж встроенная панель ссылок в браузере актуальнее включаете, создаете категории, подкатегории и сохраняете вкладку вот она и отложена, нет рисков, нет гемора, нет проблем... Но сама идея не плохая...
- (2022-03-22) xx w: 很实用! 但是刚才发现了一个问题,当我搁置标签页时弹出一个窗口“标签页无法被搁置. 可能是因为您尝试一次性搁置过多的标签页, 或是先前搁置的标签页过多.”,该如何解决?
- (2022-03-06) Vince Aggrippino: Always alerts _Tabs could not be set aside_ regardless of how many tabs I've selected.
- (2022-02-19) Shaman Valius: Браво! Давно искал подобное))) Даже подумывал сделать что-то подобное сам на основе других расширений (накачал их тонну), например onetab, onetabplus и др. (хоть и не шарю в java script вообще). А тут случайно встретил. Чего не хватает: -Закрепления вкладок (чтобы случайно не удалить и при открытии они оставались сохраненными). -Импорт и экспорт (в разных форматах).
- (2021-11-28) Кирилл Носов: Шикарно! То, чего очень не хватало, когда Майки убрали функцию из Edge при переходе на chromium. Автору - от души спасибо, всё работает быстро и один в один с той же логикой, что и функция на старом Edge. Спасибо! Разработчикам: огромная просьба добавить сохранение Групп вкладок. Если объединённые в Группы вкладки сохранить (отложить) - то при восстановлении вкладки будут восстановлены без объединения в группы. Было бы очень (!) удобно, если бы при восстановлении вкладок они восстанавливались с учётом того, как были сгруппированы ранее! Очень прошу рассмотреть вопрос.
- (2021-10-05) Ngo Cong Hau: This extension is way too underrated
- (2021-09-29) Hervé Nahon: Hello, This extension for Chrome is what I was looking for to save an environment of several tabs. I'm not sure if it's possible to set a boolean choice to make it "unerasable" in the list of tab environment records in order to protect it from being erased by mistake? Would it also be possible to directly save a tab group as defined in Chrome? Great work Keep up this good work @+ Hervé
- (2021-08-06) uri reissu: ¿habrá una version de navegador con esta extension en forma nativa?
- (2021-07-13) Kxeo: Dang, this extension is good! A suggestion though is instead of putting ALL the tabs aside, why not just make the current tab aside?
- (2021-06-11) Kubo: EDIT 3: this behavior - chrome button triggers side panel opening, - edge button triggers action of putting tabs aside, can be deactivated from 3dots menu in aside pane. - suggestion - is to make first menu option pane opening not link to chrome store - this is useless as 1st choice when you have this default action preset to trigger tab aside. EDIT2 : - no way to select a text right click set aside - it creates thumbnails (bigger with text in it and clickable link) select a text in webpage - than click tab aside and put this one tab aside and in note to this entry copy the selected webpage text EDIT : Tabs could not be set aside. You may be trying to set too many tabs aside at once, or have too many tabs already set aside. ???? what ? I have 8 entries ... - Cool but covers whole area / not half way as on the pictures above - no chance to reorder thumbnails - no way to disable delete confirmation :/ X is really an internation sign to remove item, so disable a confirmation dialogue would be amazing - no way to select a text right click set asade - it creates thumbnails (bigger with text in it and clickable link) - to make it able to export into (text editor) would be amazing and final touch
- (2021-05-01) Bilal Ghani: I liked the concept but one key feature is missing. On edge we can also restore the exact page number you leave the pdf on. Here, on the other hand, it does restore the pdfs but from the starting page. If this extension could also open the page where you left it from, then that would be phenomenal.
- (2021-04-21) Artemi Lebedev: Good expansion but no export and no sidebar
- (2021-04-06) Daniel Fellipe: Extensão boa e bonita, mas ela fechar automaticamente as abas que salvo e apagar o grupo de abas no botão principal de reabrir me faz usar outra extensão semelhante. Espero que no futuro essas questões sejam resolvidas (estou usando o Tabs Aside nesse momento).
- (2021-03-23) Jatin Saini: Sweet and simple. Does want I wanted!
- (2021-03-22) oo pp: 有了它,chrome完全不输于edge,感谢开发者
- (2021-03-04) Carlo Monti: What is the new bookmark permission for?
- (2021-03-03) Joe Richards: Hey it's good, really. Today it updated though and I think now all the set aside tabs are in chronological order (they used to be reverse, most recent first). This new order is much less helpful I would like the option to reverse this back. Now I'm seeing all the same tabs from weeks ago, which is probably not the ones I'm going to want to restore first (which would be my recent sessions). Thanks.
- (2021-03-02) Adam Vale: Does it's job perfectly. I've never had a tab lost, even after updates and crashes.
- (2021-01-15) Asado san: Really Really great extension, this is way better than organizing my important webpages just to get lost in bookmarks bar, way better than saving the link in notepads, & far more efficient that my memory
- (2021-01-02) Tami: I absolutely love this extension! I get working on one thing with a TON of tabs open, then something else pops into my head, so up comes another window with even more tabs. Then another thing will pop, another window - more tabs, and on and on! I've tried just about every Tab Manager available and the only one that I've stuck with consistently over the past few years is Session Buddy. But there are times when I don't want to save the tabs and just want an easy way to sit them aside so that I can work on thing at a time, then delete those and move on until I've cleared them all out. With Session Buddy, it just seems like there are too many steps to do that if I'm not wanting to save them for a long period of time. This extension works perfectly for it! One click in and out! Couldn't be more convenient! I like the ideas you have of expanding it and the tweaks you'll be adding that you've mentioned. There are a few things that would be great to have in it, but at this point, I couldn't be happier with it. One thing that would be great to have is the ability to add a tab into a particular group. I know that many times while working on a particular project, I'll think of a site that I need to look at or a search I need to do for another project when I get back to it. In Session Buddy you have the ability to save the new tab(s) and then merge them with the group they belong to. But that definitely isn't a deal breaker in the least and for an extension this great, I'm happy to work around that. This is the best extension I've downloaded over the past year by far! Great work! And thank you!
- (2020-11-23) flobi: I really love this extension! I'd just want to ask, if it would be possible to - Manually edit groups, like adding pages, removing them - Create groups manually and adding links Just curious, thank you for this awesome extension!
- (2020-11-22) Debbie Afolayan: It was absolutely great until it wasn't. The Extension suddenly stopped responding when I clicked it, so all my tabs are now lost because the only way i can get the extension working again is to remove it and add it back and since there is no cloud storage they're lost forever. Apart from this problem i really liked this extension however I can't recommend it if it you're at risk of loving all tabs kept a side due to it malfunctioning.
- (2020-11-19) Peter Marji: Well Done, the best one out there. Other extns deleted my tabs every time chrome updated!
- (2020-10-28) Андрей Турцев: Спасибо, очень удобное и простое расширение
- (2020-10-19) Daniel: This extension is awesome! Pretty much the only reason I was using Edge was because of my horrible tab management habits and this feature has helped me tremendously to manage my tabs better and with RAM usage. Thank you for bringing this feature back, and to all browsers! Maybe my suggestion would be a sync between devices and browsers or an export/import feature.
- (2020-09-25) 李威树: 就搁置的功能来说是很不错的,把旧edge的搁置功能移植过来了,又不像其他扩展那样一大堆多余功能,简洁高效,可以给满分。 但还是有些bug,这里提一下我发现的。一个是恢复标签页的时候,偶尔出现部分标签页丢失,变成了一个奇怪的地址;另一个是搁置的标签页的预览几乎没用,搁置了几批一共二十几个标签页,仅一个出现了预览,其他的都是默认缺省图。
- (2020-09-16) mtamg: i tried all the "tab aside" extention and this one is the best
- (2020-09-06) amack: Yes!!! This is awesome.
- (2020-09-04) Agustin Simoncelli: I love it, really useful. There's some improvements that could be made, but the developer did a great job so far
- (2020-08-11) Kartikey Hadiya: would like to move only certain tabs aside and also name the groups. Also it would be helpful if the information about tabs can be stored on account so that it can be accessed from elsewhere.
- (2020-08-06) David Bollinger: edge self updated today and removed all one of it's useful features. I prefer chrome anyway, and this extension lets me have the only thing I liked about edge, but in chrome. I did prefer the interface that edge had, with a single click button to store the tabs and a separate one to bring them back, but this is what's available, and having the interface hidden in a menu is worth not using edge anyway.
- (2020-08-03) Андрей Мельников: А можно сделать настройку, чтобы не откладывались закрепленные вкладки? они исчезают, а когда открываются нужна нажать, открепить и потом закрепить, чтобы вернулись на место( А так, очень понравилось все.
- (2020-07-27) allen zou: 很不错的插件,启动方式带预览,感觉比 Edge 的更好用呢!
- (2020-07-18) Jango Du: i wonder why my extension doesnt be aside but a new full tab
- (2020-06-29) sea E: Fans from China use Google Translate: add the undo option after clicking the [remove collection] option, this will avoid the loss caused by accidental touch. Hope the author sees :)
- (2020-04-09) Alexey Sarantsev: Good!
- (2020-04-07) Francesco Montanari: It would be useful to be able to move only certain tabs aside, not all of them
- (2020-04-01) Isaiah Shade: Woah, this is borderline identical to Microsoft's. Pops out like side-bar, the simple UI, recover individual tabs. everything! I only wish that it would load the preview of the page, but its not like anything else does that, so it doesn't bother me by even a micrometer. I recommend 100%, you literally will not find anything remotely close to this.