extension ExtPose

Natisni! gumb

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Gumb za bližnjico, enako kot pritiskanje Ctrl + p.

Image from store Natisni! gumb
Description from store To razširitev je namenjena: • Uporaba na zaslonih na dotik. • Uporaba v situacijah, ko ni dostopa do tipkovnice. • Zagotavljanje hitre možnosti za ljudi, ki raje uporabljajo miško. • Povečanje dostopnosti. Razširitev ne spremeni tiskanja, dobili boste isto, kar bi dobili, če bi pritisnili Ctrl+p ali Cmd+p. Ni prilagajanja. # Omejitve: Vse razširitve lahko delujejo le na spletnih mestih - razširitev NE BO delovala na datotekah PDF. Vse razširitve ne morejo delovati v trgovini Chrome. # Kako nastaviti: Kliknite na ikono sestavljanke ob naslovni vrstici, nato pa kliknite na zatič poleg razširitve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Print! - Print button Button shortcut to the printing window, same as pressing Ctrl + p. This extension is intended: • To be used on touch screens. • To be used in situations where there isn't access to a keyboard. • To provide a fast option for people that prefer to use a mouse. • To increase accessibility. The extension does not change the print, you will get the same thing you will get if you press Ctrl+p or Cmd+p. There isn't any customization. #Limitations: All extensions can work on web sites ONLY - The extension will NOT work on pdf files. All extensions can't work on the Chrome web store. #How to set up: Press the puzzle icon near the address bar and then press the pin next to the extension.


1,000 history
5.0 (4 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-14 / 0.8.0
Listing languages
