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Take TweetDeck to the next level!
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Improve your experience on TweetDeck web with tons of features!
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Latest reviews
- (2023-08-18) Андрій Пиндик: To all of those who made this app possible, I salute you! Thanks and RIP Tweetdeck
- (2023-08-18) Cuyler Extralink: I salute your years of service in providing a quality extension, brightening and enhancing an already stellar Twitter app. It's sad to see legacy and TweetDeck itself go, but the memories of having a way to view Twitter without wanting to jump in a volcano will always be fondly looked back upon. Thank-you, and rest in pieces ✊😔
- (2023-08-02) media west: well kids. looks like chuckles is going to take down the original api. you will have to be a subscriber to use the 'new' tweetdeck. big loss for first responders and vital info during events. he thinks having a couple thousand subscribers will save twitter. been using tweetdeck before jack bought it.
- (2023-07-27) Pedrithor: Hasta que Musk se cargó TweetDeck, esta extensión era una maravilla. Gracias por todo.
- (2023-07-09) hikus pocus: o7
- (2023-07-08) Alipluss Ali: The Best, Thanks! ❤️
- (2023-07-04) David Hall (moogs): Thank you for your years of service o7
- (2023-07-03) Simon: Not working to get rid of twitter preview
- (2023-05-23) Zize: No sirve en opera.
- (2023-02-15) トンバ: 開発終了してしまいました、お世話になりました。
- (2023-01-27) troquei de nick: excelent
- (2022-08-03) Kii Vornik (きい): 8/3 15時頃確認したら修正されたっぽい?です。よかった!!いつも助かってます…!!!! >>22年8/2の夕方頃から、なぜかこの拡張機能をオンにしてるとTweetDeckが固まるようになりました。オフにすると改善するので原因なのは間違いないのですが、とても助かってたので使えなくなったのがとても不便です。。修正をお待ちしています。
- (2022-06-15) Ярослав Майкович: There's a lot useful functions, but for me personally light/dark mode auto switcher for Tweetdeck was absolutely what I'm looking for!
- (2022-06-10) Anton C: Attention, extension dont le but caché semble être la promotion de la transsexualité et autres théories du genre importées de l'extrême gauche radicale américaine. A fuir.
- (2022-05-03) Xxx: 无法读取或更改网站的数据 垃圾扩展程序
- (2022-01-24) Silas Duarte: Todo genial. Si se pudiera agregar una opción de traducción automatica de tweets sería lo ultimo. Excelente complemento.
- (2021-12-01) Piet Konings: Werkt niet.
- (2021-11-12) MrRukrio1: it's always morally correct to bully NFT collectors.
- (2021-10-05) MOGI YO: Tweetdeckかゆいところに手が届かぁああああ!!!届くんです!!!!これ使えばできるんです!!!すごいよ大体解決するよ!!! 怪しい通販番組みたいだけどほんとだよ!!!
- (2021-08-11) Hervé Simard: J'ai beaucoup aimé, par contre il m'est impossible de citer un tweet en retweet qui contient un gif et d'en ajouter un dans mon tweet. Pourquoi donc?
- (2021-07-08) tak Jp: 今回の更新でコンテキストメニューの共有が機能しなくなりましたね。不便です。
- (2021-06-05) Sergey Mikhaylenko: Great extenshion! Thank you devs!
- (2021-05-23) ユーザ: 全体的に便利なのですが メディアダウンロードの命名規則が少々不便です 複数ファイルを含む画像ダウンロードすると、本来の順番通りの命名というのが出来ません ビューアで後で見るときにあべこべな順番で表示されてしまいます
- (2021-04-22) c g: Works great.
- (2021-04-06) ey La: 悪意のあるバージョンアップ。あまりに酷い。
- (2021-04-05) ひいらぎあや: Better TweetDeck 4.0.0 になったら、日本語設定が消えた上に、BTDで設定していた設定情報が吹き飛んでいる。 また、Tweetdeckの入力画面に絵文字アイコンが入っているので、TABキーからこの絵文字アイコンに 移動してから、Tweetボタンにカーソル移動するので不便で仕方がなくてものすごいストレス。 とりあえず日本語設定をすぐに表示して欲しい。
- (2020-10-10) Aziz P. Brimah: The chrome extension I didn't know I needed! I've been using Tweetdeck for the longest, but a quick google search for how to include emojis in it led me to this extension. It has customizations that make Tweetdeck and even better experience. Highly recommend for those who do serious social media!
- (2020-09-02) kawaii nicole: RT & Like counts have been off for some time.
- (2020-08-06) Eloy García Párraga: What's the point of having emojis if I can't use 🥺
- (2020-07-17) pancher: piolisima
- (2020-07-05) くるりら: 2020年7月5日午後0時04分 tweetdeck上で動画を再生すると、音が流れない。 Bluetoothイヤホン、PCのスピーカーともに確認したが症状は解決せず。 早急な改善を求む。
- (2020-06-27) Clément Wardzala: Clairement un must-have pour gérer ses publications plus simplement !
- (2020-03-01) Robin Hood: Why there is no button for bookmarks?
- (2019-12-13) Andrew Fallows: Exactly what I was looking for.
- (2019-11-21) Juner Sidry Dalaguit: I dont know if i'm the only one experiencing this but the extension does not load with tweetdeck everytime i access the website. i have to reload the extension always; it would've been better if bettertweetdeck loads with tweetdeck website.
- (2019-10-12) MrTrapper21: Thank you for making this!!
- (2019-08-28) Walter: excelente
- (2019-07-03) Andy López: Nada de qué quejarme, lo que está mal se irá arreglando, lo que está bien está mejor que las opciones que ofrece Twitter. Felicitaciones al creador de esta maravillosa extensión.
- (2019-05-02) 米田 Komeda泰典 Yasunori: 左メニューの"BTD Settings" の表示が崩れて、コラム名に重なって表示される。 何となく気持ち悪い。 それ以外は最高。
- (2019-04-01) Elana: Current version will make the reply button go out of frame when typing up a reply over a certain amount of characters, making it so only the top third of the button can be clicked ( clicking on the lower part will expand the tweet below, instead of posting the reply. Otherwise there is some neat stuff in here.
- (2019-03-09) Rangel Desativaded: Voltarei a usar essa extensão assim que forem corrigidos os bugs!, caso não seja darei adeus
- (2019-03-09) Gellért Solymos: 3.8.2 sharing is not working !!!
- (2019-03-01) Abbas Zain: Very Use full (Y)
- (2019-02-09) Taynara Freitas: great!
- (2018-12-19) Wrey: It's good, however I feel like there could be a few changes that would really let you personalize TweetDeck even further. For example, when you collapse columns, let use choose if it goes to the left, right, or sticks to whichever thing you currently have open. Also, I think if you could change the individual width of each column that would be amazing. Personally I want my main feed to take up a majority of the screen, maybe about two thirds, while being able to have my messages or notifications take up the other third. I think if these features were added this would easily get a 5 star rating from me.
- (2018-12-03) Ian Lain Hatch: Tried this out last week and enjoyed it, but this morning it asked for permission to read my access to sites with the domains "audiomac" and "ppn" which was alarming at best, so it's disabled for now.
- (2018-11-17) JAMAO, O CANHOTO MAIS FODA DESSE BRASIL: top pulta
- (2018-10-24) Ted Marcin: Im Moment kenne ich nichts besseres für Twitter , kann nur weiter empfehlen. Danke !!
- (2018-09-27) Harley Bartles: First impressions really great! The ability to inject custom CSS is a master bonus! I suggest the below CSS to get your columns to stretch fill your screen flexibly when you collapse columns, so whatever columns are open use the full width of the screen. { display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: space-between; } section.js-column.column.will-animate.btd-column-collapsed { min-width: 52px !important; } .column { width: 100% !important; } You could lose the last line and just put 100% in the seperate setting for custom column width. Good job.
- (2018-07-13) E M: neat features, but aggravatingly slow, then oddly 'jumpy', everything happens at once. being able to 'hide' annoying tweets is nice. having to wait literally 40+ seconds for BTD to respond so I can type a tweet is not. extension uses way too much CPU. fix that, maybe.